const chai = require('chai') const http = require('http') const https = require('https') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const send = require('send') const auth = require('basic-auth') const ChildProcess = require('child_process') const { closeWindow } = require('./window-helpers') const { ipcRenderer, remote } = require('electron') const { ipcMain, session, BrowserWindow, net } = remote const { expect } = chai /* The whole session API doesn't use standard callbacks */ /* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */ describe('session module', () => { const fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') let w = null let webview = null const url = '' beforeEach(() => { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, width: 400, height: 400, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } }) }) afterEach(() => { if (webview != null) { if (!document.body.contains(webview)) { document.body.appendChild(webview) } webview.remove() } return closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null }) }) describe('DownloadItem', () => { const mockPDF = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024 * 5) const protocolName = 'custom-dl' let contentDisposition = 'inline; filename="mock.pdf"' const downloadFilePath = path.join(fixtures, 'mock.pdf') const downloadServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { if (req.url === '/?testFilename') contentDisposition = 'inline' res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Length': mockPDF.length, 'Content-Type': 'application/pdf', 'Content-Disposition': contentDisposition }) res.end(mockPDF) downloadServer.close() }) const isPathEqual = (path1, path2) => { return path.relative(path1, path2) === '' } const assertDownload = (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath, isCustom) => { expect(state).to.equal('completed') expect(filename).to.equal('mock.pdf') expect(path.isAbsolute(savePath)) expect(isPathEqual(savePath, path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'mock.pdf'))) if (isCustom) { expect(url)`${protocolName}://item`) } else { expect(url)`${port}/`) } expect(mimeType).to.equal('application/pdf') expect(receivedBytes).to.equal(mockPDF.length) expect(totalBytes).to.equal(mockPDF.length) expect(disposition).to.equal(contentDisposition) expect(fs.existsSync(downloadFilePath)) fs.unlinkSync(downloadFilePath) } it('can download using WebContents.downloadURL', (done) => { downloadServer.listen(0, '', () => { const port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) w.webContents.downloadURL(`${url}:${port}`) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath) => { assertDownload(event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath) done() }) }) }) it('can download from custom protocols using WebContents.downloadURL', (done) => { const protocol = session.defaultSession.protocol downloadServer.listen(0, '', () => { const port = downloadServer.address().port const handler = (ignoredError, callback) => { callback({ url: `${url}:${port}` }) } protocol.registerHttpProtocol(protocolName, handler, (error) => { if (error) return done(error) ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) w.webContents.downloadURL(`${protocolName}://item`) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath) => { assertDownload(event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath, true) done() }) }) }) }) it('can download using WebView.downloadURL', (done) => { downloadServer.listen(0, '', () => { const port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', () => { webview.downloadURL(`${url}:${port}/`) }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/api/blank.html` ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath) => { assertDownload(event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, port, savePath) document.body.removeChild(webview) done() }) document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) it('can cancel download', (done) => { downloadServer.listen(0, '', () => { const port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false) w.webContents.downloadURL(`${url}:${port}/`) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename) => { expect(state).to.equal('cancelled') expect(filename).to.equal('mock.pdf') expect(mimeType).to.equal('application/pdf') expect(receivedBytes).to.equal(0) expect(totalBytes).to.equal(mockPDF.length) expect(disposition).to.equal(contentDisposition) done() }) }) }) it('can generate a default filename', function (done) { if (process.env.APPVEYOR === 'True') { // FIXME(alexeykuzmin): Skip the test. // this.skip() return done() } downloadServer.listen(0, '', () => { const port = downloadServer.address().port ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false) w.webContents.downloadURL(`${url}:${port}/?testFilename`) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename) => { expect(state).to.equal('cancelled') expect(filename).to.equal('download.pdf') expect(mimeType).to.equal('application/pdf') expect(receivedBytes).to.equal(0) expect(totalBytes).to.equal(mockPDF.length) expect(disposition).to.equal(contentDisposition) done() }) }) }) it('can set options for the save dialog', (done) => { downloadServer.listen(0, '', () => { const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'mock.pdf') const port = downloadServer.address().port const options = { window: null, title: 'title', message: 'message', buttonLabel: 'buttonLabel', nameFieldLabel: 'nameFieldLabel', defaultPath: '/', filters: [{ name: '1', extensions: ['.1', '.2'] }, { name: '2', extensions: ['.3', '.4', '.5'] }], showsTagField: true, securityScopedBookmarks: true } ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false, filePath, options) w.webContents.downloadURL(`${url}:${port}`) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath, dialogOptions) => { expect(dialogOptions).to.deep.equal(options) done() }) }) }) describe('when a save path is specified and the URL is unavailable', () => { it('does not display a save dialog and reports the done state as interrupted', (done) => { ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false) ipcRenderer.once('download-done', (event, state) => { expect(state).to.equal('interrupted') done() }) w.webContents.downloadURL(`file://${path.join(__dirname, 'does-not-exist.txt')}`) }) }) }) describe('ses.createInterruptedDownload(options)', () => { it('can create an interrupted download item', (done) => { ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false) const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'mock.pdf') const options = { path: filePath, urlChain: [''], mimeType: 'application/pdf', offset: 0, length: 5242880 } w.webContents.session.createInterruptedDownload(options) ipcRenderer.once('download-created', (event, state, urlChain, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, filename, savePath) => { expect(state).to.equal('interrupted') expect(urlChain).to.deep.equal(['']) expect(mimeType).to.equal('application/pdf') expect(receivedBytes).to.equal(0) expect(totalBytes).to.equal(5242880) expect(savePath).to.equal(filePath) done() }) }) it('can be resumed', (done) => { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') const downloadFilePath = path.join(fixtures, 'logo.png') const rangeServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { const options = { root: fixtures } send(req, req.url, options) .on('error', (error) => { done(error) }).pipe(res) }) ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', true, false, downloadFilePath) rangeServer.listen(0, '', () => { const port = rangeServer.address().port const downloadUrl = `${port}/assets/logo.png` const callback = (event, state, url, mimeType, receivedBytes, totalBytes, disposition, filename, savePath, dialogOptions, urlChain, lastModifiedTime, eTag) => { if (state === 'cancelled') { const options = { path: savePath, urlChain: urlChain, mimeType: mimeType, offset: receivedBytes, length: totalBytes, lastModified: lastModifiedTime, eTag: eTag } ipcRenderer.sendSync('set-download-option', false, false, downloadFilePath) w.webContents.session.createInterruptedDownload(options) } else { expect(state).to.equal('completed') expect(filename).to.equal('logo.png') expect(savePath).to.equal(downloadFilePath) expect(url).to.equal(downloadUrl) expect(mimeType).to.equal('image/png') expect(receivedBytes).to.equal(14022) expect(totalBytes).to.equal(14022) expect(fs.existsSync(downloadFilePath)) fs.unlinkSync(downloadFilePath) rangeServer.close() ipcRenderer.removeListener('download-done', callback) done() } } ipcRenderer.on('download-done', callback) w.webContents.downloadURL(downloadUrl) }) }) }) describe('ses.setPermissionRequestHandler(handler)', () => { it('cancels any pending requests when cleared', (done) => { const ses = session.fromPartition('permissionTest') ses.setPermissionRequestHandler(() => { ses.setPermissionRequestHandler(null) }) webview = new WebView() webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', (e) => { expect('message') expect(e.args).to.deep.equal(['SecurityError']) done() }) webview.src = `file://${fixtures}/pages/permissions/midi-sysex.html` webview.partition = 'permissionTest' webview.setAttribute('nodeintegration', 'on') document.body.appendChild(webview) }) }) })