name: Build MacOS on: workflow_call: inputs: is-release: description: 'Whether this build job is a release job' required: true type: boolean default: false gn-config: description: 'The gn arg configuration to use' required: true type: string default: //electron/build/args/ gn-build-type: description: 'The gn build type - testing or release' required: true type: string default: testing generate-symbols: description: 'Whether or not to generate symbols' required: true type: boolean default: false upload-to-storage: description: 'Whether or not to upload build artifacts to external storage' required: true type: string default: '0' concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} cancel-in-progress: true env: AZURE_AKS_CACHE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: ${{ secrets.AZURE_AKS_CACHE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT }} AZURE_AKS_CACHE_SHARE_NAME: ${{ secrets.AZURE_AKS_CACHE_SHARE_NAME }} ELECTRON_ARTIFACTS_BLOB_STORAGE: ${{ secrets.ELECTRON_ARTIFACTS_BLOB_STORAGE }} ELECTRON_RBE_JWT: ${{ secrets.ELECTRON_RBE_JWT }} ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN }} GN_CONFIG: ${{ }} # Disable pre-compiled headers to reduce out size - only useful for rebuilds GN_BUILDFLAG_ARGS: 'enable_precompiled_headers=false' GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS: '--custom-var=checkout_mac=True --custom-var=host_os=mac' # Only disable this in the Asan build CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST: true IS_GHA_RELEASE: true ELECTRON_OUT_DIR: Default jobs: checkout: runs-on: aks-linux-large container: image: options: --user root volumes: - /mnt/cross-instance-cache:/mnt/cross-instance-cache - /var/run/sas:/var/run/sas steps: - name: Checkout Electron uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 with: path: src/electron fetch-depth: 0 - name: Checkout & Sync & Save uses: ./src/electron/.github/actions/checkout with: generate-sas-token: 'true' build: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: build-arch: [ arm64, x64 ] # macos-large is x64, macos-xlarge is arm64 # More runner information: runs-on: macos-14-xlarge needs: checkout env: TARGET_ARCH: ${{ }} steps: - name: Load Build Tools run: | export BUILD_TOOLS_SHA=ef894bc3cfa99d84a3b731252da0f83f500e4032 npm i -g @electron/build-tools e auto-update disable e init --root=$(pwd) --out=Default ${{ }} --import ${{ }} --target-cpu ${{ }} - name: Checkout Electron uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 with: path: src/electron fetch-depth: 0 - name: Setup Node.js/npm uses: actions/setup-node@60edb5dd545a775178f52524783378180af0d1f8 with: node-version: 20.11.x cache: yarn cache-dependency-path: src/electron/yarn.lock - name: Install Dependencies run: | cd src/electron node script/yarn install brew install azcopy - name: Load Target Arch & CPU run: | echo "target_cpu=${{ }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "host_cpu=${{ }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Get Depot Tools timeout-minutes: 5 run: | git clone --depth=1 # remove from autoninja since we don't use it and it causes problems sed -i '' '/' ./depot_tools/autoninja # Ensure depot_tools does not update. test -d depot_tools && cd depot_tools touch .disable_auto_update - name: Add Depot Tools to PATH run: echo "$(pwd)/depot_tools" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Generate DEPS Hash run: | node src/electron/script/generate-deps-hash.js && cat src/electron/.depshash-target DEPSHASH=v1-src-cache-$(shasum src/electron/.depshash | cut -f1 -d' ') echo "DEPSHASH=$DEPSHASH" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CACHE_PATH=$DEPSHASH.tar" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Obtain SAS Key uses: actions/cache/restore@v4 with: path: | sas-token key: sas-key-${{ github.run_number }}-${{ github.run_attempt }} - name: Download Src Cache from AKS # The cache will always exist here as a result of the checkout job # Either it was uploaded to Azure in the checkout job for this commit # or it was uploaded in the checkout job for a previous commit. uses: nick-fields/retry@7152eba30c6575329ac0576536151aca5a72780e # v3.0.0 with: timeout_minutes: 20 max_attempts: 3 retry_on: error command: | sas_token=$(cat sas-token) azcopy copy \ "https://${{ env.AZURE_AKS_CACHE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT }}${{ env.AZURE_AKS_CACHE_SHARE_NAME }}/${{ env.CACHE_PATH }}?