#!/usr/bin/env node const { GitProcess } = require('dugite') const childProcess = require('child_process') const klaw = require('klaw') const minimist = require('minimist') const path = require('path') const SOURCE_ROOT = path.normalize(path.dirname(__dirname)) const BLACKLIST = new Set([ ['atom', 'browser', 'mac', 'atom_application.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'mac', 'atom_application_delegate.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'resources', 'win', 'resource.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'atom_menu_controller.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'atom_ns_window.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'atom_ns_window_delegate.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'atom_preview_item.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'atom_touch_bar.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'touch_bar_forward_declarations.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'NSColor+Hex.h'], ['atom', 'browser', 'ui', 'cocoa', 'NSString+ANSI.h'], ['atom', 'common', 'api', 'api_messages.h'], ['atom', 'common', 'common_message_generator.cc'], ['atom', 'common', 'common_message_generator.h'], ['atom', 'common', 'node_includes.h'], ['atom', 'node', 'osfhandle.cc'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'mac', 'bry_inspectable_web_contents_view.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'mac', 'event_dispatching_window.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'mac', 'notification_center_delegate.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'win', 'notification_presenter_win7.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'win', 'win32_desktop_notifications', 'common.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'win', 'win32_desktop_notifications', 'desktop_notification_controller.cc'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'win', 'win32_desktop_notifications', 'desktop_notification_controller.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'win', 'win32_desktop_notifications', 'toast.h'], ['brightray', 'browser', 'win', 'win32_notification.h'], ['spec', 'static', 'jquery-2.0.3.min.js'] ].map(tokens => path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, ...tokens))) function spawnAndCheckExitCode (cmd, args, opts) { opts = Object.assign({ stdio: 'inherit' }, opts) const status = childProcess.spawnSync(cmd, args, opts).status if (status) process.exit(status) } const LINTERS = [ { key: 'c++', roots: ['atom', 'brightray'], test: filename => filename.endsWith('.cc') || filename.endsWith('.h'), run: (opts, filenames) => { const result = childProcess.spawnSync('cpplint.py', filenames, { encoding: 'utf8' }) // cpplint.py writes EVERYTHING to stderr, including status messages if (result.stderr) { for (const line of result.stderr.split(/[\r\n]+/)) { if (line.length && !line.startsWith('Done processing ') && line !== 'Total errors found: 0') { console.warn(line) } } } if (result.status) process.exit(result.status) } }, { key: 'python', roots: ['script'], test: filename => filename.endsWith('.py'), run: (opts, filenames) => { const rcfile = path.normalize(path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'third_party', 'depot_tools', 'pylintrc')) const args = ['--rcfile=' + rcfile, ...filenames] const env = Object.assign({ PYTHONPATH: path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, 'script') }, process.env) spawnAndCheckExitCode('pylint.py', args, { env }) } }, { key: 'javascript', roots: ['lib', 'spec', 'script', 'default_app'], test: filename => filename.endsWith('.js'), run: (opts, filenames) => { const cmd = path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'eslint') const args = [ '--cache', ...filenames ] if (opts.fix) args.unshift('--fix') spawnAndCheckExitCode(cmd, args, { cwd: SOURCE_ROOT }) } }] function parseCommandLine () { let help const opts = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: [ 'c++', 'javascript', 'python', 'help', 'changed', 'fix', 'verbose' ], alias: { 'c++': ['cc', 'cpp', 'cxx'], javascript: ['js', 'es'], python: 'py', changed: 'c', help: 'h', verbose: 'v' }, unknown: arg => { help = true } }) if (help || opts.help) { console.log('Usage: script/lint.js [--cc] [--js] [--py] [-c|--changed] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--fix]') process.exit(0) } return opts } async function findChangedFiles (top) { const result = await GitProcess.exec(['diff', '--name-only', '--cached'], top) if (result.exitCode !== 0) { console.log('Failed to find changed files', GitProcess.parseError(result.stderr)) process.exit(1) } const relativePaths = result.stdout.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g) const absolutePaths = relativePaths.map(x => path.join(top, x)) return new Set(absolutePaths) } async function findMatchingFiles (top, test) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const matches = [] klaw(top) .on('end', () => resolve(matches)) .on('data', item => { if (test(item.path)) { matches.push(item.path) } }) }) } async function findFiles (args, linter) { let filenames = [] let whitelist = null // build the whitelist if (args.changed) { whitelist = await findChangedFiles(SOURCE_ROOT) if (!whitelist.size) { return filenames } } // accumulate the raw list of files for (const root of linter.roots) { const files = await findMatchingFiles(path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, root), linter.test) filenames.push(...files) } // remove blacklisted files filenames = filenames.filter(x => !BLACKLIST.has(x)) // if a whitelist exists, remove anything not in it if (whitelist) { filenames = filenames.filter(x => whitelist.has(x)) } return filenames } async function main () { const opts = parseCommandLine() // no mode specified? run 'em all if (!opts['c++'] && !opts.javascript && !opts.python) { opts['c++'] = opts.javascript = opts.python = true } const linters = LINTERS.filter(x => opts[x.key]) for (const linter of linters) { const filenames = await findFiles(opts, linter) if (filenames.length) { if (opts.verbose) { console.log(`linting ${filenames.length} ${linter.key} ${filenames.length === 1 ? 'file' : 'files'}`) } linter.run(opts, filenames) } } } if (process.mainModule === module) { main() }