# browser-window The `BrowserWindow` class gives you ability to create a browser window, an example is: ```javascript var BrowserWindow = require('browser-window'); var win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600, show: false }); win.on('destroyed', function() { win = null; }); win.loadUrl('https://github.com'); win.show(); ``` You can also create a window without chrome by using [Frameless Window](frameless-window.md) API. ## Class: BrowserWindow `BrowserWindow` is an [EventEmitter](http://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_events_eventemitter). ### new BrowserWindow(options) * `options` Object * `x` Integer - Window's left offset to screen * `y` Integer - Window's top offset to screen * `center` Boolean - Show window in the center of the screen * `min-width` Integer - Minimum width * `min-height` Integer - Minimum height * `max-width` Integer - Maximum width * `max-height` Integer - Maximum height * `resizable` Boolean - Whether window is resizable * `always-on-top` Boolean - Whether the window should always stay on top of other windows * `fullscreen` Boolean - Whether the window should show in fullscreen * `kiosk` Boolean - The kiosk mode * `title` String - Default window title * `show` Boolean - Whether window should be shown when created * `frame` Boolean - Specify `false` to create a [Frameless Window](frameless-window.md) * `node-integration` String - Can be `all`, `except-iframe`, `manual-enable-iframe` or `disable`. Creates a new `BrowserWindow` with native properties set by the `options`. Usually you only need to set the `width` and `height`, other properties will have decent default values. By default the `node-integration` option is `all`, which means node integration is available to the main page and all its iframes. You can also set it to `except-iframe`, which would disable node integration in all iframes, or `manual-enable-iframe`, which is like `except-iframe`, but would enable iframes whose name is suffixed by `-enable-node-integration`. And setting to `disable` would disable the node integration in both the main page and its iframes. An example of enable node integration in iframe with `node-integration` set to `manual-enable-iframe`: ```html <!-- iframe with node integration enabled --> <iframe name="gh-enable-node-integration" src="https://github.com"></iframe> <!-- iframe with node integration disabled --> <iframe src="http://jandan.net"></iframe> ``` ### Event: 'page-title-updated' * `event` Event Emitted when the document changed its title, calling `event.preventDefault()` would prevent the native window's title to change. ### Event: 'loading-state-changed' * `event` Event * `isLoading` Boolean Emitted when the window is starting or is done loading a page. ### Event: 'close' * `event` Event Emitted when the window is going to be closed. It's emitted before the `beforeunload` and `unload` event of DOM, calling `event.preventDefault()` would cancel the close. Usually you would want to use the `beforeunload` handler to decide whether the window should be closed, which will also be called when the window is reloaded. In atom-shell, returning an empty string or `false` would cancel the close. An example is: ```javascript window.onbeforeunload = function(e) { console.log('I do not want to be closed'); // Unlike usual browsers, in which a string should be returned and the user is // prompted to confirm the page unload. atom-shell gives the power completely // to the developers, return empty string or false would prevent the unloading // now. You can also use the dialog API to let user confirm it. return false; }; ``` ### Event: 'closed' Emitted when the window is closed. At the time of this event, window is not destroyed yet so you can still do some operations to the window (but you shouldn't!). ### Event: 'destroyed' Emitted when the memory taken by the native window is released. Usually you should dereference the javascript object when received this event. ### Event: 'unresponsive' Emiited when the web page becomes unresponsive. ### Event: 'responsive' Emitted when the unresponsive web page becomes responsive again. ### Event: 'crashed' Emitted when the renderer process is crashed. ### Event: 'blur' Emiited when window loses focus. ### Class Method: BrowserWindow.getAllWindows() Returns an array of all opened browser windows. ### Class Method: BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow() Returns the window that is focused in this application. ### Class Method: BrowserWindow.fromProcessIdAndRoutingId(processId, routingId) * `processId` Integer * `routingId` Integer Find a window according to its `processId` and `routingId`. ### BrowserWindow.destroy() Destroy the window and free the memory without closing it. **Note:** Usually you should always call `Window.close()` to close the window, **which will emit `beforeunload` and `unload` events for DOM. Only use **`Window.destroy()` when the window gets into a very bad state and you want **to force closing it. ### BrowserWindow.close() Try to close the window, this has the same effect with user manually clicking the close button of the window. The web page may cancel the close though, see the [close event](window#event-close). ### BrowserWindow.focus() Focus