import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { IpcMainInvokeEvent } from 'electron/main'; export class IpcMainImpl extends EventEmitter { private _invokeHandlers: Map<string, (e: IpcMainInvokeEvent, ...args: any[]) => void> = new Map(); handle: Electron.IpcMain['handle'] = (method, fn) => { if (this._invokeHandlers.has(method)) { throw new Error(`Attempted to register a second handler for '${method}'`); } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Expected handler to be a function, but found type '${typeof fn}'`); } this._invokeHandlers.set(method, async (e, ...args) => { try { e._reply(await Promise.resolve(fn(e, ...args))); } catch (err) { e._throw(err); } }); } handleOnce: Electron.IpcMain['handleOnce'] = (method, fn) => { this.handle(method, (e, ...args) => { this.removeHandler(method); return fn(e, ...args); }); } removeHandler (method: string) { this._invokeHandlers.delete(method); } }