const { expect } = require('chai'); const path = require('path'); const { Buffer } = require('buffer'); const { ifdescribe, ifit } = require('./spec-helpers'); const { clipboard, nativeImage } = require('electron'); // FIXME(zcbenz): Clipboard tests are failing on WOA. ifdescribe(process.platform !== 'win32' || process.arch !== 'arm64')('clipboard module', () => { const fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures'); describe('clipboard.readImage()', () => { it('returns NativeImage instance', () => { const p = path.join(fixtures, 'assets', 'logo.png'); const i = nativeImage.createFromPath(p); clipboard.writeImage(p); const readImage = clipboard.readImage(); expect(readImage.toDataURL()).to.equal(i.toDataURL()); }); }); describe('clipboard.readText()', () => { it('returns unicode string correctly', () => { const text = '千江有水千江月,万里无云万里天'; clipboard.writeText(text); expect(clipboard.readText()).to.equal(text); }); }); describe('clipboard.readHTML()', () => { it('returns markup correctly', () => { const text = 'Hi'; const markup = process.platform === 'darwin' ? "Hi" : 'Hi'; clipboard.writeHTML(text); expect(clipboard.readHTML()).to.equal(markup); }); }); describe('clipboard.readRTF', () => { it('returns rtf text correctly', () => { const rtf = '{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss Helvetica;}\\f0\\pard\nThis is some {\\b bold} text.\\par\n}'; clipboard.writeRTF(rtf); expect(clipboard.readRTF()).to.equal(rtf); }); }); ifdescribe(process.platform !== 'linux')('clipboard.readBookmark', () => { it('returns title and url', () => { clipboard.writeBookmark('a title', ''); const readBookmark = clipboard.readBookmark(); if (process.platform !== 'win32') { expect(readBookmark.title).to.equal('a title'); } expect(clipboard.readBookmark().url).to.equal(''); clipboard.writeText('no bookmark'); expect(clipboard.readBookmark()).to.deep.equal({ title: '', url: '' }); }); }); describe('', () => { ifit(process.platform !== 'linux')('does not crash when reading various custom clipboard types', () => { const type = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'NSFilenamesPboardType' : 'FileNameW'; expect(() => { const result =; }).to.not.throw(); }); it('can read data written with writeBuffer', () => { const testText = 'Testing read'; const buffer = Buffer.from(testText, 'utf8'); clipboard.writeBuffer('public/utf8-plain-text', buffer); expect('public/utf8-plain-text')).to.equal(testText); }); }); describe('clipboard.write()', () => { it('returns data correctly', () => { const text = 'test'; const rtf = '{\\rtf1\\utf8 text}'; const p = path.join(fixtures, 'assets', 'logo.png'); const i = nativeImage.createFromPath(p); const markup = process.platform === 'darwin' ? "Hi" : 'Hi'; const bookmark = { title: 'a title', url: 'test' }; clipboard.write({ text: 'test', html: 'Hi', rtf: '{\\rtf1\\utf8 text}', bookmark: 'a title', image: p }); expect(clipboard.readText()).to.equal(text); expect(clipboard.readHTML()).to.equal(markup); expect(clipboard.readRTF()).to.equal(rtf); const readImage = clipboard.readImage(); expect(readImage.toDataURL()).to.equal(i.toDataURL()); if (process.platform !== 'linux') { if (process.platform !== 'win32') { expect(clipboard.readBookmark()).to.deep.equal(bookmark); } else { expect(clipboard.readBookmark().url).to.equal(bookmark.url); } } }); }); ifdescribe(process.platform === 'darwin')('', () => { it('reads and write text to the find pasteboard', () => { clipboard.writeFindText('find this'); expect(clipboard.readFindText()).to.equal('find this'); }); }); describe('clipboard.readBuffer(format)', () => { it('writes a Buffer for the specified format', function () { const buffer = Buffer.from('writeBuffer', 'utf8'); clipboard.writeBuffer('public/utf8-plain-text', buffer); expect(buffer.equals(clipboard.readBuffer('public/utf8-plain-text'))).to.equal(true); }); it('throws an error when a non-Buffer is specified', () => { expect(() => { clipboard.writeBuffer('public/utf8-plain-text', 'hello'); }).to.throw(/buffer must be a node Buffer/); }); }); });