asar = process.binding 'atom_common_asar' child_process = require 'child_process' path = require 'path' util = require 'util' ### Cache asar archive objects. ### cachedArchives = {} getOrCreateArchive = (p) -> archive = cachedArchives[p] return archive if archive? archive = asar.createArchive p return false unless archive cachedArchives[p] = archive ### Clean cache on quit. ### process.on 'exit', -> archive.destroy() for own p, archive of cachedArchives ### Separate asar package's path from full path. ### splitPath = (p) -> ### shortcut to disable asar. ### return [false] if process.noAsar return [false] if typeof p isnt 'string' return [true, p, ''] if p.substr(-5) is '.asar' p = path.normalize p index = p.lastIndexOf ".asar#{path.sep}" return [false] if index is -1 [true, p.substr(0, index + 5), p.substr(index + 6)] ### Convert asar archive's Stats object to fs's Stats object. ### nextInode = 0 uid = if process.getuid? then process.getuid() else 0 gid = if process.getgid? then process.getgid() else 0 fakeTime = new Date() asarStatsToFsStats = (stats) -> { dev: 1, ino: ++nextInode, mode: 33188, nlink: 1, uid: uid, gid: gid, rdev: 0, atime: stats.atime || fakeTime, birthtime: stats.birthtime || fakeTime, mtime: stats.mtime || fakeTime, ctime: stats.ctime || fakeTime, size: stats.size, isFile: -> stats.isFile isDirectory: -> stats.isDirectory isSymbolicLink: -> stats.isLink isBlockDevice: -> false isCharacterDevice: -> false isFIFO: -> false isSocket: -> false } ### Create a ENOENT error. ### notFoundError = (asarPath, filePath, callback) -> error = new Error("ENOENT, #{filePath} not found in #{asarPath}") error.code = "ENOENT" error.errno = -2 unless typeof callback is 'function' throw error process.nextTick -> callback error ### Create a ENOTDIR error. ### notDirError = (callback) -> error = new Error('ENOTDIR, not a directory') error.code = 'ENOTDIR' error.errno = -20 unless typeof callback is 'function' throw error process.nextTick -> callback error ### Create invalid archive error. ### invalidArchiveError = (asarPath, callback) -> error = new Error("Invalid package #{asarPath}") unless typeof callback is 'function' throw error process.nextTick -> callback error ### Override APIs that rely on passing file path instead of content to C++. ### overrideAPISync = (module, name, arg = 0) -> old = module[name] module[name] = -> p = arguments[arg] [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return old.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive newPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless newPath arguments[arg] = newPath old.apply this, arguments overrideAPI = (module, name, arg = 0) -> old = module[name] module[name] = -> p = arguments[arg] [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return old.apply this, arguments unless isAsar callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1] return overrideAPISync module, name, arg unless typeof callback is 'function' archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive newPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless newPath arguments[arg] = newPath old.apply this, arguments ### Override fs APIs. ### exports.wrapFsWithAsar = (fs) -> lstatSync = fs.lstatSync fs.lstatSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return lstatSync p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive stats = archive.stat filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless stats asarStatsToFsStats stats lstat = fs.lstat fs.lstat = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return lstat p, callback unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive stats = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath).stat filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless stats process.nextTick -> callback null, asarStatsToFsStats stats statSync = fs.statSync fs.statSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return statSync p unless isAsar ### Do not distinguish links for now. ### fs.lstatSync p stat = fs.stat fs.stat = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return stat p, callback unless isAsar ### Do not distinguish links for now. ### process.nextTick -> fs.lstat p, callback statSyncNoException = fs.statSyncNoException fs.statSyncNoException = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return statSyncNoException p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return false unless archive stats = archive.stat filePath return false unless stats asarStatsToFsStats stats realpathSync = fs.realpathSync fs.realpathSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return realpathSync.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive real = archive.realpath filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath if real is false path.join realpathSync(asarPath), real realpath = fs.realpath fs.realpath = (p, cache, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return realpath.apply this, arguments unless isAsar if typeof cache is 'function' callback = cache cache = undefined archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive real = archive.realpath filePath if real is false return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback realpath asarPath, (err, p) -> return callback err if err callback null, path.join(p, real) exists = fs.exists fs.exists = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return exists p, callback unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive process.nextTick -> callback archive.stat(filePath) isnt false existsSync = fs.existsSync fs.existsSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return existsSync p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return false unless archive archive.stat(filePath) isnt false open = readFile = fs.readFile fs.readFile = (p, options, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readFile.apply this, arguments unless isAsar if typeof options is 'function' callback = options options = undefined archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive info = archive.getFileInfo filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless info if info.size is 0 return process.nextTick -> callback null, new Buffer(0) if info.unpacked realPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return fs.readFile realPath, options, callback if not options options = encoding: null else if util.isString options options = encoding: options else if not util.isObject options throw new TypeError('Bad arguments') encoding = options.encoding buffer = new Buffer(info.size) fd = archive.getFd() return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless fd >= 0 fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset, (error) -> callback error, if encoding then buffer.toString encoding else buffer openSync = fs.openSync readFileSync = fs.readFileSync fs.readFileSync = (p, opts) -> ### this allows v8 to optimize this function ### options = opts [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readFileSync.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive info = archive.getFileInfo filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless info if info.size is 0 return if options then '' else new Buffer(0) if info.unpacked realPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return fs.readFileSync realPath, options if not options options = encoding: null else if util.isString options options = encoding: options else if not util.isObject options throw new TypeError('Bad arguments') encoding = options.encoding buffer = new Buffer(info.size) fd = archive.getFd() notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless fd >= 0 fs.readSync fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset if encoding then buffer.toString encoding else buffer readdir = fs.readdir fs.readdir = (p, callback) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readdir.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return invalidArchiveError asarPath, callback unless archive files = archive.readdir filePath return notFoundError asarPath, filePath, callback unless files process.nextTick -> callback null, files readdirSync = fs.readdirSync fs.readdirSync = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return readdirSync.apply this, arguments unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath invalidArchiveError asarPath unless archive files = archive.readdir filePath notFoundError asarPath, filePath unless files files internalModuleReadFile = process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return internalModuleReadFile p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath return undefined unless archive info = archive.getFileInfo filePath return undefined unless info return '' if info.size is 0 if info.unpacked realPath = archive.copyFileOut filePath return fs.readFileSync realPath, encoding: 'utf8' buffer = new Buffer(info.size) fd = archive.getFd() return undefined unless fd >= 0 fs.readSync fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset buffer.toString 'utf8' internalModuleStat = process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat = (p) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return internalModuleStat p unless isAsar archive = getOrCreateArchive asarPath ### -ENOENT ### return -34 unless archive stats = archive.stat filePath ### -ENOENT ### return -34 unless stats if stats.isDirectory then return 1 else return 0 ### Calling mkdir for directory inside asar archive should throw ENOTDIR error, but on Windows it throws ENOENT. This is to work around the recursive looping bug of mkdirp since it is widely used. ### if process.platform is 'win32' mkdir = fs.mkdir fs.mkdir = (p, mode, callback) -> callback = mode if typeof mode is 'function' [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p return notDirError callback if isAsar and filePath.length mkdir p, mode, callback mkdirSync = fs.mkdirSync fs.mkdirSync = (p, mode) -> [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath p notDirError() if isAsar and filePath.length mkdirSync p, mode overrideAPI fs, 'open' overrideAPI child_process, 'execFile' overrideAPISync process, 'dlopen', 1 overrideAPISync require('module')._extensions, '.node', 1 overrideAPISync fs, 'openSync' overrideAPISync child_process, 'execFileSync'