import { BrowserWindow, app, Menu, MenuItem, MenuItemConstructorOptions } from 'electron' const { roleList, execute } = require('../lib/browser/api/menu-item-roles') import { expect } from 'chai' import { closeAllWindows } from './window-helpers'; describe('MenuItems', () => { describe('MenuItem instance properties', () => { it('should have default MenuItem properties', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ id: '1', label: 'hello', role: 'close', sublabel: 'goodbye', accelerator: 'CmdOrControl+Q', click: () => { }, enabled: true, visible: true, checked: false, type: 'normal', registerAccelerator: true, submenu: [{ role: 'about' }] }) expect(item)'id')'string') expect(item)'label')'string').equal('hello') expect(item)'sublabel')'string').equal('goodbye') expect(item)'accelerator')'string').equal('CmdOrControl+Q') expect(item)'click')'function') expect(item)'enabled')'boolean')'item is enabled') expect(item)'visible')'boolean')'item is visible') expect(item)'checked')'boolean')'item is not checked') expect(item)'registerAccelerator')'boolean')'item can register accelerator') expect(item)'type')'string').equal('normal') expect(item)'commandId')'number') expect(item)'toolTip')'string') expect(item)'role')'string') expect(item)'icon') }) }) describe('', () => { it('should be called with the item object passed', done => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', click: (item) => { expect('MenuItem') expect(item.label).to.equal('text') done() } }]); menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) }) }) describe('MenuItem with checked/radio property', () => { it('clicking an checkbox item should flip the checked property', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'checkbox' }]) expect(menu.items[0].checked)'menu item checked') menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) expect(menu.items[0].checked)'menu item checked') }) it('clicking an radio item should always make checked property true', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'radio' }]) menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) expect(menu.items[0].checked)'menu item checked') menu.delegate.executeCommand(menu, {}, menu.items[0].commandId) expect(menu.items[0].checked)'menu item checked') }) describe('MenuItem group properties', () => { const template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [] const findRadioGroups = (template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[]) => { const groups = [] let cur: { begin?: number, end?: number } | null = null for (let i = 0; i <= template.length; i++) { if (cur && ((i === template.length) || (template[i].type !== 'radio'))) { cur.end = i groups.push(cur) cur = null } else if (!cur && i < template.length && template[i].type === 'radio') { cur = { begin: i } } } return groups } // returns array of checked menuitems in [begin,end) const findChecked = (menuItems: MenuItem[], begin: number, end: number) => { const checked = [] for (let i = begin; i < end; i++) { if (menuItems[i].checked) checked.push(i) } return checked } beforeEach(() => { for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { template.push({ label: `${i}`, type: 'radio' }) } template.push({ type: 'separator' }) for (let i = 12; i <= 20; i++) { template.push({ label: `${i}`, type: 'radio' }) } }) it('at least have one item checked in each group', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.delegate.menuWillShow(menu) const groups = findRadioGroups(template) groups.forEach(g => { expect(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin!, g.end!)).to.deep.equal([g.begin]) }) }) it('should assign groupId automatically', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) const usedGroupIds = new Set() const groups = findRadioGroups(template) groups.forEach(g => { const groupId = (menu.items[g.begin!] as any).groupId // groupId should be previously unused //expect(usedGroupIds.has(groupId))'group id present') expect(usedGroupIds) usedGroupIds.add(groupId) // everything in the group should have the same id for (let i = g.begin!; i < g.end!; ++i) { expect((menu.items[i] as any).groupId).to.equal(groupId) } }) }) it("setting 'checked' should flip other items' 'checked' property", () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) const groups = findRadioGroups(template) groups.forEach(g => { expect(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin!, g.end!)).to.deep.equal([]) menu.items[g.begin!].checked = true expect(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin!, g.end!)).to.deep.equal([g.begin!]) menu.items[g.end! - 1].checked = true expect(findChecked(menu.items, g.begin!, g.end!)).to.deep.equal([g.end! - 1]) }) }) }) }) describe('MenuItem role execution', () => { afterEach(closeAllWindows) it('does not try to execute roles without a valid role property', () => { const win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 200, height: 200 }) const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'asdfghjkl' as any }) const canExecute = execute(item.role, win, win.webContents) expect(canExecute)'can