EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter bindings = process.atomBinding 'app' sessionBindings = process.atomBinding 'session' downloadItemBindings = process.atomBinding 'download_item' app = bindings.app app.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype wrapSession = (session) -> # session is an Event Emitter. session.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype wrapDownloadItem = (downloadItem) -> # downloadItem is an Event Emitter. downloadItem.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype # Be compatible with old APIs. downloadItem.url = downloadItem.getUrl() downloadItem.filename = downloadItem.getFilename() downloadItem.mimeType = downloadItem.getMimeType() downloadItem.hasUserGesture = downloadItem.hasUserGesture() app.setApplicationMenu = (menu) -> require('menu').setApplicationMenu menu app.getApplicationMenu = -> require('menu').getApplicationMenu() app.commandLine = appendSwitch: bindings.appendSwitch, appendArgument: bindings.appendArgument if process.platform is 'darwin' app.dock = bounce: (type='informational') -> bindings.dockBounce type cancelBounce: bindings.dockCancelBounce setBadge: bindings.dockSetBadgeText getBadge: bindings.dockGetBadgeText hide: bindings.dockHide show: bindings.dockShow setMenu: bindings.dockSetMenu appPath = null app.setAppPath = (path) -> appPath = path app.getAppPath = -> appPath # Be compatible with old API. app.once 'ready', -> @emit 'finish-launching' app.terminate = app.quit app.exit = process.exit app.getHomeDir = -> @getPath 'home' app.getDataPath = -> @getPath 'userData' app.setDataPath = (path) -> @setPath 'userData', path app.resolveProxy = -> @defaultSession.resolveProxy.apply @defaultSession, arguments app.on 'activate', (event, hasVisibleWindows) -> @emit 'activate-with-no-open-windows' if not hasVisibleWindows # Wrappers for native classes. sessionBindings._setWrapSession wrapSession process.once 'exit', sessionBindings._clearWrapSession downloadItemBindings._setWrapDownloadItem wrapDownloadItem process.once 'exit', downloadItemBindings._clearWrapDownloadItem # Only one App object pemitted. module.exports = app