const assert = require('assert') const http = require('http') const https = require('https') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const send = require('send') const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {ipcRenderer, remote} = require('electron') const {ipcMain, session, BrowserWindow} = remote describe('session module', function () { var fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') var w = null var url = '' beforeEach(function () { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400 }) }) afterEach(function () { return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) describe('session.defaultSession', function () { it('returns the default session', function () { assert.equal(session.defaultSession, session.fromPartition('')) }) }) describe('session.fromPartition(partition, options)', function () { it('returns existing session with same partition', function () { assert.equal(session.fromPartition('test'), session.fromPartition('test')) }) it('created session is ref-counted', function () { const partition = 'test2' const userAgent = 'test-agent' const ses1 = session.fromPartition(partition) ses1.setUserAgent(userAgent) assert.equal(ses1.getUserAgent(), userAgent) ses1.destroy() const ses2 = session.fromPartition(partition) assert.notEqual(ses2.getUserAgent(), userAgent) }) }) describe('ses.cookies', function () { it('should get cookies', function (done) { var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', ['0=0']) res.end('finished') server.close() }) server.listen(0, '', function () { var port = server.address().port w.loadURL(url + ':' + port) w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function () { w.webContents.session.cookies.get({ url: url }, function (error, list) { var cookie, i, len if (error) { return done(error) } for (i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { cookie = list[i] if ( === '0') { if (cookie.value === '0') { return done() } else { return done('cookie value is ' + cookie.value + ' while expecting 0') } } } done('Can not find cookie') }) }) }) }) it('calls back with an error when setting a cookie with missing required fields', function (done) { session.defaultSession.cookies.set({ url: '', name: '1', value: '1' }, function (error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'Setting cookie failed') done() }) }) it('should over-write the existent cookie', function (done) { session.defaultSession.cookies.set({ url: url, name: '1', value: '1' }, function (error) { if (error) { return done(error) } session.defaultSession.cookies.get({ url: url }, function (error, list) { var cookie, i, len if (error) { return done(error) } for (i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { cookie = list[i] if ( === '1') { if (cookie.value === '1') { return done() } else { return done('cookie value is ' + cookie.value + ' while expecting 1') } } } done('Can not find cookie') }) }) }) it('should remove cookies', function (done) { session.defaultSession.cookies.set({ url: url, name: '2', value: '2' }, function (error) { if (error) { return done(error) } session.defaultSession.cookies.remove(url, '2', function () { session.defaultSession.cookies.get({ url: url }, function (error, list) { var cookie, i, len if (error) { return done(error) } for (i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { cookie = list[i] if ( === '2') { return done('Cookie not deleted') } } done() }) }) }) }) it('should set cookie for standard scheme', function (done) { const standardScheme = remote.getGlobal('standardScheme') const origin = standardScheme + '://fake-host' session.defaultSession.cookies.set({ url: origin, name: 'custom', value: '1' }, function (error) { if (error) { return done(error) } session.defaultSession.cookies.get({ url: origin }, function (error, list) { if (error) { return done(error) } assert.equal(list.length, 1) assert.equal(list[0].name, 'custom') assert.equal(list[0].value, '1') assert.equal(list[0].domain, 'fake-host') done() }) }) }) it('emits a changed event when a cookie is added or removed', function (done) { const {cookies} = session.fromPartition('cookies-changed') cookies.once('changed', function (event, cookie, cause, removed) { assert.equal(, 'foo') assert.equal(cookie.value, 'bar') assert.equal(cause, 'explicit') assert.equal(removed, false) cookies.once('changed', function (event, cookie, cause, removed) { assert.equal(, 'foo') assert.equal(cookie.value, 'bar') assert.equal(cause, 'explicit') assert.equal(removed, true) done() }) cookies.remove(url, 'foo', function (error) { if (error) return done(error) }) }) cookies.set({ url: url, name: 'foo', value: 'bar' }, function (error) { if (error) return done(error) }) }) }) describe('ses.clearStorageData(options)', function () { fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') it('clears localstorage data', function (done) { ipcMain.on('count', function (event, count) { ipcMain.removeAllListeners('count') assert(!count) done() }) w.loadURL('file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'localstorage.html')) w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function () { var options = { origin: 'file://', storages: ['localstorage'], quotas: ['persistent'] } w.webContents.session.clearStorageData(options, function () { w.webContents.send('getcount') }) }) }) }) describe('will-download event', function () { beforeEach(function () { if (w != null) w.destroy() w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400 }) }) it('can cancel default download behavior', function (done) { const mockFile = new Buffer(1024) const contentDisposition = 'inline; filename="mockFile.txt"' const downloadServer = http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': mockFile.length, 