execute') }) it('executes roles with native role functions', () => { const win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 200, height: 200 }) const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'reload' }) const canExecute = execute(item.role, win, win.webContents) expect(canExecute)'can execute') }) it('execute roles with non-native role functions', () => { const win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 200, height: 200 }) const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'resetZoom' }) const canExecute = execute(item.role, win, win.webContents) expect(canExecute)'can execute') }) }) describe('MenuItem command id', () => { it('cannot be overwritten', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ label: 'item' }) const commandId = item.commandId expect(commandId)'command id') expect(() => { item.commandId = `${commandId}-modified` as any }).to.throw(/Cannot assign to read only property/) expect(item.commandId).to.equal(commandId) }) }) describe('MenuItem with invalid type', () => { it('throws an exception', () => { expect(() => { Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'not-a-type' as any }]) }).to.throw(/Unknown menu item type: not-a-type/) }) }) describe('MenuItem with submenu type and missing submenu', () => { it('throws an exception', () => { expect(() => { Menu.buildFromTemplate([{ label: 'text', type: 'submenu' }]) }).to.throw(/Invalid submenu/) }) }) describe('MenuItem role', () => { it('returns undefined for items without default accelerator', () => { const list = Object.keys(roleList).filter(key => !roleList[key].accelerator) for (const role of list) { const item = new MenuItem({ role: role as any }) expect(item.getDefaultRoleAccelerator())'default accelerator') } }) it('returns the correct default label', () => { for (const role of Object.keys(roleList)) { const item = new MenuItem({ role: role as any }) const label: string = roleList[role].label expect(item.label).to.equal(label) } }) it('returns the correct default accelerator', () => { const list = Object.keys(roleList).filter(key => roleList[key].accelerator) for (const role of list) { const item = new MenuItem({ role: role as any }) const accelerator: string = roleList[role].accelerator expect(item.getDefaultRoleAccelerator()).to.equal(accelerator) } }) it('allows a custom accelerator and label to be set', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'close', label: 'Custom Close!', accelerator: 'D' }) expect(item.label).to.equal('Custom Close!') expect(item.accelerator).to.equal('D') expect(item.getDefaultRoleAccelerator()).to.equal('CommandOrControl+W') }) }) describe('MenuItem appMenu', () => { before(function () { if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { this.skip() } }) it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'appMenu' }) expect(item.label).to.equal( expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('about') expect(item.submenu!.items[1].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[2].role).to.equal('services') expect(item.submenu!.items[3].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[4].role).to.equal('hide') expect(item.submenu!.items[5].role).to.equal('hideothers') expect(item.submenu!.items[6].role).to.equal('unhide') expect(item.submenu!.items[7].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[8].role).to.equal('quit') }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'appMenu', submenu: [{ role: 'close' }] }) expect(item.label).to.equal( expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('close') }) }) describe('MenuItem fileMenu', () => { it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'fileMenu' }) expect(item.label).to.equal('File') if (process.platform === 'darwin') { expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('close') } else { expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('quit') } }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'fileMenu', submenu: [{ role: 'about' }] }) expect(item.label).to.equal('File') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('about') }) }) describe('MenuItem editMenu', () => { it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'editMenu' }) expect(item.label).to.equal('Edit') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('undo') expect(item.submenu!.items[1].role).to.equal('redo') expect(item.submenu!.items[2].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[3].role).to.equal('cut') expect(item.submenu!.items[4].role).to.equal('copy') expect(item.submenu!.items[5].role).to.equal('paste') if (process.platform === 'darwin') { expect(item.submenu!.items[6].role).to.equal('pasteandmatchstyle') expect(item.submenu!.items[7].role).to.equal('delete') expect(item.submenu!.items[8].role).to.equal('selectall') expect(item.submenu!.items[9].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[10].label).to.equal('Speech') expect(item.submenu!.items[10].submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('startspeaking') expect(item.submenu!.items[10].submenu!.items[1].role).to.equal('stopspeaking') } else { expect(item.submenu!.items[6].role).to.equal('delete') expect(item.submenu!.items[7].