assert = require 'assert' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' remote = require 'remote' http = require 'http' url = require 'url' auth = require 'basic-auth' BrowserWindow = remote.require 'browser-window' isCI = remote.process.argv[2] == '--ci' describe 'browser-window module', -> fixtures = path.resolve __dirname, 'fixtures' w = null beforeEach -> w.destroy() if w? w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400) afterEach -> w.destroy() if w? w = null describe 'BrowserWindow.close()', -> it 'should emit unload handler', (done) -> w.webContents.on 'did-finish-load', -> w.close() w.on 'closed', -> test = path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'unload') content = fs.readFileSync(test) fs.unlinkSync(test) assert.equal String(content), 'unload' done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'unload.html') it 'should emit beforeunload handler', (done) -> w.on 'onbeforeunload', -> done() w.webContents.on 'did-finish-load', -> w.close() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'beforeunload-false.html') describe 'window.close()', -> it 'should emit unload handler', (done) -> w.on 'closed', -> test = path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close') content = fs.readFileSync(test) fs.unlinkSync(test) assert.equal String(content), 'close' done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close.html') it 'should emit beforeunload handler', (done) -> w.on 'onbeforeunload', -> done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-false.html') describe 'BrowserWindow.loadUrl(url)', -> it 'should emit did-start-loading event', (done) -> w.webContents.on 'did-start-loading', -> done() w.loadUrl 'about:blank' it 'should emit did-fail-load event', (done) -> w.webContents.on 'did-fail-load', -> done() w.loadUrl 'file://a.txt' describe '', -> it 'should focus on window', -> return if isCI assert w.isFocused() describe 'BrowserWindow.showInactive()', -> it 'should not focus on window', -> w.showInactive() assert !w.isFocused() describe 'BrowserWindow.focus()', -> it 'does not make the window become visible', -> assert.equal w.isVisible(), false w.focus() assert.equal w.isVisible(), false describe 'BrowserWindow.capturePage(rect, callback)', -> it 'calls the callback with a Buffer', (done) -> w.capturePage {x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100}, (image) -> assert.equal image.isEmpty(), true done() describe 'BrowserWindow.setSize(width, height)', -> it 'sets the window size', (done) -> size = [20, 400] w.on 'resize', (e, value) -> assert.equal value.width, size[0] assert.equal value.height, size[1] done() w.setSize size[0], size[1] describe 'BrowserWindow.setPosition(x, y)', -> it 'sets the window position', (done) -> pos = [10, 10] w.on 'move', (e, value) -> assert.equal value.x, pos[0] assert.equal value.y, pos[1] done() w.setPosition pos[0], pos[1] describe 'BrowserWindow.setContentSize(width, height)', -> it 'sets the content size', -> size = [400, 400] w.setContentSize size[0], size[1] after = w.getContentSize() assert.equal after[0], size[0] assert.equal after[1], size[1] describe 'BrowserWindow.fromId(id)', -> it 'returns the window with id', -> assert.equal, BrowserWindow.fromId( describe '"use-content-size" option', -> it 'make window created with content size when used', -> w.destroy() w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, 'use-content-size': true) contentSize = w.getContentSize() assert.equal contentSize[0], 400 assert.equal contentSize[1], 400 it 'make window created with window size when not used', -> size = w.getSize() assert.equal size[0], 400 assert.equal size[1], 400 describe '"enable-larger-than-screen" option', -> return if process.platform is 'linux' beforeEach -> w.destroy() w = new BrowserWindow(show: true, width: 400, height: 400, 'enable-larger-than-screen': true) it 'can move the window out of screen', -> w.setPosition -10, -10 after = w.getPosition() assert.equal after[0], -10 assert.equal after[1], -10 it 'can set the window larger than screen', -> size = require('screen').getPrimaryDisplay().size size.width += 100 size.height += 100 w.setSize size.width, size.height after = w.getSize() assert.equal after[0], size.width assert.equal after[1], size.height describe '"preload" options', -> it 'loads the script before other scripts in window', (done) -> preload = path.join fixtures, 'module', 'set-global.js' remote.require('ipc').once 'preload', (event, test) -> assert.equal(test, 'preload') done() w.destroy() w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, preload: preload) w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'preload.html') describe 'beforeunload handler', -> it 'returning true would not prevent close', (done) -> w.on 'closed', -> done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-true.html') it 'returning non-empty string would not prevent close', (done) -> w.on 'closed', -> done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-string.html') it 'returning false would prevent close', (done) -> w.on 'onbeforeunload', -> done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-false.html') it 'returning empty string would prevent close', (done) -> w.on 'onbeforeunload', -> done() w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'close-beforeunload-empty-string.html') describe 'new-window event', -> it 'emits when is called', (done) -> w.webContents.once 'new-window', (e, url, frameName) -> e.preventDefault() assert.equal url, 'http://host' assert.equal frameName, 'host' done() w.loadUrl "file://#{fixtures}/pages/window-open.html" it 'emits when link with target is called', (done) -> w.webContents.once 'new-window', (e, url, frameName) -> e.preventDefault() assert.equal url, 'http://host/' assert.equal frameName, 'target' done() w.loadUrl "file://#{fixtures}/pages/target-name.html" describe 'maximize event', -> return if isCI and process.platform is 'linux' it 'emits when window is maximized', (done) -> @timeout 10000 w.once 'maximize', -> done() w.maximize() describe 'unmaximize event', -> return if isCI and process.platform is 'linux' it 'emits when window is unmaximized', (done) -> @timeout 10000 w.once 'unmaximize', -> done() w.maximize() w.unmaximize() describe 'minimize event', -> return if isCI and process.platform is 'linux' it 'emits when window is minimized', (done) -> @timeout 10000 w.once 'minimize', -> done() w.minimize() describe 'will-navigate event', -> it 'emits when user starts a navigation', (done) -> @timeout 10000 w.webContents.on 'will-navigate', (event, url) -> event.preventDefault() assert.equal url, '' done() w.loadUrl "file://#{fixtures}/pages/will-navigate.html" describe 'dom-ready event', -> it 'emits when document is loaded', (done) -> ipc = remote.require 'ipc' server = http.createServer (req, res) -> action = url.parse(req.url, true).pathname if action == '/logo.png' img = fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures, 'assets', 'logo.png')) res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png'}) setTimeout -> res.end(img, 'binary') , 2000 server.close() server.listen 62542, '' ipc.on 'dom-ready', (e, state) -> ipc.removeAllListeners 'dom-ready' assert.equal state, 'interactive' done() w.webContents.on 'did-finish-load', -> w.close() w.loadUrl "file://#{fixtures}/pages/f.html" describe 'basic auth', -> it 'should authenticate with correct credentials', (done) -> ipc = remote.require 'ipc' server = http.createServer (req, res) -> action = url.parse(req.url, true).pathname if action == '/' credentials = auth(req) if == 'test' and credentials.pass == 'test' res.end('Authenticated') server.close() else if action == '/jquery.js' js = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'static', 'jquery-2.0.3.min.js')) res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/javascript'}) res.end(js, 'utf-8') server.listen 62342, '' ipc.on 'console-message', (e, message) -> ipc.removeAllListeners 'console-message' assert.equal message, 'Authenticated' done() w.webContents.on 'did-finish-load', -> w.close() w.loadUrl "file://#{fixtures}/pages/basic-auth.html"