'Content-Type': 'application/plain', 'Content-Disposition': contentDisposition }) res.end(mockFile) downloadServer.close() }) downloadServer.listen(0, '', function () { const port = downloadServer.address().port const url = '' + port + '/' ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, true) w.loadURL(url) ipcRenderer.once('download-error', function (event, downloadUrl, filename, error) { assert.equal(downloadUrl, url) assert.equal(filename, 'mockFile.txt') assert.equal(error, 'Object has been destroyed') done() }) }) }) }) describe('DownloadItem', function () { var mockPDF = new Buffer(1024 * 1024 * 5) var contentDisposition = 'inline; filename="mock.pdf"' var downloadFilePath = path.join(fixtures, 'mock.pdf') var downloadServer = http.createServer(function (req, res) { if (req.url === '/?testFilename') { contentDisposition = 'inline' } res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': mockPDF.length, 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', 'Content-Disposition': contentDisposition }) res.end(mockPDF) downloadServer.close() }) var assertDownload = function (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath) { assert.equal(state, 'completed') assert.equal(filename, 'mock.pdf') assert.equal(savePath, path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'mock.pdf')) assert.equal(url, '' + port + '/') assert.equal(mimeType, 'application/pdf') assert.equal(receivedBytes, mockPDF.length) assert.equal(totalBytes, mockPDF.length) assert.equal(disposition, contentDisposition) assert(fs.existsSync(downloadFilePath)) fs.unlinkSync(downloadFilePath) } it('can download using BrowserWindow.loadURL', function (done) { downloadServer.listen(0, '', function () { var port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) w.loadURL(url + ':' + port) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', function (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath) { assertDownload(event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath) done() }) }) }) it('can download using WebView.downloadURL', function (done) { downloadServer.listen(0, '', function () { var port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) var webview = new WebView() webview.src = 'file://' + fixtures + '/api/blank.html' webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', function () { webview.downloadURL(url + ':' + port + '/') }) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', function (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath) { assertDownload(event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath) document.body.removeChild(webview) done() }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) it('can cancel download', function (done) { downloadServer.listen(0, '', function () { var port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false) w.loadURL(url + ':' + port + '/') ipcRenderer.once('download-done', function (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename) { assert.equal(state, 'cancelled') assert.equal(filename, 'mock.pdf') assert.equal(mimeType, 'application/pdf') assert.equal(receivedBytes, 0) assert.equal(totalBytes, mockPDF.length) assert.equal(disposition, contentDisposition) done() }) }) }) it('can generate a default filename', function (done) { // Somehow this test always fail on appveyor. if (process.env.APPVEYOR === 'True') return done() downloadServer.listen(0, '', function () { var port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false) w.loadURL(url + ':' + port + '/?testFilename') ipcRenderer.once('download-done', function (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename) { assert.equal(state, 'cancelled') assert.equal(filename, 'download.pdf') assert.equal(mimeType, 'application/pdf') assert.equal(receivedBytes, 0) assert.equal(totalBytes, mockPDF.length) assert.equal(disposition, contentDisposition) done() }) }) }) describe('when a save path is specified and the URL is unavailable', function () { it('does not display a save dialog and reports the done state as interrupted', function (done) { ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state) => { assert.equal(state, 'interrupted') done() }) w.webContents.downloadURL('file://' + path.join(__dirname, 'does-not-exist.txt')) }) }) }) describe('ses.protocol', function () { const partitionName = 'temp' const protocolName = 'sp' const partitionProtocol = session.fromPartition(partitionName).protocol const protocol = session.defaultSession.protocol const handler = function (ignoredError, callback) { callback({data: 'test', mimeType: 'text/html'}) } beforeEach(function (done) { if (w != null) w.destroy() w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { partition: partitionName } }) partitionProtocol.registerStringProtocol(protocolName, handler, function (error) { done(error != null ? error : undefined) }) }) afterEach(function (done) { partitionProtocol.unregisterProtocol(protocolName, () => done()) }) it('does not affect defaultSession', function (done) { protocol.isProtocolHandled(protocolName, function (result) { assert.equal(result, false) partitionProtocol.isProtocolHandled(protocolName, function (result) { assert.equal(result, true) done() }) }) }) xit('handles requests from partition', function (done) { w.webContents.on('did-finish-load', function () { done() }) w.loadURL(`${protocolName}://fake-host`) }) }) describe('ses.setProxy(options, callback)', function () { it('allows configuring proxy settings', function (done) { const config = { proxyRules: 'http=myproxy:80' } session.defaultSession.setProxy(config, function () { session.defaultSession.resolveProxy('http://localhost', function (proxy) { assert.equal(proxy, 