$sas_token" $DEPSHASH.tar - name: Clean SAS Key run: rm -f sas-token - name: Unzip and Ensure Src Cache run: | echo "Downloaded cache is $(du -sh $DEPSHASH.tar | cut -f1)" mkdir temp-cache tar -xf $DEPSHASH.tar -C temp-cache echo "Unzipped cache is $(du -sh temp-cache/src | cut -f1)" if [ -d "temp-cache/src" ]; then echo "Relocating Cache" rm -rf src mv temp-cache/src src echo "Deleting zip file" rm -rf $DEPSHASH.tar fi if [ ! -d "src/third_party/blink" ]; then echo "Cache was not correctly restored - exiting" exit 1 fi echo "Wiping Electron Directory" rm -rf src/electron - name: Checkout Electron uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 with: path: src/electron fetch-depth: 0 - name: Run Electron Only Hooks run: | gclient runhooks --spec="solutions=[{'name':'src/electron','url':None,'deps_file':'DEPS','custom_vars':{'process_deps':False},'managed':False}]" - name: Regenerate DEPS Hash run: | (cd src/electron && git checkout .) && node src/electron/script/generate-deps-hash.js && cat src/electron/.depshash-target echo "DEPSHASH=$(shasum src/electron/.depshash | cut -f1 -d' ')" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Add CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH to env run: echo "CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH=$(pwd)/src/buildtools" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Fix Sync # This step is required to correct for differences between "gclient sync" # on Linux and the expected state on macOS. This requires: # 1. Fixing Clang Install (wrong binary) # 2. Fixing esbuild (wrong binary) # 3. Fixing rustc (wrong binary) # 4. Fixing gn (wrong binary) # 5. Fix reclient (wrong binary) # 6. Fixing dsymutil (wrong binary) # 7. Ensuring we are using the correct ninja and adding it to PATH # 8. Fixing angle (wrong remote) run : | SEDOPTION="-i ''" rm -rf src/third_party/llvm-build python3 src/tools/clang/scripts/ echo 'infra/3pp/tools/esbuild/${platform}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/DEPS -r 'third_party/esbuild:infra/3pp/tools/esbuild/${platform}'` > esbuild_ensure_file # Remove extra output from calling gclient getdep which always calls update_depot_tools sed -i '' "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" esbuild_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/third_party/esbuild -ensure-file esbuild_ensure_file rm -rf src/third_party/rust-toolchain python3 src/tools/rust/ # Prevent calling gclient getdep which always calls update_depot_tools echo 'gn/gn/mac-${arch}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/DEPS -r 'src/buildtools/mac:gn/gn/mac-${arch}'` > gn_ensure_file sed -i '' "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" gn_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/buildtools/mac -ensure-file gn_ensure_file # Prevent calling gclient getdep which always calls update_depot_tools echo 'infra/rbe/client/${platform}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/DEPS -r 'src/buildtools/reclient:infra/rbe/client/${platform}'` > gn_ensure_file sed -i '' "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" gn_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/buildtools/reclient -ensure-file gn_ensure_file python3 src/buildtools/reclient_cfgs/ --rbe_instance "projects/rbe-chrome-untrusted/instances/default_instance" --reproxy_cfg_template reproxy.cfg.template --rewrapper_cfg_project "" --skip_remoteexec_cfg_fetch if [ "${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }}" == "arm64" ]; then DSYM_SHA_FILE=src/tools/clang/dsymutil/bin/dsymutil.arm64.sha1 else DSYM_SHA_FILE=src/tools/clang/dsymutil/bin/dsymutil.x64.sha1 fi python3 src/third_party/depot_tools/ --no_resume --no_auth --bucket chromium-browser-clang -s $DSYM_SHA_FILE -o src/tools/clang/dsymutil/bin/dsymutil echo 'infra/3pp/tools/ninja/${platform}' `gclient getdep --deps-file=src/DEPS -r 'src/third_party/ninja:infra/3pp/tools/ninja/${platform}'` > ninja_ensure_file sed $SEDOPTION "s/Updating depot_tools... //g" ninja_ensure_file cipd ensure --root src/third_party/ninja -ensure-file ninja_ensure_file echo "$(pwd)/src/third_party/ninja" >> $GITHUB_PATH cd src/third_party/angle rm -f .git/objects/info/alternates git remote set-url origin cp .git/config .git/config.backup git remote remove origin mv .git/config.backup .git/config git fetch - name: Install build-tools & Setup RBE run: | echo "NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES=200" >> $GITHUB_ENV cd ~/.electron_build_tools npx yarn --ignore-engines # Pull down credential helper and print status node -e "require('./src/utils/reclient.js').downloadAndPrepare({})" HELPER=$(node -p "require('./src/utils/reclient.js').helperPath({})") $HELPER login echo 'RBE_service='`node -e "console.log(require('./src/utils/reclient.js').serviceAddress)"` >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'RBE_experimental_credentials_helper='`node -e "console.log(require('./src/utils/reclient.js').helperPath({}))"` >> $GITHUB_ENV echo 'RBE_experimental_credentials_helper_args=print' >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Free Space on MacOS run: | sudo mkdir -p $TMPDIR/del-target tmpify() { if [ -d "$1" ]; then sudo mv "$1" $TMPDIR/del-target/$(echo $1|shasum -a 256|head -n1|cut -d " " -f1) fi } strip_universal_deep() { opwd=$(pwd) cd $1 f=$(find . -perm +111 -type f) for fp in $f do if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"universal binary"* ]]; then if [ "`arch`" == "arm64" ]; then if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"x86_64"* ]]; then sudo lipo -remove x86_64 "$fp" -o "$fp" || true fi else if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"arm64e)"* ]]; then sudo lipo -remove arm64e "$fp" -o "$fp" || true fi if [[ $(file "$fp") == *"arm64)"* ]]; then sudo lipo -remove arm64 "$fp" -o "$fp" || true fi fi fi done cd $opwd } tmpify /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator tmpify ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/AppleTVOS.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/WatchOS.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/WatchSimulator.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/AppleTVSimulator.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/metal/ios tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift tmpify $(xcode-select -p)/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift-5.0 tmpify ~/.rubies tmpify ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew tmpify /usr/local/Homebrew # the contents of build/linux/strip_binary.gni aren't used, but # # needs the file to exist. # mv ~/project/src/build/linux/strip_binary.gni "${TMPDIR}"/ # tmpify ~/project/src/build/linux/ # mkdir -p ~/project/src/build/linux # mv "${TMPDIR}/strip_binary.gni" ~/project/src/build/linux/ sudo rm -rf $TMPDIR/del-target # sudo rm -rf "/System/Library/Desktop Pictures" # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Templates/Data # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Speech/Voices # sudo rm -rf "/System/Library/Screen Savers" # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs # sudo rm -rf "/System/Volumes/Data/Library/Application Support/Apple/Photos/Print Products" # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/ # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Java # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Ruby # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Printers # sudo rm -rf /System/iOSSupport # sudo rm -rf /System/Applications/*.app # sudo rm -rf /System/Applications/Utilities/*.app # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/LinguisticData # sudo rm -rf /System/Volumes/Data/private/var/db/dyld/* # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Fonts/* # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/PreferencePanes # sudo rm -rf /System/Library/AssetsV2/* sudo rm -rf /Applications/ sudo rm -rf ~/project/src/third_party/catapult/tracing/test_data sudo rm -rf ~/project/src/third_party/angle/third_party/VK-GL-CTS # lipo off some huge binaries arm64 versions to save space strip_universal_deep $(xcode-select -p)/../SharedFrameworks # strip_arm_deep /System/Volumes/Data/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr - name: Build Electron (darwin) run: | cd src/electron # TODO(codebytere): remove this once we figure out why .git/packed-refs is initially missing git pack-refs cd .. ulimit -n 10000 sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000 NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1 e build -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES cp out/Default/.ninja_log out/electron_ninja_log node electron/script/check-symlinks.js - name: Build Electron (darwin) run: | cd src e build electron:electron_dist_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES if [ "${{ env.CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST }}" == "true" ]; then target_os=mac electron/script/zip_manifests/ out/Default/ electron/script/zip_manifests/dist_zip.