name: Branch Created on: create: permissions: {} jobs: release-branch-created: name: Release Branch Created if: ${{ github.event.ref_type == 'branch' && endsWith(github.event.ref, '-x-y') }} permissions: contents: read pull-requests: write repository-projects: write # Required for labels runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Determine Major Version id: check-major-version run: | if [[ ${{ github.event.ref }} =~ ^([0-9]+)-x-y$ ]]; then echo "MAJOR=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" else echo "Not a release branch: ${{ github.event.ref }}" fi - name: New Release Branch Tasks if: ${{ steps.check-major-version.outputs.MAJOR }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} GH_REPO: electron/electron MAJOR: ${{ steps.check-major-version.outputs.MAJOR }} NUM_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS: 3 run: | PREVIOUS_MAJOR=$((MAJOR - 1)) UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR=$((MAJOR - NUM_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS - 1)) # Create new labels gh label create $MAJOR-x-y --color 8d9ee8 || true gh label create target/$MAJOR-x-y --color ad244f --description "PR should also be added to the \"${MAJOR}-x-y\" branch." || true gh label create merged/$MAJOR-x-y --color 61a3c6 --description "PR was merged to the \"${MAJOR}-x-y\" branch." || true gh label create in-flight/$MAJOR-x-y --color db69a6 || true gh label create needs-manual-bp/$MAJOR-x-y --color 8b5dba || true # Change color of old labels gh label edit $UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR-x-y --color ededed || true gh label edit target/$UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR-x-y --color ededed || true gh label edit merged/$UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR-x-y --color ededed || true gh label edit in-flight/$UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR-x-y --color ededed || true gh label edit needs-manual-bp/$UNSUPPORTED_MAJOR-x-y --color ededed || true # Add the new target label to any PRs which: # * target the previous major # * are in-flight for the previous major # * need manual backport for the previous major for PREVIOUS_MAJOR_LABEL in target/$PREVIOUS_MAJOR-x-y in-flight/$PREVIOUS_MAJOR-x-y needs-manual-bp/$PREVIOUS_MAJOR-x-y; do PULL_REQUESTS=$(gh pr list --label $PREVIOUS_MAJOR_LABEL --jq .[].number --json number --limit 500) if [[ $PULL_REQUESTS ]]; then echo $PULL_REQUESTS | xargs -n 1 gh pr edit --add-label target/$MAJOR-x-y || true fi done - name: Generate GitHub App token if: ${{ steps.check-major-version.outputs.MAJOR }} id: generate-token env: RELEASE_BOARD_GH_APP_CREDS: ${{ secrets.RELEASE_BOARD_GH_APP_CREDS }} run: | TOKEN=$(npx @electron/github-app-auth --creds=$RELEASE_BOARD_GH_APP_CREDS --org=electron) echo "TOKEN=$TOKEN" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" - name: Create Release Project Board if: ${{ steps.check-major-version.outputs.MAJOR }} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ steps.generate-token.outputs.TOKEN }} MAJOR: ${{ steps.check-major-version.outputs.MAJOR }} ELECTRON_ORG_ID: "O_kgDOAMybxg" ELECTRON_REPO_ID: "R_kgDOAI8xSw" TEMPLATE_PROJECT_ID: "PVT_kwDOAMybxs4AQvib" run: | # Copy template to create new project board PROJECT_ID=$(gh api graphql -f query='mutation ($ownerId: ID!, $projectId: ID!, $title: String!) { copyProjectV2(input: { includeDraftIssues: true, ownerId: $ownerId, projectId: $projectId, title: $title }) { projectV2 { id } } }' -f ownerId=$ELECTRON_ORG_ID -f projectId=$TEMPLATE_PROJECT_ID -f title="${MAJOR}-x-y" | jq -r '') # Make the new project public gh api graphql -f query='mutation ($projectId: ID!) { updateProjectV2(input: { projectId: $projectId, public: true, }) { projectV2 { id } } }' -f projectId=$PROJECT_ID # Link the new project to the Electron repository gh api graphql -f query='mutation ($projectId: ID!, $repositoryId: ID!) { linkProjectV2ToRepository(input: { projectId: $projectId, repositoryId: $repositoryId }) { clientMutationId } }' -f projectId=$PROJECT_ID -f repositoryId=$ELECTRON_REPO_ID # Get all draft issues on the new project board gh api graphql -f query='query ($id: ID!) { node(id: $id) { ... on ProjectV2 { items(first: 100) { nodes { ... on ProjectV2Item { id content { ... on DraftIssue { id title body } } } } } } } }' -f id=$PROJECT_ID > issues.json PROJECT_ITEMS=$(jq '.data.node.items.nodes[] | select( != null) | .id' issues.json) # # Do template replacement for draft issues # echo "{\"major\": $MAJOR, \"next-major\": $((MAJOR + 1)), \"prev-major\": $((MAJOR - 1))}" > variables.json # npx mustache is annoyingly slow, so install mustache directly yarn add -D mustache for PROJECT_ITEM_ID in $PROJECT_ITEMS; do # These are done with the raw output flag and sent to file to better retain formatting jq -r ".data.node.items.nodes[] | select(.id == $PROJECT_ITEM_ID) | .content.title" issues.json > title.txt jq -r ".data.node.items.nodes[] | select(.id == $PROJECT_ITEM_ID) | .content.body" issues.json > body.txt ./node_modules/.bin/mustache variables.json title.txt new_title.txt ./node_modules/.bin/mustache variables.json body.txt new_body.txt # Only update draft issues which had content change when interpolated if ! cmp --silent -- new_title.txt title.txt || ! cmp --silent -- new_body.txt body.txt; then DRAFT_ISSUE_ID=$(jq ".data.node.items.nodes[] | select(.id == $PROJECT_ITEM_ID) |" issues.json) gh api graphql -f query='mutation ($draftIssueId: ID!, $title: String!, $body: String!) { updateProjectV2DraftIssue(input: { draftIssueId: $draftIssueId, title: $title, body: $body }) { draftIssue { id } } }' -f draftIssueId=$DRAFT_ISSUE_ID -f title="$(cat new_title.txt)" -f body="$(cat new_body.txt)" fi done