'PROXY myproxy:80') done() }) }) }) it('allows bypassing proxy settings', function (done) { const config = { proxyRules: 'http=myproxy:80', proxyBypassRules: '' } session.defaultSession.setProxy(config, function () { session.defaultSession.resolveProxy('http://localhost', function (proxy) { assert.equal(proxy, 'DIRECT') done() }) }) }) }) describe('ses.getBlobData(identifier, callback)', function () { it('returns blob data for uuid', function (done) { const scheme = 'temp' const protocol = session.defaultSession.protocol const url = scheme + '://host' before(function () { if (w != null) w.destroy() w = new BrowserWindow({show: false}) }) after(function (done) { protocol.unregisterProtocol(scheme, () => { closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null done() }) }) }) const postData = JSON.stringify({ type: 'blob', value: 'hello' }) const content = ` ` protocol.registerStringProtocol(scheme, function (request, callback) { if (request.method === 'GET') { callback({data: content, mimeType: 'text/html'}) } else if (request.method === 'POST') { let uuid = request.uploadData[1].blobUUID assert(uuid) session.defaultSession.getBlobData(uuid, function (result) { assert.equal(result.toString(), postData) done() }) } }, function (error) { if (error) return done(error) w.loadURL(url) }) }) }) describe('ses.setCertificateVerifyProc(callback)', function () { var server = null beforeEach(function (done) { var certPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'certificates') var options = { key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(certPath, 'server.key')), cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(certPath, 'server.pem')), ca: [ fs.readFileSync(path.join(certPath, 'rootCA.pem')), fs.readFileSync(path.join(certPath, 'intermediateCA.pem')) ], requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: false } server = https.createServer(options, function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200) res.end('hello') }) server.listen(0, '', done) }) afterEach(function () { session.defaultSession.setCertificateVerifyProc(null) server.close() }) it('accepts the request when the callback is called with true', function (done) { session.defaultSession.setCertificateVerifyProc(function (hostname, certificate, callback) { callback(true) }) w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { assert.equal(w.webContents.getTitle(), 'hello') done() }) w.loadURL(`${server.address().port}`) }) it('rejects the request when the callback is called with false', function (done) { session.defaultSession.setCertificateVerifyProc(function (hostname, certificate, callback) { assert.equal(hostname, '') assert.equal(certificate.issuerName, 'Intermediate CA') assert.equal(certificate.subjectName, 'localhost') assert.equal(certificate.issuer.commonName, 'Intermediate CA') assert.equal(certificate.subject.commonName, 'localhost') assert.equal(certificate.issuerCert.issuer.commonName, 'Root CA') assert.equal(certificate.issuerCert.subject.commonName, 'Intermediate CA') assert.equal(certificate.issuerCert.issuerCert.issuer.commonName, 'Root CA') assert.equal(certificate.issuerCert.issuerCert.subject.commonName, 'Root CA') assert.equal(certificate.issuerCert.issuerCert.issuerCert, undefined) callback(false) }) var url = `${server.address().port}` w.webContents.once('did-finish-load', function () { assert.equal(w.webContents.getTitle(), url) done() }) w.loadURL(url) }) }) describe('ses.createInterruptedDownload(options)', function () { it('can create an interrupted download item', function (done) { ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false) const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'mock.pdf') const options = { path: filePath, urlChain: [''], mimeType: 'application/pdf', offset: 0, length: 5242880 } w.webContents.session.createInterruptedDownload(options) ipcRenderer.once('download-created', function (event, state, urlChain, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, filename, savePath) { assert.equal(state, 'interrupted') assert.deepEqual(urlChain, ['']) assert.equal(mimeType, 'application/pdf') assert.equal(receivedBytes, 0) assert.equal(totalBytes, 5242880) assert.equal(savePath, filePath) done() }) }) it('can be resumed', function (done) { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') const downloadFilePath = path.join(fixtures, 'logo.png') const rangeServer = http.createServer(function (req, res) { let options = { root: fixtures } send(req, req.url, options) .on('error', function (error) { done(error) }).pipe(res) }) ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false, downloadFilePath) rangeServer.listen(0, '', function () { const port = rangeServer.address().port const downloadUrl = `${port}/assets/logo.png` const callback = function (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath, urlChain, lastModifiedTime, eTag) { if (state === 'cancelled') { const options = { path: savePath, urlChain: urlChain, mimeType: mimeType, offset: receivedBytes, length: totalBytes, lastModified: lastModifiedTime, eTag: eTag } ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false, downloadFilePath) w.webContents.session.createInterruptedDownload(options) } else { assert.equal(state, 'completed') assert.equal(filename, 'logo.png') assert.equal(savePath, downloadFilePath) assert.equal(url, downloadUrl) assert.equal(mimeType, 'image/png') assert.equal(receivedBytes, 14022) assert.equal(totalBytes, 14022) assert(fs.existsSync(downloadFilePath)) fs.unlinkSync(downloadFilePath) rangeServer.close() ipcRenderer.removeListener('download-done', callback) done() } } ipcRenderer.on('download-done', callback) w.webContents.downloadURL(downloadUrl) }) }) }) })