#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

import itertools
import subprocess
import sys

def validate_pair(ob):
  if not (len(ob) == 2):
    print("Unexpected result:", ob, file=sys.stderr)
    return False
    return True

def consume(iter):
    while True: next(iter)
  except StopIteration:

def get_environment_from_batch_command(env_cmd, initial=None):
  Take a command (either a single command or list of arguments)
  and return the environment created after running that command.
  Note that if the command must be a batch file or .cmd file, or the
  changes to the environment will not be captured.

  If initial is supplied, it is used as the initial environment passed
  to the child process.
  if not isinstance(env_cmd, (list, tuple)):
    env_cmd = [env_cmd]
  # Construct the command that will alter the environment.
  env_cmd = subprocess.list2cmdline(env_cmd)
  # Create a tag so we can tell in the output when the proc is done.
  # Construct a cmd.exe command to do accomplish this.
  cmd = 'cmd.exe /s /c "{env_cmd} && echo "{tag}" && set"'.format(**vars())
  # Launch the process.
  proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=initial)
  # Parse the output sent to stdout.
  lines = proc.stdout
  # Consume whatever output occurs until the tag is reached.
  consume(itertools.takewhile(lambda l: tag not in l, lines))
  # Define a way to handle each KEY=VALUE line.
  handle_line = lambda l: l.rstrip().split('=',1)
  # Parse key/values into pairs.
  pairs = map(handle_line, lines)
  # Make sure the pairs are valid.
  valid_pairs = filter(validate_pair, pairs)
  # Construct a dictionary of the pairs.
  result = dict(valid_pairs)
  # Let the process finish.
  return result

def get_vs_env(vs_version, arch):
  Returns the env object for VS building environment.

  The vs_version can be strings like "12.0" (e.g. VS2013), the arch has to
  be one of "x86", "amd64", "arm", "x86_amd64", "x86_arm", "amd64_x86",
  "amd64_arm", e.g. the args passed to vcvarsall.bat.
  vsvarsall = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio {0}\\VC\\vcvarsall.bat".format(vs_version)
  return get_environment_from_batch_command([vsvarsall, arch])