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[8].role).to.equal('selectall') } }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'editMenu', submenu: [{ role: 'close' }] }) expect(item.label).to.equal('Edit') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('close') }) }) describe('MenuItem viewMenu', () => { it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'viewMenu' }) expect(item.label).to.equal('View') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('reload') expect(item.submenu!.items[1].role).to.equal('forcereload') expect(item.submenu!.items[2].role).to.equal('toggledevtools') expect(item.submenu!.items[3].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[4].role).to.equal('resetzoom') expect(item.submenu!.items[5].role).to.equal('zoomin') expect(item.submenu!.items[6].role).to.equal('zoomout') expect(item.submenu!.items[7].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[8].role).to.equal('togglefullscreen') }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'viewMenu', submenu: [{ role: 'close' }] }) expect(item.label).to.equal('View') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('close') }) }) describe('MenuItem windowMenu', () => { it('includes a default submenu layout when submenu is empty', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'windowMenu' }) expect(item.label).to.equal('Window') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('minimize') expect(item.submenu!.items[1].role).to.equal('zoom') if (process.platform === 'darwin') { expect(item.submenu!.items[2].type).to.equal('separator') expect(item.submenu!.items[3].role).to.equal('front') } else { expect(item.submenu!.items[2].role).to.equal('close') } }) it('overrides default layout when submenu is specified', () => { const item = new MenuItem({ role: 'windowMenu', submenu: [{ role: 'copy' }] }) expect(item.label).to.equal('Window') expect(item.submenu!.items[0].role).to.equal('copy') }) }) describe('MenuItem with custom properties in constructor', () => { it('preserves the custom properties', () => { const template = [{ label: 'menu 1', customProp: 'foo', submenu: [] }] const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template) menu.items[0].submenu!.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'item 1', customProp: 'bar', overrideProperty: 'oops not allowed' } as any)) expect((menu.items[0] as any).customProp).to.equal('foo') expect(menu.items[0].submenu!.items[0].label).to.equal('item 1') expect((menu.items[0].submenu!.items[0] as any).customProp).to.equal('bar') expect((menu.items[0].submenu!.items[0] as any).overrideProperty)'function') }) }) describe('MenuItem accelerators', () => { const isDarwin = () => { return (process.platform === 'darwin') } it('should display modifiers correctly for simple keys', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: 'text', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+A' }, { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Shift+A' }, { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Alt+A' } ]) expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(0)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⌘A' : 'Ctrl+A') expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(1)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⇧A' : 'Shift+A') expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(2)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⌥A' : 'Alt+A') }) it('should display modifiers correctly for special keys', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: 'text', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Tab' }, { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Shift+Tab' }, { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Alt+Tab' } ]) expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(0)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⌘⇥' : 'Ctrl+Tab') expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(1)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⇧⇥' : 'Shift+Tab') expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(2)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⌥⇥' : 'Alt+Tab') }) it('should not display modifiers twice', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Shift+Shift+A' }, { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Shift+Shift+Tab' } ]) expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(0)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⇧A' : 'Shift+A') expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(1)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⇧⇥' : 'Shift+Tab') }) it('should display correctly for edge cases', () => { const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Control+Shift+=' }, { label: 'text', accelerator: 'Control+Plus' } ]) expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(0)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⌃⇧=' : 'Ctrl+Shift+=') expect(menu.getAcceleratorTextAt(1)).to.equal(isDarwin() ? '⌃⇧=' : 'Ctrl+Shift+=') }) }) })