# shell > Manage files and URLs using their default applications. Process: [Main](../glossary.md#main-process), [Renderer](../glossary.md#renderer-process) (non-sandboxed only) The `shell` module provides functions related to desktop integration. An example of opening a URL in the user's default browser: ```js const { shell } = require('electron') shell.openExternal('https://github.com') ``` **Note:** While the `shell` module can be used in the renderer process, it will not function in a sandboxed renderer. ## Methods The `shell` module has the following methods: ### `shell.showItemInFolder(fullPath)` * `fullPath` string Show the given file in a file manager. If possible, select the file. ### `shell.openPath(path)` * `path` string Returns `Promise<string>` - Resolves with a string containing the error message corresponding to the failure if a failure occurred, otherwise "". Open the given file in the desktop's default manner. ### `shell.openExternal(url[, options])` * `url` string - Max 2081 characters on Windows. * `options` Object (optional) * `activate` boolean (optional) _macOS_ - `true` to bring the opened application to the foreground. The default is `true`. * `workingDirectory` string (optional) _Windows_ - The working directory. * `logUsage` boolean (optional) _Windows_ - Indicates a user initiated launch that enables tracking of frequently used programs and other behaviors. The default is `false`. Returns `Promise<void>` Open the given external protocol URL in the desktop's default manner. (For example, mailto: URLs in the user's default mail agent). ### `shell.trashItem(path)` * `path` string - path to the item to be moved to the trash. Returns `Promise<void>` - Resolves when the operation has been completed. Rejects if there was an error while deleting the requested item. This moves a path to the OS-specific trash location (Trash on macOS, Recycle Bin on Windows, and a desktop-environment-specific location on Linux). ### `shell.beep()` Play the beep sound. ### `shell.writeShortcutLink(shortcutPath[, operation], options)` _Windows_ * `shortcutPath` string * `operation` string (optional) - Default is `create`, can be one of following: * `create` - Creates a new shortcut, overwriting if necessary. * `update` - Updates specified properties only on an existing shortcut. * `replace` - Overwrites an existing shortcut, fails if the shortcut doesn't exist. * `options` [ShortcutDetails](structures/shortcut-details.md) Returns `boolean` - Whether the shortcut was created successfully. Creates or updates a shortcut link at `shortcutPath`. ### `shell.readShortcutLink(shortcutPath)` _Windows_ * `shortcutPath` string Returns [`ShortcutDetails`](structures/shortcut-details.md) Resolves the shortcut link at `shortcutPath`. An exception will be thrown when any error happens.