const assert = require('assert') const ChildProcess = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const os = require('os') const {ipcRenderer, remote} = require('electron') const isCI = remote.getGlobal('isCi') describe('node feature', () => { const fixtures = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures') describe('child_process', () => { describe('child_process.fork', () => { it('works in current process', (done) => { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'ping.js')) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.equal(msg, 'message') done() }) child.send('message') }) it('preserves args', (done) => { const args = ['--expose_gc', '-test', '1'] const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'process_args.js'), args) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.deepEqual(args, msg.slice(2)) done() }) child.send('message') }) it('works in forked process', (done) => { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'fork_ping.js')) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.equal(msg, 'message') done() }) child.send('message') }) it('works in forked process when options.env is specifed', (done) => { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'fork_ping.js'), [], { path: process.env['PATH'] }) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.equal(msg, 'message') done() }) child.send('message') }) it('works in browser process', (done) => { const fork = remote.require('child_process').fork const child = fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'ping.js')) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.equal(msg, 'message') done() }) child.send('message') }) it('has String::localeCompare working in script', (done) => { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'locale-compare.js')) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.deepEqual(msg, [0, -1, 1]) done() }) child.send('message') }) it('has setImmediate working in script', (done) => { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'set-immediate.js')) child.on('message', (msg) => { assert.equal(msg, 'ok') done() }) child.send('message') }) it('pipes stdio', (done) => { const child = ChildProcess.fork(path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'process-stdout.js'), {silent: true}) let data = '' child.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => { data += String(chunk) }) child.on('close', (code) => { assert.equal(code, 0) assert.equal(data, 'pipes stdio') done() }) }) it('works when sending a message to a process forked with the --eval argument', (done) => { const source = "process.on('message', (message) => { process.send(message) })" const forked = ChildProcess.fork('--eval', [source]) forked.once('message', (message) => { assert.equal(message, 'hello') done() }) forked.send('hello') }) }) describe('child_process.spawn', () => { let child afterEach(() => { if (child != null) child.kill() }) it('supports spawning Electron as a node process via the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE env var', (done) => { child = ChildProcess.spawn(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'module', 'run-as-node.js')], { env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: true } }) let output = '' child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { output += data }) child.stdout.on('close', () => { assert.deepEqual(JSON.parse(output), { processLog: process.platform === 'win32' ? 'function' : 'undefined', processType: 'undefined', window: 'undefined' }) done() }) }) it('supports starting the v8 inspector with --inspect/--inspect-brk', (done) => { child = ChildProcess.spawn(process.execPath, ['--inspect-brk', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'module', 'run-as-node.js')], { env: { ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE: true } }) let output = '' child.stderr.on('data', (data) => { output += data if (output.trim().startsWith('Debugger listening on ws://')) done() }) child.stdout.on('data', (data) => { done(new Error(`Unexpected output: ${data.toString()}`)) }) }) }) }) describe('contexts', () => { describe('setTimeout in fs callback', () => { if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') return it('does not crash', (done) => { fs.readFile(__filename, () => { setTimeout(done, 0) }) }) }) describe('error thrown in renderer process node context', () => { it('gets emitted as a process uncaughtException event', (done) => { const error = new Error('boo!') const listeners = process.listeners('uncaughtException') process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException') process.on('uncaughtException', (thrown) => { assert.strictEqual(thrown, error) process.removeAllListeners('uncaughtException') listeners.forEach((listener) => { process.on('uncaughtException', listener) }) done() }) fs.readFile(__filename, () => { throw error }) }) }) describe('error thrown in main process node context', () => { it('gets emitted as a process uncaughtException event', () => { const error = ipcRenderer.sendSync('handle-uncaught-exception', 'hello') assert.equal(error, 'hello') }) }) describe('promise rejection in main process node context', () => { it('gets emitted as a process unhandledRejection event', () => { const error = ipcRenderer.sendSync('handle-unhandled-rejection', 'hello') assert.equal(error, 'hello') }) }) describe('setTimeout called under Chromium event loop in browser process', () => { it('can be scheduled in time', (done) => { remote.getGlobal('setTimeout')(done, 0) }) }) describe('setInterval called under Chromium event loop in browser process', () => { it('can be scheduled in time', (done) => { let clear let interval clear = () => { remote.getGlobal('clearInterval')(interval) done() } interval = remote.getGlobal('setInterval')(clear, 10) }) }) }) describe('message loop', () => { describe('process.nextTick', () => { it('emits the callback', (done) => { process.nextTick(done) }) it('works in nested calls', (done) => { process.nextTick(() => { process.nextTick(() => { process.nextTick(done) }) }) }) }) describe('setImmediate', () => { it('emits the callback', (done) => { setImmediate(done) }) it('works in nested calls', (done) => { setImmediate(() => { setImmediate(() => { setImmediate(done) }) }) }) }) }) describe('net.connect', () => { if (process.platform !== 'darwin') return it('emit error when connect to a socket path without listeners', (done) => { const socketPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'atom-shell-test.sock') const script = path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'create_socket.js') const child = ChildProcess.fork(script, [socketPath]) child.on('exit', (code) => { assert.equal(code, 0) const client = require('net').connect(socketPath) client.on('error', (error) => { assert.equal(error.code, 'ECONNREFUSED') done() }) }) }) }) describe('Buffer', () => { it('can be created from WebKit external string', () => { const p = document.createElement('p') p.innerText = '闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋' const b = new Buffer(p.innerText) assert.equal(b.toString(), '闲云潭影日悠悠,物换星移几度秋') assert.equal(Buffer.byteLength(p.innerText), 45) }) it('correctly parses external one-byte UTF8 string', () => { const p = document.createElement('p') p.innerText = 'Jøhänñéß' const b = new Buffer(p.innerText) assert.equal(b.toString(), 'Jøhänñéß') assert.equal(Buffer.byteLength(p.innerText), 13) }) it('does not crash when creating large Buffers', () => { let buffer = new Buffer(new Array(4096).join(' ')) assert.equal(buffer.length, 4095) buffer = new Buffer(new Array(4097).join(' ')) assert.equal(buffer.length, 4096) }) }) describe('process.stdout', () => { it('does not throw an exception when accessed', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { process.stdout }) }) it('does not throw an exception when calling write()', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { process.stdout.write('test') }) }) it('should have isTTY defined on Mac and Linux', () => { if (isCI) return if (process.platform === 'win32') { assert.equal(process.stdout.isTTY, undefined) } else { assert.equal(typeof process.stdout.isTTY, 'boolean') } }) }) describe('process.stdin', () => { it('does not throw an exception when accessed', () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => { process.stdin }) }) it('returns null when read from', () => { assert.equal(, null) }) }) describe('process.version', () => { it('should not have -pre', () => { assert(!process.version.endsWith('-pre')) }) }) describe('vm.createContext', () => { it('should not crash', () => { require('vm').runInNewContext('') }) }) it('includes the electron version in process.versions', () => { assert(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\S)?$/.test(process.versions.electron)) }) it('includes the chrome version in process.versions', () => { assert(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test( }) })