const { expect } = require('chai'); const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const path = require('path'); const ws = require('ws'); const url = require('url'); const ChildProcess = require('child_process'); const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron'); const { emittedOnce } = require('./events-helpers'); const { resolveGetters } = require('./expect-helpers'); const features = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_features'); /* Most of the APIs here don't use standard callbacks */ /* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */ describe('chromium feature', () => { const fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures'); let listener = null; afterEach(() => { if (listener != null) { window.removeEventListener('message', listener); } listener = null; }); describe('heap snapshot', () => { it('does not crash', function () { process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util').takeHeapSnapshot(); }); }); describe('navigator.webkitGetUserMedia', () => { it('calls its callbacks', (done) => { navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }, () => done(), () => done()); }); }); describe('navigator.language', () => { it('should not be empty', () => { expect(navigator.language).to.not.equal(''); }); }); describe('navigator.geolocation', () => { before(function () { if (!features.isFakeLocationProviderEnabled()) { return this.skip(); } }); it('returns position when permission is granted', (done) => { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { expect(position)'coords'); expect(position)'timestamp'); done(); }, (error) => { done(error); }); }); }); describe('', () => { it('accepts "nodeIntegration" as feature', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { expect(; b.close(); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); b =`file://${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-node.html`, '', 'nodeIntegration=no,show=no'); }); it('inherit options of parent window', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { const width = outerWidth; const height = outerHeight; expect(`size: ${width} ${height}`); b.close(); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); b =`file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open-size.html`, '', 'show=no'); }); it('disables node integration when it is disabled on the parent window', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { expect(; b.close(); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); const windowUrl = require('url').format({ pathname: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-no-node-integration.html`, protocol: 'file', query: { p: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-node.html` }, slashes: true }); b =, '', 'nodeIntegration=no,show=no'); }); it('disables the tag when it is disabled on the parent window', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { expect(; b.close(); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); const windowUrl = require('url').format({ pathname: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-no-webview-tag.html`, protocol: 'file', query: { p: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-webview.html` }, slashes: true }); b =, '', 'webviewTag=no,nodeIntegration=yes,show=no'); }); it('does not override child options', (done) => { let b = null; const size = { width: 350, height: 450 }; listener = (event) => { expect(`size: ${size.width} ${size.height}`); b.close(); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); b =`file://${fixtures}/pages/window-open-size.html`, '', 'show=no,width=' + size.width + ',height=' + size.height); }); it('throws an exception when the arguments cannot be converted to strings', () => { expect(() => {'', { toString: null }); }).to.throw('Cannot convert object to primitive value'); expect(() => {'', '', { toString: 3 }); }).to.throw('Cannot convert object to primitive value'); }); it('does not throw an exception when the features include webPreferences', () => { let b = null; expect(() => { b ='', '', 'webPreferences='); }).to.not.throw(); b.close(); }); }); describe('window.opener', () => { it('is not null for window opened by', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { expect('object'); b.close(); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); b =`file://${fixtures}/pages/window-opener.html`, '', 'show=no'); }); }); describe('window.postMessage', () => { it('throws an exception when the targetOrigin cannot be converted to a string', () => { const b =''); expect(() => { b.postMessage('test', { toString: null }); }).to.throw('Cannot convert object to primitive value'); b.close(); }); }); describe('window.opener.postMessage', () => { it('sets source and origin correctly', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { window.removeEventListener('message', listener); expect(event.source).to.deep.equal(b); b.close(); expect(event.origin).to.equal('file://'); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); b =`file://${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-postMessage.html`, '', 'show=no'); }); it('supports windows opened from a ', (done) => { const webview = new WebView(); webview.