<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Window events</title>

      <h1>Create and Manage Windows</h1>

        The <code>BrowserWindow</code> module in Electron allows you to create a
        new browser window or manage an existing one.

        Each browser window is a separate process, known as the renderer
        process. This process, like the main process that controls the life
        cycle of the app, has full access to the Node.js APIs.

        Open the
        <a href="https://electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window">
          full API documentation (opens in new window)
        in your browser.

        <h2>Window events</h2>
            <button id="listen-to-window">View Demo</button>
            <button id="focus-on-modal-window">
              Focus on Demo
            In this demo, we create a new window and listen for
            <code>blur</code> event on it. Click the demo button to create a new
            modal window, and switch focus back to the parent window by clicking
            on it. You can click the <i>Focus on Demo</i> button to switch focus
            to the modal window again.

      // You can also require other files to run in this process