EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter app = require 'app' v8Util = process.atomBinding 'v8_util' BrowserWindow = process.atomBinding('window').BrowserWindow BrowserWindow::__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype BrowserWindow::toggleDevTools = -> opened = v8Util.getHiddenValue this, 'devtoolsOpened' if opened @closeDevTools() v8Util.setHiddenValue this, 'devtoolsOpened', false else @openDevTools() v8Util.setHiddenValue this, 'devtoolsOpened', true BrowserWindow::restart = -> @loadUrl(@getUrl()) BrowserWindow::setMenu = (menu) -> throw new Error('BrowserWindow.setMenu is only available on Windows') unless process.platform is 'win32' throw new TypeError('Invalid menu') unless menu?.constructor?.name is 'Menu' @menu = menu # Keep a reference of menu in case of GC. @menu.attachToWindow this BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow = -> windows = app.getBrowserWindows() return window for window in windows when window.isFocused() BrowserWindow.fromProcessIdAndRoutingId = (processId, routingId) -> windows = app.getBrowserWindows() return window for window in windows when window.getProcessId() == processId and window.getRoutingId() == routingId module.exports = BrowserWindow