# The config expects the following environment variables to be set: # - "GN_CONFIG" Build type. One of {'debug', 'testing', 'release'}. # - "GN_EXTRA_ARGS" Additional gn arguments for a build config, # e.g. 'target_cpu="x86"' to build for a 32bit platform. # https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/+/master/docs/reference.md#target_cpu # Don't forget to set up "NPM_CONFIG_ARCH" and "TARGET_ARCH" accordningly # if you pass a custom value for 'target_cpu'. # - "ELECTRON_RELEASE" Set it to '1' upload binaries on success. # - "NPM_CONFIG_ARCH" E.g. 'x86'. Is used to build native Node.js modules. # Must match 'target_cpu' passed to "GN_EXTRA_ARGS" and "TARGET_ARCH" value. # - "TARGET_ARCH" Choose from {'ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64', 'mips64el'}. # Is used in some publishing scripts, but does NOT affect the Electron binary. # Must match 'target_cpu' passed to "GN_EXTRA_ARGS" and "NPM_CONFIG_ARCH" value. # - "UPLOAD_TO_S3" Set it to '1' upload a release to the S3 bucket. # Otherwise the release will be uploaded to the Github Releases. # (The value is only checked if "ELECTRON_RELEASE" is defined.) # # The publishing scripts expect access tokens to be defined as env vars, # but those are not covered here. # # AppVeyor docs on variables: # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/environment-variables/ # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#secure-variables # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#custom-environment-variables # Uncomment these lines to enable RDP #on_finish: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) version: 1.0.{build} build_cloud: libcc-20 image: libcc-20-vs2017-15.9 environment: GIT_CACHE_PATH: C:\Users\electron\libcc_cache DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTER_TESTS: true ELECTRON_OUT_DIR: Default ELECTRON_ENABLE_STACK_DUMPING: 1 notifications: - provider: Webhook url: https://electron-mission-control.herokuapp.com/rest/appveyor-hook method: POST headers: x-mission-control-secret: secure: 90BLVPcqhJPG7d24v0q/RRray6W3wDQ8uVQlQjOHaBWkw1i8FoA1lsjr2C/v1dVok+tS2Pi6KxDctPUkwIb4T27u4RhvmcPzQhVpfwVJAG9oNtq+yKN7vzHfg7k/pojEzVdJpQLzeJGcSrZu7VY39Q== on_build_success: false on_build_failure: true on_build_status_changed: false build_script: - ps: >- if(($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_HEAD_REPO_NAME -split "/")[0] -eq ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME -split "/")[0]) { Write-warning "Skipping PR build for branch"; Exit-AppveyorBuild } - echo "Building $env:GN_CONFIG build" - git config --global core.longpaths true - cd .. - ps: if (Test-Path src\electron) { Remove-Item src\electron -Recurse } - ps: Move-Item $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER -Destination src\electron - ps: $env:CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="$pwd\src\buildtools" - ps: $env:SCCACHE_PATH="$pwd\src\electron\external_binaries\sccache.exe" - ps: >- if ($env:GN_CONFIG -eq 'release') { $env:GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS="--custom-var=checkout_boto=True --custom-var=checkout_requests=True" } - >- gclient config --name "src\electron" --unmanaged %GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS% "https://github.com/electron/electron" - gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags --reset - cd src - ps: $env:BUILD_CONFIG_PATH="//electron/build/args/%GN_CONFIG%.gn" - gn gen out/Default "--args=import(\"%BUILD_CONFIG_PATH%\") %GN_EXTRA_ARGS%" - gn check out/Default //electron:electron_lib - gn check out/Default //electron:electron_app - gn check out/Default //electron:manifests - gn check out/Default //electron/atom/common/api:mojo - ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_app - gn gen out/ffmpeg "--args=import(\"//electron/build/args/ffmpeg.gn\") %GN_EXTRA_ARGS%" - ninja -C out/ffmpeg electron:electron_ffmpeg_zip - ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_dist_zip - ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_mksnapshot_zip - ninja -C out/Default electron:electron_chromedriver_zip - ninja -C out/Default third_party/electron_node:headers - appveyor PushArtifact out/Default/dist.zip - appveyor PushArtifact out/Default/chromedriver.zip - appveyor PushArtifact out/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.zip - ps: >- if ($env:GN_CONFIG -eq 'release') { ninja -C out/Default third_party/breakpad:dump_syms } - if "%GN_CONFIG%"=="release" ( python electron\script\dump-symbols.py -d %cd%\out\Default\breakpad_symbols -v) - ps: >- if ($env:GN_CONFIG -eq 'release') { python electron\script\zip-symbols.py appveyor PushArtifact out/Default/symbols.zip } - python electron/script/check-zip-manifest.py out/Default/dist.zip electron/script/dist_zip.win.%TARGET_ARCH%.manifest test_script: # Workaround for https://github.com/appveyor/ci/issues/2420 - set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core" - ps: >- if ((-Not (Test-Path Env:\ELECTRON_RELEASE)) -And ($env:GN_CONFIG -in "testing", "release")) { $env:RUN_TESTS="true" } - ps: >- if ($env:RUN_TESTS -eq 'true') { New-Item .\out\Default\gen\node_headers\Release -Type directory Copy-Item -path .\out\Default\electron.lib -destination .\out\Default\gen\node_headers\Release\node.lib } else { echo "Skipping tests for $env:GN_CONFIG build" } - cd electron - if "%RUN_TESTS%"=="true" ( echo Running test suite & npm run test -- --ci --enable-logging) - cd .. - if "%RUN_TESTS%"=="true" ( echo Verifying non proprietary ffmpeg & python electron\script\verify-ffmpeg.py --build-dir out\Default --source-root %cd% --ffmpeg-path out\ffmpeg ) - echo "About to verify mksnapshot" - if "%RUN_TESTS%"=="true" ( echo Verifying mksnapshot & python electron\script\verify-mksnapshot.py --build-dir out\Default --source-root %cd% ) - echo "Done verifying mksnapshot" deploy_script: - cd electron - ps: >- if (Test-Path Env:\ELECTRON_RELEASE) { if (Test-Path Env:\UPLOAD_TO_S3) { Write-Output "Uploading Electron release distribution to s3" & python script\upload.py --upload_to_s3 } else { Write-Output "Uploading Electron release distribution to github releases" & python script\upload.py } }