const {app, ipcMain, webContents, BrowserWindow} = require('electron') const {getAllWebContents} = process.atomBinding('web_contents') const renderProcessPreferences = process.atomBinding('render_process_preferences').forAllWebContents() const {Buffer} = require('buffer') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const url = require('url') // TODO(zcbenz): Remove this when we have Object.values(). const objectValues = function (object) { return Object.keys(object).map(function (key) { return object[key] }) } // Mapping between extensionId(hostname) and manifest. const manifestMap = {} // extensionId => manifest const manifestNameMap = {} // name => manifest const generateExtensionIdFromName = function (name) { return name.replace(/[\W_]+/g, '-').toLowerCase() } const isWindowOrWebView = function (webContents) { const type = webContents.getType() return type === 'window' || type === 'webview' } // Create or get manifest object from |srcDirectory|. const getManifestFromPath = function (srcDirectory) { let manifest let manifestContent try { manifestContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json')) } catch (readError) { console.warn(`Reading ${path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json')} failed.`) console.warn(readError.stack || readError) throw readError } try { manifest = JSON.parse(manifestContent) } catch (parseError) { console.warn(`Parsing ${path.join(srcDirectory, 'manifest.json')} failed.`) console.warn(parseError.stack || parseError) throw parseError } if (!manifestNameMap[]) { const extensionId = generateExtensionIdFromName( manifestMap[extensionId] = manifestNameMap[] = manifest Object.assign(manifest, { srcDirectory: srcDirectory, extensionId: extensionId, // We can not use 'file://' directly because all resources in the extension // will be treated as relative to the root in Chrome. startPage: url.format({ protocol: 'chrome-extension', slashes: true, hostname: extensionId, pathname: manifest.devtools_page }) }) return manifest } else if (manifest && { console.warn(`Attempted to load extension "${}" that has already been loaded.`) } } // Manage the background pages. const backgroundPages = {} const startBackgroundPages = function (manifest) { if (backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId] || !manifest.background) return let html let name if ( { name = html = fs.readFileSync(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, } else { name = '_generated_background_page.html' const scripts = => { return `<script src="${name}"></script>` }).join('') html = new Buffer(`<html><body>${scripts}</body></html>`) } const contents = webContents.create({ partition: 'persist:__chrome_extension', isBackgroundPage: true, commandLineSwitches: ['--background-page'] }) backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId] = { html: html, webContents: contents, name: name } contents.loadURL(url.format({ protocol: 'chrome-extension', slashes: true, hostname: manifest.extensionId, pathname: name })) } const removeBackgroundPages = function (manifest) { if (!backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId]) return backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId].webContents.destroy() delete backgroundPages[manifest.extensionId] } const sendToBackgroundPages = function (...args) { for (const page of objectValues(backgroundPages)) { page.webContents.sendToAll(...args) } } // Dispatch web contents events to Chrome APIs const hookWebContentsEvents = function (webContents) { const tabId = sendToBackgroundPages('CHROME_TABS_ONCREATED') webContents.on('will-navigate', (event, url) => { sendToBackgroundPages('CHROME_WEBNAVIGATION_ONBEFORENAVIGATE', { frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, processId: webContents.getProcessId(), tabId: tabId, timeStamp:, url: url }) }) webContents.on('did-navigate', (event, url) => { sendToBackgroundPages('CHROME_WEBNAVIGATION_ONCOMPLETED', { frameId: 0, parentFrameId: -1, processId: webContents.getProcessId(), tabId: tabId, timeStamp:, url: url }) }) webContents.once('destroyed', () => { sendToBackgroundPages('CHROME_TABS_ONREMOVED', tabId) }) } // Handle the chrome.* API messages. let nextId = 0 ipcMain.on('CHROME_RUNTIME_CONNECT', function (event, extensionId, connectInfo) { const page = backgroundPages[extensionId] if (!page) { console.error(`Connect to unknown extension ${extensionId}`) return } const portId = ++nextId event.returnValue = {tabId:, portId: portId} event.sender.once('render-view-deleted', () => { if (page.webContents.isDestroyed()) return page.webContents.sendToAll(`CHROME_PORT_DISCONNECT_${portId}`) }) page.webContents.sendToAll(`CHROME_RUNTIME_ONCONNECT_${extensionId}`,, portId, connectInfo) }) ipcMain.on('CHROME_I18N_MANIFEST', function (event, extensionId) { event.returnValue = manifestMap[extensionId] }) let resultID = 1 ipcMain.on('CHROME_RUNTIME_SENDMESSAGE', function (event, extensionId, message, originResultID) { const page = backgroundPages[extensionId] if (!page) { console.error(`Connect to unknown extension ${extensionId}`) return } page.webContents.sendToAll(`CHROME_RUNTIME_ONMESSAGE_${extensionId}`,, message, resultID) ipcMain.once(`CHROME_RUNTIME_ONMESSAGE_RESULT_${resultID}`, (event, result) => { event.sender.send(`CHROME_RUNTIME_SENDMESSAGE_RESULT_${originResultID}`, result) }) resultID++ }) ipcMain.on('CHROME_TABS_SEND_MESSAGE', function (event, tabId, extensionId, isBackgroundPage, message, originResultID) { const contents = webContents.fromId(tabId) if (!contents) { console.error(`Sending message to unknown tab ${tabId}`) return } const senderTabId = isBackgroundPage ? null : contents.sendToAll(`CHROME_RUNTIME_ONMESSAGE_${extensionId}`, senderTabId, message, resultID) ipcMain.once(`CHROME_RUNTIME_ONMESSAGE_RESULT_${resultID}`, (event, result) => { event.sender.send(`CHROME_TABS_SEND_MESSAGE_RESULT_${originResultID}`, result) }) resultID++ }) ipcMain.on('CHROME_TABS_EXECUTESCRIPT', function (event, requestId, tabId, extensionId, details) { const contents = webContents.fromId(tabId) if (!contents) { console.error(`Sending message to unknown tab ${tabId}`) return } let code, url if (details.file) { const manifest = manifestMap[extensionId] code = String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, details.file))) url = `chrome-extension://${extensionId}${details.file}` } else { code = details.code url = `chrome-extension://${extensionId}/${String(Math.random()).substr(2, 8)}.js` } contents.send('CHROME_TABS_EXECUTESCRIPT',, requestId, extensionId, url, code) }) // Transfer the content scripts to renderer. const contentScripts = {} const injectContentScripts = function (manifest) { if (contentScripts[] || !manifest.content_scripts) return const readArrayOfFiles = function (relativePath) { return { url: `chrome-extension://${manifest.extensionId}/${relativePath}`, code: String(fs.readFileSync(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, relativePath))) } } const contentScriptToEntry = function (script) { return { matches: script.matches, js:, runAt: script.run_at || 'document_idle' } } try { const entry = { extensionId: manifest.extensionId, contentScripts: } contentScripts[] = renderProcessPreferences.addEntry(entry) } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to read content scripts', e) } } const removeContentScripts = function (manifest) { if (!contentScripts[]) return renderProcessPreferences.removeEntry(contentScripts[]) delete contentScripts[] } // Transfer the |manifest| to a format that can be recognized by the // |DevToolsAPI.addExtensions|. const manifestToExtensionInfo = function (manifest) { return { startPage: manifest.startPage, srcDirectory: manifest.srcDirectory, name:, exposeExperimentalAPIs: true } } // Load the extensions for the window. const loadExtension = function (manifest) { startBackgroundPages(manifest) injectContentScripts(manifest) } const loadDevToolsExtensions = function (win, manifests) { if (!win.devToolsWebContents) return manifests.forEach(loadExtension) const extensionInfoArray = win.devToolsWebContents.executeJavaScript(`DevToolsAPI.addExtensions(${JSON.stringify(extensionInfoArray)})`) } app.on('web-contents-created', function (event, webContents) { if (!isWindowOrWebView(webContents)) return hookWebContentsEvents(webContents) webContents.on('devtools-opened', function () { loadDevToolsExtensions(webContents, objectValues(manifestMap)) }) }) // The chrome-extension: can map a extension URL request to real file path. const chromeExtensionHandler = function (request, callback) { const parsed = url.parse(request.url) if (!parsed.hostname || !parsed.path) return callback() const manifest = manifestMap[parsed.hostname] if (!manifest) return callback() const page = backgroundPages[parsed.hostname] if (page && parsed.path === `/${}`) { return callback({ mimeType: 'text/html', data: page.html }) } fs.readFile(path.join(manifest.srcDirectory, parsed.path), function (err, content) { if (err) { return callback(-6) // FILE_NOT_FOUND } else { return callback(content) } }) } app.on('session-created', function (ses) { ses.protocol.registerBufferProtocol('chrome-extension', chromeExtensionHandler, function (error) { if (error) { console.error(`Unable to register chrome-extension protocol: ${error}`) } }) }) // The persistent path of "DevTools Extensions" preference file. let loadedExtensionsPath = null app.on('will-quit', function () { try { const loadedExtensions = objectValues(manifestMap).map(function (manifest) { return manifest.srcDirectory }) if (loadedExtensions.length > 0) { try { fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(loadedExtensionsPath)) } catch (error) { // Ignore error } fs.writeFileSync(loadedExtensionsPath, JSON.stringify(loadedExtensions)) } else { fs.unlinkSync(loadedExtensionsPath) } } catch (error) { // Ignore error } }) // We can not use protocol or BrowserWindow until app is ready. app.once('ready', function () { // Load persisted extensions. loadedExtensionsPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'DevTools Extensions') try { const loadedExtensions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(loadedExtensionsPath)) if (Array.isArray(loadedExtensions)) { for (const srcDirectory of loadedExtensions) { // Start background pages and set content scripts. const manifest = getManifestFromPath(srcDirectory) loadExtension(manifest) } } } catch (error) { // Ignore error } // The public API to add/remove extensions. BrowserWindow.addDevToolsExtension = function (srcDirectory) { const manifest = getManifestFromPath(srcDirectory) if (manifest) { loadExtension(manifest) for (const webContents of getAllWebContents()) { if (isWindowOrWebView(webContents)) { loadDevToolsExtensions(webContents, [manifest]) } } return } } BrowserWindow.removeDevToolsExtension = function (name) { const manifest = manifestNameMap[name] if (!manifest) return removeBackgroundPages(manifest) removeContentScripts(manifest) delete manifestMap[manifest.extensionId] delete manifestNameMap[name] } BrowserWindow.getDevToolsExtensions = function () { const extensions = {} Object.keys(manifestNameMap).forEach(function (name) { const manifest = manifestNameMap[name] extensions[name] = {name:, version: manifest.version} }) return extensions } })