import { globalShortcut } from 'electron/main'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { ifdescribe } from './lib/spec-helpers'; const modifiers = [ 'CmdOrCtrl', 'Alt', process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'Option' : null, 'AltGr', 'Shift', 'Super', 'Meta' ].filter(Boolean); const keyCodes = [ ...Array.from({ length: 10 }, (_, i) => `${i}`), // 0 to 9 ...Array.from({ length: 26 }, (_, i) => String.fromCharCode(65 + i)), // A to Z ...Array.from({ length: 24 }, (_, i) => `F${i + 1}`), // F1 to F24 ')', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ':', ';', ':', '+', '=', '<', ',', '_', '-', '>', '.', '?', '/', '~', '`', '{', ']', '[', '|', '\\', '}', '"', 'Plus', 'Space', 'Tab', 'Capslock', 'Numlock', 'Scrolllock', 'Backspace', 'Delete', 'Insert', 'Return', 'Enter', 'Up', 'Down', 'Left', 'Right', 'Home', 'End', 'PageUp', 'PageDown', 'Escape', 'Esc', 'PrintScreen', 'num0', 'num1', 'num2', 'num3', 'num4', 'num5', 'num6', 'num7', 'num8', 'num9', 'numdec', 'numadd', 'numsub', 'nummult', 'numdiv' ]; ifdescribe(process.platform !== 'win32')('globalShortcut module', () => { beforeEach(() => { globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); }); it('can register and unregister single accelerators', () => { const singleModifierCombinations = modifiers.flatMap( mod => => { return key === '+' ? `${mod}+Plus` : `${mod}+${key}`; }) ); const doubleModifierCombinations = modifiers.flatMap( (mod1, i) => modifiers.slice(i + 1).flatMap( mod2 => => { return key === '+' ? `${mod1}+${mod2}+Plus` : `${mod1}+${mod2}+${key}`; }) ) ); const combinations = [...singleModifierCombinations, ...doubleModifierCombinations]; combinations.forEach((accelerator) => { expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerator))`Initially registered for ${accelerator}`); globalShortcut.register(accelerator, () => { }); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerator))`Registration failed for ${accelerator}`); globalShortcut.unregister(accelerator); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerator))`Unregistration failed for ${accelerator}`); globalShortcut.register(accelerator, () => { }); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerator))`Re-registration failed for ${accelerator}`); globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerator))`Re-unregistration failed for ${accelerator}`); }); }); it('can register and unregister multiple accelerators', () => { const accelerators = ['CmdOrCtrl+X', 'CmdOrCtrl+Y']; expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerators[0]))'first initially unregistered'); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerators[1]))'second initially unregistered'); globalShortcut.registerAll(accelerators, () => {}); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerators[0]))'first registration worked'); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerators[1]))'second registration worked'); globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerators[0]))'first unregistered'); expect(globalShortcut.isRegistered(accelerators[1]))'second unregistered'); }); it('does not crash when registering media keys as global shortcuts', () => { const accelerators = [ 'VolumeUp', 'VolumeDown', 'VolumeMute', 'MediaNextTrack', 'MediaPreviousTrack', 'MediaStop', 'MediaPlayPause' ]; expect(() => { globalShortcut.registerAll(accelerators, () => {}); }).to.not.throw(); globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); }); });