# NOTE IF CHANGING THIS FILE, ALSO APPLY THE CHANGE TO appveyor.yml # IF APPLICABLE!!!! # # # The config expects the following environment variables to be set: # - "GN_CONFIG" Build type. One of {'testing', 'release'}. # - "GN_EXTRA_ARGS" Additional gn arguments for a build config, # e.g. 'target_cpu="x86"' to build for a 32bit platform. # https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/+/main/docs/reference.md#var_target_cpu # Don't forget to set up "NPM_CONFIG_ARCH" and "TARGET_ARCH" accordingly # if you pass a custom value for 'target_cpu'. # - "ELECTRON_RELEASE" Set it to '1' upload binaries on success. # - "NPM_CONFIG_ARCH" E.g. 'x86'. Is used to build native Node.js modules. # Must match 'target_cpu' passed to "GN_EXTRA_ARGS" and "TARGET_ARCH" value. # - "TARGET_ARCH" Choose from {'ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'arm64'}. # Is used in some publishing scripts, but does NOT affect the Electron binary. # Must match 'target_cpu' passed to "GN_EXTRA_ARGS" and "NPM_CONFIG_ARCH" value. # - "UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE" Set it to '1' upload a release to the Azure bucket. # Otherwise the release will be uploaded to the GitHub Releases. # (The value is only checked if "ELECTRON_RELEASE" is defined.) # # The publishing scripts expect access tokens to be defined as env vars, # but those are not covered here. # # AppVeyor docs on variables: # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/environment-variables/ # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#secure-variables # https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-configuration/#custom-environment-variables version: 1.0.{build} build_cloud: electronhq-16-core image: e-128.0.6558.0 environment: GIT_CACHE_PATH: C:\Users\appveyor\libcc_cache ELECTRON_OUT_DIR: Default ELECTRON_ENABLE_STACK_DUMPING: 1 ELECTRON_ALSO_LOG_TO_STDERR: 1 MOCHA_REPORTER: mocha-multi-reporters MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS: "@marshallofsound/mocha-appveyor-reporter, tap" DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN: 1 DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN_BASE_URL: "https://dev-cdn.electronjs.org/windows-toolchains/_" GYP_MSVS_HASH_7393122652: 3ba76c5c20 PYTHONIOENCODING: UTF-8 matrix: - job_name: Build Arm on X64 Windows - job_name: Test On Windows On Arm Hardware job_depends_on: Build Arm on X64 Windows APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: base-woa APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_CLOUD: electronhq-woa clone_script: - ps: git clone -q $("--branch=" + $Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH) $("https://github.com/" + $Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME + ".git") $Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER - ps: if (!$Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) {$("git checkout -qf " + $Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT)} - ps: if ($Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) {git fetch -q origin +refs/pull/$($Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)/head; git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD} clone_folder: C:\projects\src\electron skip_branch_with_pr: true # the first failed job cancels other jobs and fails entire build matrix: fast_finish: true for: - matrix: only: - job_name: Build Arm on X64 Windows build_script: - ps: | node script/yarn.js install --frozen-lockfile node script/doc-only-change.js --prNumber=$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER $env:SHOULD_SKIP_ARTIFACT_VALIDATION = "false" if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-warning "Skipping build for doc-only change" $env:SHOULD_SKIP_ARTIFACT_VALIDATION = "true" Exit-AppveyorBuild } else { $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 } - cd .. - ps: Write-Host "Building $env:GN_CONFIG build" - git config --global core.longpaths true - ps: >- if (Test-Path -Path "$pwd\depot_tools") { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $pwd\depot_tools } - ps: >- if (Test-Path -Path "$pwd\build-tools") { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $pwd\build-tools } - git clone --depth=1 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git - ps: New-Item -Name depot_tools\.disable_auto_update -ItemType File - depot_tools\bootstrap\win_tools.bat - ps: $env:PATH="$pwd\depot_tools;$env:PATH" - ps: >- if (Test-Path -Path "$pwd\src\electron") { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $pwd\src\electron } - git clone https://github.com/electron/build-tools.git - cd build-tools - npx yarn --ignore-engines - mkdir third_party - ps: >- node -e "require('./src/utils/reclient.js').downloadAndPrepare({})" - ps: $env:RECLIENT_HELPER = node -p "require('./src/utils/reclient.js').helperPath({})" - ps: >- & $env:RECLIENT_HELPER login - ps: >- $env:RBE_service = node -e "console.log(require('./src/utils/reclient.js').serviceAddress)" - ps: >- $env:RBE_experimental_credentials_helper = $env:RECLIENT_HELPER - ps: >- $env:RBE_experimental_credentials_helper_args = "print" - cd ..