$target_os.${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }}.manifest fi - name: Build Mksnapshot (darwin) run: | cd src e build electron:electron_mksnapshot -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES gn desc out/Default v8:run_mksnapshot_default args > out/Default/mksnapshot_args # Remove unused args from mksnapshot_args SEDOPTION="-i ''" sed $SEDOPTION '/.*builtins-pgo/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args sed $SEDOPTION '/--turbo-profiling-input/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args sed $SEDOPTION '/The gn arg use_goma=true .*/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args e build electron:electron_mksnapshot_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES (cd out/Default; zip mksnapshot_args gen/v8/embedded.S) - name: Build Chromedriver (darwin) run: | cd src e build electron:electron_chromedriver -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES e build electron:electron_chromedriver_zip # NOTE (vertedinde): We strip binaries/symbols on the Linux job, not the Mac job - name: Generate & Zip Symbols (darwin) run: | # Generate breakpad symbols on release builds if [ "${{ inputs.generate-symbols }}" == "true" ]; then e build electron:electron_symbols fi cd src export BUILD_PATH="$(pwd)/out/Default" e build electron:licenses e build electron:electron_version_file if [ "${{ }}" == "true" ]; then DELETE_DSYMS_AFTER_ZIP=1 electron/script/ -b $BUILD_PATH else electron/script/ -b $BUILD_PATH fi - name: Generate FFMpeg (darwin) if: ${{ }} run: | cd src gn gen out/ffmpeg --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/\") use_remoteexec=true $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" autoninja -C out/ffmpeg electron:electron_ffmpeg_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES - name: Generate TypeScript Definitions if: ${{ }} run: | cd src/electron node script/yarn create-typescript-definitions # TODO(vertedinde): These uploads currently point to a different Azure bucket & GitHub Repo - name: Publish Electron Dist if: ${{ }} run: | rm -rf src/out/Default/obj cd src/electron if [ "${{ inputs.upload-to-storage }}" == "1" ]; then echo 'Uploading Electron release distribution to Azure' script/release/uploaders/ --verbose --upload_to_storage else echo 'Uploading Electron release distribution to GitHub releases' script/release/uploaders/ --verbose fi # The current generated_artifacts_<< artifact.key >> name was taken from CircleCI # to ensure we don't break anything, but we may be able to improve that. - name: Move all Generated Artifacts to Upload Folder run: ./src/electron/script/actions/ - name: Upload Generated Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 with: name: generated_artifacts_darwin_${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }} path: ./generated_artifacts_darwin_${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }} - name: Set GN_EXTRA_ARGS for MAS Build run: | echo "MAS_BUILD=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV GN_EXTRA_ARGS='is_mas_build=true' echo "GN_EXTRA_ARGS=$GN_EXTRA_ARGS" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Build Electron (mas) run: | rm -rf "src/out/Default/Electron Framework.framework" rm -rf src/out/Default/Electron*.app cd src/electron # TODO(codebytere): remove this once we figure out why .git/packed-refs is initially missing git pack-refs cd .. ulimit -n 10000 sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 200000 NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1 e build -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES cp out/Default/.ninja_log out/electron_ninja_log node electron/script/check-symlinks.js - name: Build Electron (mas) run: | cd src e build electron:electron_dist_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES if [ "${{ env.CHECK_DIST_MANIFEST }}" == "true" ]; then target_os=mac_mas electron/script/zip_manifests/ out/Default/ electron/script/zip_manifests/dist_zip.$target_os.${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }}.manifest fi - name: Build Mksnapshot (mas) run: | cd src e build electron:electron_mksnapshot -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES gn desc out/Default v8:run_mksnapshot_default args > out/Default/mksnapshot_args # Remove unused args from mksnapshot_args SEDOPTION="-i ''" sed $SEDOPTION '/.