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { webview.remove(); expect(e.message).to.equal('message'); done(); }); webview.allowpopups = true; webview.src = url.format({ pathname: `${fixtures}/pages/webview-opener-postMessage.html`, protocol: 'file', query: { p: `${fixtures}/pages/window-opener-postMessage.html` }, slashes: true }); document.body.appendChild(webview); }); describe('targetOrigin argument', () => { let serverURL; let server; beforeEach((done) => { server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.writeHead(200); const filePath = path.join(fixtures, 'pages', 'window-opener-targetOrigin.html'); res.end(fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8')); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { serverURL = `${server.address().port}`; done(); }); }); afterEach(() => { server.close(); }); it('delivers messages that match the origin', (done) => { let b = null; listener = (event) => { window.removeEventListener('message', listener); b.close(); expect('deliver'); done(); }; window.addEventListener('message', listener); b =, '', 'show=no'); }); }); }); describe('webgl', () => { before(function () { if (process.platform === 'win32') { this.skip(); } }); it('can be get as context in canvas', () => { if (process.platform === 'linux') { // FIXME(alexeykuzmin): Skip the test. // this.skip() return; } const webgl = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('webgl'); expect(webgl); }); }); describe('web workers', () => { it('Worker can work', (done) => { const worker = new Worker('../fixtures/workers/worker.js'); const message = 'ping'; worker.onmessage = (event) => { expect(; worker.terminate(); done(); }; worker.postMessage(message); }); it('Worker has no node integration by default', (done) => { const worker = new Worker('../fixtures/workers/worker_node.js'); worker.onmessage = (event) => { expect('undefined undefined undefined undefined'); worker.terminate(); done(); }; }); it('Worker has node integration with nodeIntegrationInWorker', (done) => { const webview = new WebView(); webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { expect('object function object function'); webview.remove(); done(); }); webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/worker.html`; webview.setAttribute('webpreferences', 'nodeIntegration, nodeIntegrationInWorker'); document.body.appendChild(webview); }); // FIXME: disabled during chromium update due to crash in content::WorkerScriptFetchInitiator::CreateScriptLoaderOnIO xdescribe('SharedWorker', () => { it('can work', (done) => { const worker = new SharedWorker('../fixtures/workers/shared_worker.js'); const message = 'ping'; worker.port.onmessage = (event) => { expect(; done(); }; worker.port.postMessage(message); }); it('has no node integration by default', (done) => { const worker = new SharedWorker('../fixtures/workers/shared_worker_node.js'); worker.port.onmessage = (event) => { expect('undefined undefined undefined undefined'); done(); }; }); it('has node integration with nodeIntegrationInWorker', (done) => { const webview = new WebView(); webview.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { console.log(e); }); webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { expect('object function object function'); webview.remove(); done(); }); webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/shared_worker.html`; webview.setAttribute('webpreferences', 'nodeIntegration, nodeIntegrationInWorker'); document.body.appendChild(webview); }); }); }); describe('iframe', () => { let iframe = null; beforeEach(() => { iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(iframe); }); it('does not have node integration', (done) => { iframe.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/set-global.html`; document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.onload = () => { expect(iframe.contentWindow.test).to.equal('undefined undefined undefined'); done(); }; }); }); describe('storage', () => { describe('DOM storage quota increase', () => { ['localStorage', 'sessionStorage'].forEach((storageName) => { const storage = window[storageName]; it(`allows saving at least 40MiB in ${storageName}`, (done) => { // Although JavaScript strings use UTF-16, the underlying // storage provider may encode strings differently, muddling the // translation between character and byte counts. However, // a string of 40 * 2^20 characters will require at least 40MiB // and presumably no more than 80MiB, a size guaranteed to // to exceed the original 10MiB quota yet stay within the // new 100MiB quota. // Note that both the key name and value affect the total size. const testKeyName = '_electronDOMStorageQuotaIncreasedTest'; const length = 40 * Math.pow(2, 20) - testKeyName.length; storage.setItem(testKeyName, 'X'.repeat(length)); // Wait at least one turn of the event loop to help avoid false positives // Although not entirely necessary, the previous version of this test case // failed to detect a real problem (perhaps related to DOM storage data caching) // wherein