\.. - ps: $env:CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="$pwd\src\buildtools" - ps: >- if ($env:GN_CONFIG -ne 'release') { $env:NINJA_STATUS="[%r processes, %f/%t @ %o/s : %es] " } - gclient config --name "src\electron" --unmanaged %GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARGS% "https://github.com/electron/electron" # Patches are applied in the image bake. Check depshash to see if patches have changed. - ps: $env:RUN_GCLIENT_SYNC="false" - ps: $depshash_baked = Get-Content .\src\.depshash -Raw - ps: cd src\electron - ps: node script\generate-deps-hash.js - ps: $depshash = Get-Content .\.depshash -Raw - ps: cd ..\.. - ps: >- if ($depshash_baked -ne $depshash) { $env:RUN_GCLIENT_SYNC="true" } - if "%RUN_GCLIENT_SYNC%"=="true" ( gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags ) else ( gclient runhooks ) - cd src - ps: $env:PATH="$pwd\third_party\ninja;$env:PATH" - set BUILD_CONFIG_PATH=//electron/build/args/%GN_CONFIG%.gn - gn gen out/Default "--args=import(\"%BUILD_CONFIG_PATH%\") use_remoteexec=true %GN_EXTRA_ARGS% " - gn check out/Default //electron:electron_lib - gn check out/Default //electron:electron_app - gn check out/Default //electron/shell/common/api:mojo - if DEFINED ELECTRON_RBE_JWT (autoninja -j 300 -C out/Default electron:electron_app) else (autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_app) - if "%GN_CONFIG%"=="testing" ( python C:\depot_tools\post_build_ninja_summary.py -C out\Default ) - gn gen out/ffmpeg "--args=import(\"//electron/build/args/ffmpeg.gn\") use_remoteexec=true %GN_EXTRA_ARGS%" - autoninja -C out/ffmpeg electron:electron_ffmpeg_zip - autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_dist_zip - gn desc out/Default v8:run_mksnapshot_default args > out/Default/default_mksnapshot_args # Remove unused args from mksnapshot_args - ps: >- Get-Content out/Default/default_mksnapshot_args | Where-Object { -not $_.Contains('--turbo-profiling-input') -And -not $_.Contains('builtins-pgo') } | Set-Content out/Default/mksnapshot_args - autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_mksnapshot_zip - cd out\Default - 7z a mksnapshot.zip mksnapshot_args gen\v8\embedded.S - cd ..\.. - autoninja -C out/Default electron:hunspell_dictionaries_zip - autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_chromedriver_zip - autoninja -C out/Default electron:node_headers - ps: >- Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\cimv2 -Class Win32_product | Select vendor, description, @{l='install_location';e='InstallLocation'}, @{l='install_date';e='InstallDate'}, @{l='install_date_2';e='InstallDate2'}, caption, version, name, @{l='sku_number';e='SKUNumber'} | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Encoding utf8 -FilePath .\installed_software.json - python3 electron/build/profile_toolchain.py --output-json=out/Default/windows_toolchain_profile.json - 7z a node_headers.zip out\Default\gen\node_headers - 7z a nan.zip third_party\nan - ps: >- if ($env:GN_CONFIG -eq 'release') { # Needed for msdia140.dll on 64-bit windows $env:Path += ";$pwd\third_party\llvm-build\Release+Asserts\bin" autoninja -C out/Default electron:electron_symbols } - ps: >- if ($env:GN_CONFIG -eq 'release') { python3 electron\script\zip-symbols.py appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out/Default/symbols.zip } else { # It's useful to have pdb files when debugging testing builds that are # built on CI. 7z a pdb.zip out\Default\*.pdb } - ps: | $manifest_file = "electron/script/zip_manifests/dist_zip.win.$env:TARGET_ARCH.manifest" python3 electron/script/zip_manifests/check-zip-manifest.py out/Default/dist.zip $manifest_file if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "Zip contains files not listed in the manifest $manifest_file" } - ps: | cd C:\projects\src $missing_artifacts = $false if ($env:SHOULD_SKIP_ARTIFACT_VALIDATION -eq 'true') { Write-warning "Skipping artifact validation for doc-only $env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_NAME" } else { $artifacts_to_validate = 'dist.zip','windows_toolchain_profile.json','chromedriver.zip','ffmpeg.zip','node_headers.zip','mksnapshot.zip','electron.lib','hunspell_dictionaries.zip','nan.zip' foreach($artifact_name in $artifacts_to_validate) { if ($artifact_name -eq 'ffmpeg.zip') { $artifact_file = "out\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.zip" } elseif ( $artifact_name -eq 'node_headers.zip') { $artifact_file = $artifact_name } elseif ( $artifact_name -eq 'nan.zip') { $artifact_file = $artifact_name } else { $artifact_file = "out\Default\$artifact_name" } if (-not(Test-Path $artifact_file)) { Write-warning "$artifact_name is missing and cannot be added to artifacts" $missing_artifacts = $true } } } if ($missing_artifacts) { throw "Build failed due to missing artifacts" } deploy_script: - cd electron - ps: >- if (Test-Path Env:\ELECTRON_RELEASE) { if (Test-Path Env:\UPLOAD_TO_STORAGE) { Write-Output "Uploading Electron release distribution to azure" & python3 script\release\uploaders\upload.py --verbose --upload_to_storage } else { Write-Output "Uploading Electron release distribution to github releases" & python3 script\release\uploaders\upload.py --verbose } } on_finish: # Uncomment this lines to enable RDP # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) - cd C:\projects\src - if exist out\Default\windows_toolchain_profile.json ( appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\Default\windows_toolchain_profile.json ) - if exist out\Default\dist.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\Default\dist.zip) - if exist out\Default\chromedriver.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\Default\chromedriver.zip) - if exist out\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.zip) - if exist node_headers.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact node_headers.zip) - if exist nan.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact nan.zip) - if exist out\Default\mksnapshot.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\Default\mksnapshot.zip) - if exist out\Default\hunspell_dictionaries.zip (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\Default\hunspell_dictionaries.zip) - if exist out\Default\electron.lib (appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact out\Default\electron.lib) - ps: >- if ((Test-Path "pdb.zip") -And ($env:GN_CONFIG -ne 'release')) { appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact pdb.zip } - matrix: only: - job_name: Test On Windows On Arm Hardware environment: IGNORE_YARN_INSTALL_ERROR: 1 ELECTRON_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: junit MOCHA_MULTI_REPORTERS: 'mocha-junit-reporter, tap' MOCHA_REPORTER: mocha-multi-reporters ELECTRON_SKIP_NATIVE_MODULE_TESTS: true build_script: - ps: | node script/yarn.js install --frozen-lockfile node script/doc-only-change.js --prNumber=$env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) { Write-warning "Skipping build for doc only change" Exit-AppveyorBuild } else { $global:LASTEXITCODE = 0 } - cd .. - mkdir out\Default - cd .. - ps: | # Download build artifacts $apiUrl = 'https://ci.appveyor.com/api' $build_info = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiUrl/projects/$env:APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME/$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG/builds/$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_ID" $artifacts_to_download = @('dist.zip','ffmpeg.zip','node_headers.zip','electron.lib', 'nan.zip') foreach ($job in $build_info.build.jobs) { if ($job.name -eq "Build Arm on X64 Windows") { $jobId = $job.jobId foreach($artifact_name in $artifacts_to_download) { if ($artifact_name -eq 'electron.lib') { $outfile = "src\out\Default\$artifact_name" } else { $outfile = $artifact_name } Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiUrl/buildjobs/$jobId/artifacts/$artifact_name" -OutFile $outfile } # Uncomment the following lines to download the pdb.zip to show real stacktraces when crashes happen during testing Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$apiUrl/buildjobs/$jobId/artifacts/pdb.zip" -OutFile pdb.zip 7z x -y -osrc pdb.zip } } - ps: | $out_default_zips = @('dist.zip') foreach($zip_name in $out_default_zips) { 7z x -y -osrc\out\Default $zip_name } - ps: 7z x -y -osrc\out\ffmpeg ffmpeg.zip - ps: 7z x -y -osrc node_headers.zip - ps: 7z x -y -osrc nan.zip test_script: # Workaround for https://github.com/appveyor/ci/issues/2420 - set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\libexec\git-core" - ps: | cd src New-Item .\out\Default\gen\node_headers\Release -Type directory Copy-Item -path .\out\Default\electron.lib -destination .\out\Default\gen\node_headers\Release\node.lib - set npm_config_nodedir=%cd%\out\Default\gen\node_headers - set npm_config_arch=arm64 - cd electron # Explicitly set npm_config_arch because the .env doesn't persist - ps: >- if ($env:TARGET_ARCH -eq 'ia32') { $env:npm_config_arch = "ia32" } - echo Running main test suite & node script/yarn test --runners=main --enable-logging --disable-features=CalculateNativeWinOcclusion - cd .. - echo Verifying non proprietary ffmpeg & python electron\script\verify-ffmpeg.py --build-dir out\Default --source-root %cd% --ffmpeg-path out\ffmpeg on_finish: # Uncomment these lines to enable RDP # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) - if exist electron\electron.log ( appveyor-retry appveyor PushArtifact electron\electron.log )