ipc = require 'ipc' path = require 'path' objectsRegistry = require './objects-registry.js' v8Util = process.atomBinding 'v8_util' # Convert a real value into meta data. valueToMeta = (processId, routingId, value) -> meta = type: typeof value meta.type = 'value' if value is null meta.type = 'array' if Array.isArray value # Treat the arguments object as array. meta.type = 'array' if meta.type is 'object' and value.callee? and value.length? if meta.type is 'array' meta.members = [] meta.members.push valueToMeta(processId, routingId, el) for el in value else if meta.type is 'object' or meta.type is 'function' meta.name = value.constructor.name # Reference the original value if it's an object, because when it's # passed to renderer we would assume the renderer keeps a reference of # it. [meta.id, meta.storeId] = objectsRegistry.add processId, routingId, value meta.members = [] meta.members.push {name: prop, type: typeof field} for prop, field of value else meta.type = 'value' meta.value = value meta # Convert Error into meta data. errorToMeta = (error) -> type: 'error', message: error.message, stack: (error.stack || error) # Convert array of meta data from renderer into array of real values. unwrapArgs = (processId, routingId, args) -> metaToValue = (meta) -> switch meta.type when 'value' then meta.value when 'remote-object' then objectsRegistry.get meta.id when 'array' then unwrapArgs processId, routingId, meta.value when 'object' ret = v8Util.createObjectWithName meta.name for member in meta.members ret[member.name] = metaToValue(member.value) ret when 'function-with-return-value' returnValue = metaToValue meta.value -> returnValue when 'function' rendererReleased = false objectsRegistry.once "clear-#{processId}-#{routingId}", -> rendererReleased = true ret = -> throw new Error('Calling a callback of released renderer view') if rendererReleased ipc.sendChannel processId, routingId, 'ATOM_RENDERER_CALLBACK', meta.id, valueToMeta(processId, routingId, arguments) v8Util.setDestructor ret, -> return if rendererReleased ipc.sendChannel processId, routingId, 'ATOM_RENDERER_RELEASE_CALLBACK', meta.id ret else throw new TypeError("Unknown type: #{meta.type}") args.map metaToValue # Call a function and send reply asynchronously if it's a an asynchronous # style function and the caller didn't pass a callback. callFunction = (event, processId, routingId, func, caller, args) -> if v8Util.getHiddenValue(func, 'asynchronous') and typeof args[args.length - 1] isnt 'function' args.push (ret) -> event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, ret func.apply caller, args else ret = func.apply caller, args event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, ret # Send by BrowserWindow when its render view is deleted. process.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_RELEASE_RENDER_VIEW', (processId, routingId) -> objectsRegistry.clear processId, routingId ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_REQUIRE', (event, processId, routingId, module) -> try event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, require(module) catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_GLOBAL', (event, processId, routingId, name) -> try event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, global[name] catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_CURRENT_WINDOW', (event, processId, routingId) -> try BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window' window = BrowserWindow.fromProcessIdAndRoutingId processId, routingId window = BrowserWindow.fromDevTools processId, routingId unless window? event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, window catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_CONSTRUCTOR', (event, processId, routingId, id, args) -> try args = unwrapArgs processId, routingId, args constructor = objectsRegistry.get id # Call new with array of arguments. # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1606797/use-of-apply-with-new-operator-is-this-possible obj = new (Function::bind.apply(constructor, [null].concat(args))) event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, obj catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_FUNCTION_CALL', (event, processId, routingId, id, args) -> try args = unwrapArgs processId, routingId, args func = objectsRegistry.get id callFunction event, processId, routingId, func, global, args catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_MEMBER_CONSTRUCTOR', (event, processId, routingId, id, method, args) -> try args = unwrapArgs processId, routingId, args constructor = objectsRegistry.get(id)[method] # Call new with array of arguments. obj = new (Function::bind.apply(constructor, [null].concat(args))) event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, obj catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_MEMBER_CALL', (event, processId, routingId, id, method, args) -> try args = unwrapArgs processId, routingId, args obj = objectsRegistry.get id callFunction event, processId, routingId, obj[method], obj, args catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_MEMBER_SET', (event, processId, routingId, id, name, value) -> try obj = objectsRegistry.get id obj[name] = value event.returnValue = null catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_MEMBER_GET', (event, processId, routingId, id, name) -> try obj = objectsRegistry.get id event.returnValue = valueToMeta processId, routingId, obj[name] catch e event.returnValue = errorToMeta e ipc.on 'ATOM_BROWSER_DEREFERENCE', (processId, routingId, storeId) -> objectsRegistry.remove processId, routingId, storeId