calling `getItem` immediately after `setItem` would appear to work // but then later (e.g. next tick) it would not. setTimeout(() => { expect(storage.getItem(testKeyName)).to.have.lengthOf(length); storage.removeItem(testKeyName); done(); }, 1); }); it(`throws when attempting to use more than 128MiB in ${storageName}`, () => { expect(() => { const testKeyName = '_electronDOMStorageQuotaStillEnforcedTest'; const length = 128 * Math.pow(2, 20) - testKeyName.length; try { storage.setItem(testKeyName, 'X'.repeat(length)); } finally { storage.removeItem(testKeyName); } }).to.throw(); }); }); }); it('requesting persitent quota works', (done) => { navigator.webkitPersistentStorage.requestQuota(1024 * 1024, (grantedBytes) => { expect(grantedBytes).to.equal(1048576); done(); }); }); }); describe('websockets', () => { let wss = null; let server = null; const WebSocketServer = ws.Server; afterEach(() => { wss.close(); server.close(); }); it('has user agent', (done) => { server = http.createServer(); server.listen(0, '', () => { const port = server.address().port; wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: server }); wss.on('error', done); wss.on('connection', (ws, upgradeReq) => { if (upgradeReq.headers['user-agent']) { done(); } else { done('user agent is empty'); } }); const socket = new WebSocket(`ws://${port}`); }); }); }); describe('Promise', () => { it('resolves correctly in Node.js calls', (done) => { class XElement extends HTMLElement {} customElements.define('x-element', XElement); setImmediate(() => { let called = false; Promise.resolve().then(() => { done(called ? undefined : new Error('wrong sequence')); }); document.createElement('x-element'); called = true; }); }); it('resolves correctly in Electron calls', (done) => { class YElement extends HTMLElement {} customElements.define('y-element', YElement); ipcRenderer.invoke('ping').then(() => { let called = false; Promise.resolve().then(() => { done(called ? undefined : new Error('wrong sequence')); }); document.createElement('y-element'); called = true; }); }); }); describe('fetch', () => { it('does not crash', (done) => { const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.end('test'); server.close(); }); server.listen(0, '', () => { const port = server.address().port; fetch(`${port}`).then((res) => res.body.getReader()) .then((reader) => { => { reader.cancel(); done(); }); }).catch((e) => done(e)); }); }); }); describe('window.alert(message, title)', () => { it('throws an exception when the arguments cannot be converted to strings', () => { expect(() => { window.alert({ toString: null }); }).to.throw('Cannot convert object to primitive value'); }); }); describe('window.confirm(message, title)', () => { it('throws an exception when the arguments cannot be converted to strings', () => { expect(() => { window.confirm({ toString: null }, 'title'); }).to.throw('Cannot convert object to primitive value'); }); }); describe('window.history', () => { describe('window.history.go(offset)', () => { it('throws an exception when the argumnet cannot be converted to a string', () => { expect(() => { window.history.go({ toString: null }); }).to.throw('Cannot convert object to primitive value'); }); }); }); // TODO(nornagon): this is broken on CI, it triggers: // [FATAL:speech_synthesis.mojom-shared.h(237)] The outgoing message will // trigger VALIDATION_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_NULL_POINTER at the receiving side // (null text in SpeechSynthesisUtterance struct). describe.skip('SpeechSynthesis', () => { before(function () { if (!features.isTtsEnabled()) { this.skip(); } }); it('should emit lifecycle events', async () => { const sentence = `long sentence which will take at least a few seconds to utter so that it's possible to pause and resume before the end`; const utter = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(sentence); // Create a dummy utterence so that speech synthesis state // is initialized for later calls. speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance()); speechSynthesis.cancel(); speechSynthesis.speak(utter); // paused state after speak() expect(speechSynthesis.paused); await new Promise((resolve) => { utter.onstart = resolve; }); // paused state after start event expect(speechSynthesis.paused); speechSynthesis.pause(); // paused state changes async, right before the pause event expect(speechSynthesis.paused); await new Promise((resolve) => { utter.onpause = resolve; }); expect(speechSynthesis.paused); speechSynthesis.resume(); await new Promise((resolve) => { utter.onresume = resolve; }); // paused state after resume event expect(speechSynthesis.paused); await new Promise((resolve) => { utter.onend = resolve; }); }); }); }); describe('console functions', () => { it('should exist', () => { expect(console.log, 'log')'function'); expect(console.error, 'error')'function'); expect(console.warn, 'warn')'function'); expect(, 'info')'function'); expect(console.debug, 'debug')'function'); expect(console.trace, 'trace')'function'); expect(console.time, 'time')'function'); expect(console.timeEnd, 'timeEnd')'function'); }); });