import { invokeSync } from '../ipc-renderer-internal-utils'; import { deprecate } from 'electron'; const binding = process.electronBinding('crash_reporter'); export default { start (options: Electron.CrashReporterStartOptions) { deprecate.log('crashReporter.start is deprecated in the renderer process. Call it from the main process instead.'); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(options.extra || {})) { binding.addExtraParameter(k, String(v)); } }, getLastCrashReport (): Electron.CrashReport | null { deprecate.log('crashReporter.getLastCrashReport is deprecated in the renderer process. Call it from the main process instead.'); return invokeSync('ELECTRON_CRASH_REPORTER_GET_LAST_CRASH_REPORT'); }, getUploadedReports () { deprecate.log('crashReporter.getUploadedReports is deprecated in the renderer process. Call it from the main process instead.'); return invokeSync('ELECTRON_CRASH_REPORTER_GET_UPLOADED_REPORTS'); }, getUploadToServer () { deprecate.log('crashReporter.getUploadToServer is deprecated in the renderer process. Call it from the main process instead.'); return invokeSync('ELECTRON_CRASH_REPORTER_GET_UPLOAD_TO_SERVER'); }, setUploadToServer (uploadToServer: boolean) { deprecate.log('crashReporter.setUploadToServer is deprecated in the renderer process. Call it from the main process instead.'); return invokeSync('ELECTRON_CRASH_REPORTER_SET_UPLOAD_TO_SERVER', uploadToServer); }, getCrashesDirectory () { deprecate.log('crashReporter.getCrashesDirectory is deprecated in the renderer process. Call it from the main process instead.'); return invokeSync('ELECTRON_CRASH_REPORTER_GET_CRASHES_DIRECTORY'); }, addExtraParameter (key: string, value: string) { binding.addExtraParameter(key, value); }, removeExtraParameter (key: string) { binding.removeExtraParameter(key); }, getParameters () { return binding.getParameters(); } };