'use strict' const url = require('url') const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const { Readable } = require('stream') const { app } = require('electron') const { Session } = process.electronBinding('session') const { net, Net } = process.electronBinding('net') const { URLRequest } = net // Net is an EventEmitter. Object.setPrototypeOf(Net.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype) EventEmitter.call(net) Object.setPrototypeOf(URLRequest.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype) const kSupportedProtocols = new Set(['http:', 'https:']) class IncomingMessage extends Readable { constructor (urlRequest) { super() this.urlRequest = urlRequest this.shouldPush = false this.data = [] this.urlRequest.on('data', (event, chunk) => { this._storeInternalData(chunk) this._pushInternalData() }) this.urlRequest.on('end', () => { this._storeInternalData(null) this._pushInternalData() }) } get statusCode () { return this.urlRequest.statusCode } get statusMessage () { return this.urlRequest.statusMessage } get headers () { return this.urlRequest.rawResponseHeaders } get httpVersion () { return `${this.httpVersionMajor}.${this.httpVersionMinor}` } get httpVersionMajor () { return this.urlRequest.httpVersionMajor } get httpVersionMinor () { return this.urlRequest.httpVersionMinor } get rawTrailers () { throw new Error('HTTP trailers are not supported.') } get trailers () { throw new Error('HTTP trailers are not supported.') } _storeInternalData (chunk) { this.data.push(chunk) } _pushInternalData () { while (this.shouldPush && this.data.length > 0) { const chunk = this.data.shift() this.shouldPush = this.push(chunk) } } _read () { this.shouldPush = true this._pushInternalData() } } URLRequest.prototype._emitRequestEvent = function (isAsync, ...rest) { if (isAsync) { process.nextTick(() => { this.clientRequest.emit(...rest) }) } else { this.clientRequest.emit(...rest) } } URLRequest.prototype._emitResponseEvent = function (isAsync, ...rest) { if (isAsync) { process.nextTick(() => { this._response.emit(...rest) }) } else { this._response.emit(...rest) } } class ClientRequest extends EventEmitter { constructor (options, callback) { super() if (!app.isReady()) { throw new Error('net module can only be used after app is ready') } if (typeof options === 'string') { options = url.parse(options) } else { options = Object.assign({}, options) } const method = (options.method || 'GET').toUpperCase() let urlStr = options.url if (!urlStr) { const urlObj = {} const protocol = options.protocol || 'http:' if (!kSupportedProtocols.has(protocol)) { throw new Error('Protocol "' + protocol + '" not supported. ') } urlObj.protocol = protocol if (options.host) { urlObj.host = options.host } else { if (options.hostname) { urlObj.hostname = options.hostname } else { urlObj.hostname = 'localhost' } if (options.port) { urlObj.port = options.port } } if (options.path && / /.test(options.path)) { // The actual regex is more like /[^A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=/:@]/ // with an additional rule for ignoring percentage-escaped characters // but that's a) hard to capture in a regular expression that performs // well, and b) possibly too restrictive for real-world usage. That's // why it only scans for spaces because those are guaranteed to create // an invalid request. throw new TypeError('Request path contains unescaped characters.') } const pathObj = url.parse(options.path || '/') urlObj.pathname = pathObj.pathname urlObj.search = pathObj.search urlObj.hash = pathObj.hash urlStr = url.format(urlObj) } const redirectPolicy = options.redirect || 'follow' if (!['follow', 'error', 'manual'].includes(redirectPolicy)) { throw new Error('redirect mode should be one of follow, error or manual') } const urlRequestOptions = { method: method, url: urlStr, redirect: redirectPolicy } if (options.session) { if (options.session instanceof Session) { urlRequestOptions.session = options.session } else { throw new TypeError('`session` should be an instance of the Session class.') } } else if (options.partition) { if (typeof options.partition === 'string') { urlRequestOptions.partition = options.partition } else { throw new TypeError('`partition` should be an a string.') } } const urlRequest = new URLRequest(urlRequestOptions) // Set back and forward links. this.urlRequest = urlRequest urlRequest.clientRequest = this // This is a copy of the extra headers structure held by the native // net::URLRequest. The main reason is to keep the getHeader API synchronous // after the request starts. this.extraHeaders = {} if (options.headers) { for (const key in options.headers) { this.setHeader(key, options.headers[key]) } } // Set when the request uses chunked encoding. Can be switched // to true only once and never set back to false. this.chunkedEncodingEnabled = false urlRequest.on('response', () => { const response = new IncomingMessage(urlRequest) urlRequest._response = response this.emit('response', response) }) urlRequest.on('login', (event, authInfo, callback) => { this.emit('login', authInfo, (username, password) => { // If null or undefined username/password, force to empty string. if (username === null || username === undefined) { username = '' } if (typeof username !== 'string') { throw new Error('username must be a string') } if (password === null || password === undefined) { password = '' } if (typeof password !== 'string') { throw new Error('password must be a string') } callback(username, password) }) }) if (callback) { this.once('response', callback) } } get chunkedEncoding () { return this.chunkedEncodingEnabled } set chunkedEncoding (value) { if (!this.urlRequest.notStarted) { throw new Error('Can\'t set the transfer encoding, headers have been sent.') } this.chunkedEncodingEnabled = value } setHeader (name, value) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('`name` should be a string in setHeader(name, value).') } if (value == null) { throw new Error('`value` required in setHeader("' + name + '", value).') } if (!this.urlRequest.notStarted) { throw new Error('Can\'t set headers after they are sent.') } const key = name.toLowerCase() this.extraHeaders[key] = value this.urlRequest.setExtraHeader(name, value.toString()) } getHeader (name) { if (name == null) { throw new Error('`name` is required for getHeader(name).') } if (!this.extraHeaders) { return } const key = name.toLowerCase() return this.extraHeaders[key] } removeHeader (name) { if (name == null) { throw new Error('`name` is required for removeHeader(name).') } if (!this.urlRequest.notStarted) { throw new Error('Can\'t remove headers after they are sent.') } const key = name.toLowerCase() delete this.extraHeaders[key] this.urlRequest.removeExtraHeader(name) } _write (chunk, encoding, callback, isLast) { const chunkIsString = typeof chunk === 'string' const chunkIsBuffer = chunk instanceof Buffer if (!chunkIsString && !chunkIsBuffer) { throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string or Buffer.') } if (chunkIsString) { // We convert all strings into binary buffers. chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding) } // Since writing to the network is asynchronous, we conservatively // assume that request headers are written after delivering the first // buffer to the network IO thread. if (this.urlRequest.notStarted) { this.urlRequest.setChunkedUpload(this.chunkedEncoding) } // Headers are assumed to be sent on first call to _writeBuffer, // i.e. after the first call to write or end. const result = this.urlRequest.write(chunk, isLast) // The write callback is fired asynchronously to mimic Node.js. if (callback) { process.nextTick(callback) } return result } write (data, encoding, callback) { if (this.urlRequest.finished) { const error = new Error('Write after end.') process.nextTick(writeAfterEndNT, this, error, callback) return true } return this._write(data, encoding, callback, false) } end (data, encoding, callback) { if (this.urlRequest.finished) { return false } if (typeof data === 'function') { callback = data encoding = null data = null } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') { callback = encoding encoding = null } data = data || '' return this._write(data, encoding, callback, true) } followRedirect () { this.urlRequest.followRedirect() } abort () { this.urlRequest.cancel() } getUploadProgress () { return this.urlRequest.getUploadProgress() } } function writeAfterEndNT (self, error, callback) { self.emit('error', error) if (callback) callback(error) } Net.prototype.request = function (options, callback) { return new ClientRequest(options, callback) } net.ClientRequest = ClientRequest module.exports = net