/* Usage: $ node ./script/gn-check.js [--outDir=dirName] */ const minimist = require('minimist'); const cp = require('node:child_process'); const path = require('node:path'); const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['outDir'] }); const { getOutDir } = require('./lib/utils'); const SOURCE_ROOT = path.normalize(path.dirname(__dirname)); const DEPOT_TOOLS = path.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'third_party', 'depot_tools'); const OUT_DIR = getOutDir({ outDir: args.outDir }); if (!OUT_DIR) { throw new Error('No viable out dir: one of Debug, Testing, or Release must exist.'); } const env = { CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH: path.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'buildtools'), DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN: '0', ...process.env }; // Users may not have depot_tools in PATH. env.PATH = `${env.PATH}${path.delimiter}${DEPOT_TOOLS}`; const gnCheckDirs = [ '//electron:electron_lib', '//electron:electron_app', '//electron/shell/common/api:mojo' ]; for (const dir of gnCheckDirs) { const args = ['check', `../out/${OUT_DIR}`, dir]; const result = cp.spawnSync('gn', args, { env, stdio: 'inherit' }); if (result.status !== 0) process.exit(result.status); } process.exit(0);