on the window. ### BrowserWindow.isFocused() Returns whether the window is focused. ### BrowserWindow.show() Shows the window. ### BrowserWindow.hide() Hides the window. ### BrowserWindow.isVisible() Returns whether the window is visible to the user. ### BrowserWindow.maximize() Maximizes the window. ### BrowserWindow.unmaximize() Unmaximizes the window. ### BrowserWindow.minimize() Minimizes the window. On some platforms the minimized window will be shown in the Dock. ### BrowserWindow.restore() Restores the window from minimized state to its previous state. ### BrowserWindow.setFullScreen(flag) * `flag` Boolean Sets whether the window should be in fullscreen mode. ### BrowserWindow.isFullScreen() Returns whether the window is in fullscreen mode. ### BrowserWindow.setSize(width, height) * `width` Integer * `height` Integer Resizes the window to `width` and `height`. ### BrowserWindow.getSize() Returns an array that contains window's width and height. ### BrowserWindow.setMinimumSize(width, height) * `width` Integer * `height` Integer Sets the minimum size of window to `width` and `height`. ### BrowserWindow.getMinimumSize() Returns an array that contains window's minimum width and height. ### BrowserWindow.setMaximumSize(width, height) * `width` Integer * `height` Integer Sets the maximum size of window to `width` and `height`. ### BrowserWindow.getMaximumSize() Returns an array that contains window's maximum width and height. ### BrowserWindow.setResizable(resizable) * `resizable` Boolean Sets whether the window can be manually resized by user. ### BrowserWindow.isResizable() Returns whether the window can be manually resized by user. ### BrowserWindow.setAlwaysOnTop(flag) * `flag` Boolean Sets whether the window should show always on top of other windows. After setting this, the window is still a normal window, not a toolbox window which can not be focused on. ### BrowserWindow.isAlwaysOnTop() Returns whether the window is always on top of other windows. ### BrowserWindow.center() Moves window to the center of the screen. ### BrowserWindow.setPosition(x, y) * `x` Integer * `y` Integer Moves window to `x` and `y`. ### BrowserWindow.getPosition() Returns an array that contains window's current position. ### BrowserWindow.setTitle(title) * `title` String Changes the title of native window to `title`. ### BrowserWindow.getTitle() Returns the title of the native window. **Note:** The title of web page can be different from the title of the native **window. ### BrowserWindow.flashFlame() Flashes the window to attract user's attention. ### BrowserWindow.setKiosk(flag) * `flag` Boolean Enters or leaves the kiosk mode. ### BrowserWindow.isKiosk() Returns whether the window is in kiosk mode. ### BrowserWindow.openDevTools() Opens the developer tools. ### BrowserWindow.closeDevTools() Closes the developer tools. ### BrowserWindow.inspectElement(x, y) * `x` Integer * `y` Integer Starts inspecting element at position (`x`, `y`). ### BrowserWindow.focusOnWebView() ### BrowserWindow.blurWebView() ### BrowserWindow.capturePage([rect, ]callback) * `rect` Object - The area of page to be captured * `x` * `y` * `width` * `height` * `callback` Function Captures the snapshot of page within `rect`, upon completion `callback` would be called with `callback(image)`, the `image` is a `Buffer` that stores the PNG encoded data of the snapshot. Omitting the `rect` would capture the whole visible page. You can write received `image` directly to a `.png` file, or you can base64 encode it and use data URL to embed the image in HTML. **Note:** Be sure to read documents on remote buffer in [remote](../renderer/remote.md) if you are going to use this API in renderer process. ### BrowserWindow.getPageTitle() Returns the title of web page. ### BrowserWindow.isLoading() Returns whether web page is still loading resources. ### BrowserWindow.isWaitingForResponse() Returns whether web page is waiting for a first-response for the main resource of the page. ### BrowserWindow.stop() Stops any pending navigation. ### BrowserWindow.getProcessId() Returns window's process ID. The process ID and routing ID can be used together to locate a window. ### BrowserWindow.getRoutingId() Returns window's routing ID. The process ID and routing ID can be used together to locate a window. ### BrowserWindow.loadUrl(url) * `url` URL Loads the `url` in the window, the `url` must contains the protocol prefix, e.g. the `http://` or `file://`. ### BrowserWindow.getUrl() Returns URL of current web page. ### BrowserWindow.canGoBack() Returns whether the web page can go back. ### BrowserWindow.canGoForward() Returns whether the web page can go forward. ### BrowserWindow.canGoToOffset(offset) * `offset` Integer Returns whether the web page can go to `offset`. ### BrowserWindow.goBack() Makes the web page go back. ### BrowserWindow.goForward() Makes the web page go forward. ### BrowserWindow.goToIndex(index) * `index` Integer Navigates to the specified absolute index. ### BrowserWindow.goToOffset(offset) * `offset` Integer Navigates to the specified offset from the "current entry". ### BrowserWindow.reload() Reloads current window. ### BrowserWindow.reloadIgnoringCache() Reloads current window and ignores cache.