*builtins-pgo/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args sed $SEDOPTION '/--turbo-profiling-input/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args sed $SEDOPTION '/The gn arg use_goma=true .*/d' out/Default/mksnapshot_args e build electron:electron_mksnapshot_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES (cd out/Default; zip mksnapshot_args gen/v8/embedded.S) - name: Build Chromedriver (mas) run: | cd src e build electron:electron_chromedriver -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES e build electron:electron_chromedriver_zip - name: Build Node Headers run: | cd src e build electron:node_headers - name: Generate & Zip Symbols (mas) run: | if [ "${{ inputs.generate-symbols }}" == "true" ]; then e build electron:electron_symbols fi cd src export BUILD_PATH="$(pwd)/out/Default" e build electron:licenses e build electron:electron_version_file if [ "${{ }}" == "true" ]; then DELETE_DSYMS_AFTER_ZIP=1 electron/script/ -b $BUILD_PATH else electron/script/ -b $BUILD_PATH fi - name: Generate FFMpeg (mas) if: ${{ }} run: | cd src gn gen out/ffmpeg --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/\") use_remoteexec=true $GN_EXTRA_ARGS" autoninja -C out/ffmpeg electron:electron_ffmpeg_zip -j $NUMBER_OF_NINJA_PROCESSES # TODO(vertedinde): These uploads currently point to a different Azure bucket & GitHub Repo - name: Publish Electron Dist if: ${{ }} run: | rm -rf src/out/Default/obj cd src/electron if [ "${{ inputs.upload-to-storage }}" == "1" ]; then echo 'Uploading Electron release distribution to Azure' script/release/uploaders/ --verbose --upload_to_storage else echo 'Uploading Electron release distribution to GitHub releases' script/release/uploaders/ --verbose fi - name: Move all Generated Artifacts to Upload Folder (mas) run: ./src/electron/script/actions/ - name: Upload Generated Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@65462800fd760344b1a7b4382951275a0abb4808 with: name: generated_artifacts_mas_${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }} path: ./generated_artifacts_mas_${{ env.TARGET_ARCH }} test: if: ${{ == false }} runs-on: macos-14-xlarge needs: build strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: build-type: [ darwin, mas ] target-arch: [ x64, arm64 ] env: BUILD_TYPE: ${{ }} TARGET_ARCH: ${{ }} steps: - name: Load Build Tools run: | export BUILD_TOOLS_SHA=ef894bc3cfa99d84a3b731252da0f83f500e4032 npm i -g @electron/build-tools e auto-update disable e init --root=$(pwd) --out=Default ${{ }} --import ${{ }} --target-cpu ${{ }} - name: Checkout Electron uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 with: path: src/electron fetch-depth: 0 - name: Install Dependencies run: | cd src/electron node script/yarn install - name: Get Depot Tools timeout-minutes: 5 run: | git clone --depth=1 if [ "`uname`" == "Darwin" ]; then # remove from autoninja since we don't use it and it causes problems sed -i '' '/' ./depot_tools/autoninja else sed -i '/' ./depot_tools/autoninja # Remove swift-format dep from cipd on macOS until we send a patch upstream. cd depot_tools git apply --3way ../src/electron/.github/workflows/config/gclient.diff fi # Ensure depot_tools does not update. test -d depot_tools && cd depot_tools touch .disable_auto_update - name: Add Depot Tools to PATH run: echo "$(pwd)/depot_tools" >> $GITHUB_PATH - name: Download Generated Artifacts uses: actions/download-artifact@65a9edc5881444af0b9093a5e628f2fe47ea3b2e with: name: generated_artifacts_${{ }}_${{ }} path: ./generated_artifacts_${{ }}_${{ }} - name: Restore Generated Artifacts run: ./src/electron/script/actions/ - name: Unzip Dist, Mksnapshot & Chromedriver run: | cd src/out/Default unzip -:o unzip -:o unzip -:o - name: Import & Trust Self-Signed Codesigning Cert on MacOS run: | sudo security authorizationdb write allow cd src/electron ./script/codesign/ - name: Run Electron Tests env: MOCHA_REPORTER: mocha-multi-reporters ELECTRON_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: junit MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS: mocha-junit-reporter, tap ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS: 1 ELECTRON_SKIP_NATIVE_MODULE_TESTS: true run: | cd src/electron node script/yarn test --runners=main --trace-uncaught --enable-logging