{ 'includes': [ 'toolchain.gypi', 'vendor/brightray/brightray.gypi', ], 'variables': { # Tell crashpad to build as external project. 'crashpad_dependencies': 'external', # Required by breakpad. 'os_bsd': 0, 'chromeos': 0, # Reflects node's config.gypi. 'component%': 'static_library', 'python': 'python', 'openssl_fips': '', 'openssl_no_asm': 1, 'node_release_urlbase': 'https://atom.io/download/atom-shell', 'node_byteorder': '<!(node <(DEPTH)/tools/get-endianness.js)', 'node_target_type': 'shared_library', 'node_install_npm': 'false', 'node_prefix': '', 'node_shared_cares': 'false', 'node_shared_http_parser': 'false', 'node_shared_libuv': 'false', 'node_shared_openssl': 'false', 'node_shared_v8': 'true', 'node_shared_zlib': 'false', 'node_tag': '', 'node_use_dtrace': 'false', 'node_use_etw': 'false', 'node_use_mdb': 'false', 'node_use_openssl': 'true', 'node_use_perfctr': 'false', 'uv_library': 'static_library', 'uv_parent_path': 'vendor/node/deps/uv', 'uv_use_dtrace': 'false', 'V8_BASE': '', 'v8_postmortem_support': 'false', 'v8_enable_i18n_support': 'false', }, # Settings to compile node under Windows. 'target_defaults': { 'target_conditions': [ ['_target_name in ["libuv", "http_parser", "openssl", "cares", "node", "zlib"]', { 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4003, # not enough actual parameters for macro 'V' 4013, # 'free' undefined; assuming extern returning int 4018, # signed/unsigned mismatch 4054, # 4055, # 'type cast' : from data pointer 'void *' to function pointer 4057, # 'function' : 'volatile LONG *' differs in indirection to slightly different base types from 'unsigned long *' 4189, # 4131, # uses old-style declarator 4133, # incompatible types 4146, # unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned 4164, # intrinsic function not declared 4152, # function/data pointer conversion in expression 4206, # translation unit is empty 4204, # non-constant aggregate initializer 4210, # nonstandard extension used : function given file scope 4214, # bit field types other than int 4232, # address of dllimport 'free' is not static, identity not guaranteed 4291, # no matching operator delete found 4295, # array is too small to include a terminating null character 4389, # '==' : signed/unsigned mismatch 4505, # unreferenced local function has been removed 4701, # potentially uninitialized local variable 'sizew' used 4703, # potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'req' used 4706, # assignment within conditional expression 4804, # unsafe use of type 'bool' in operation 4996, # this function or variable may be unsafe. ], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'WarnAsError': 'false', }, }, 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS': 'NO', 'WARNING_CFLAGS': [ '-Wno-unknown-warning-option', '-Wno-parentheses-equality', '-Wno-unused-function', '-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized', '-Wno-pointer-sign', '-Wno-sign-compare', '-Wno-string-plus-int', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', '-Wno-return-type', '-Wno-gnu-folding-constant', '-Wno-shift-negative-value', ], }, 'conditions': [ ['OS=="linux"', { 'cflags': [ '-Wno-parentheses-equality', '-Wno-unused-function', '-Wno-sometimes-uninitialized', '-Wno-pointer-sign', '-Wno-string-plus-int', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-Wno-unused-value', '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', '-Wno-return-type', '-Wno-shift-negative-value', # Required when building as shared library. '-fPIC', ], }], ], }], ['_target_name=="node"', { 'include_dirs': [ '<(libchromiumcontent_src_dir)/v8', '<(libchromiumcontent_src_dir)/v8/include', ], 'conditions': [ ['OS=="mac" and libchromiumcontent_component==0', { # -all_load is the "whole-archive" on OS X. 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ '-Wl,-all_load' ], }, }], ['OS=="win"', { 'libraries': [ '-lwinmm.lib' ], 'conditions': [ ['libchromiumcontent_component==0', { 'variables': { 'conditions': [ ['target_arch=="ia32"', { 'reference_symbols': [ '_u_errorName_54', '_ubidi_setPara_54', '_ucsdet_getName_54', '_uidna_openUTS46_54', '_ulocdata_close_54', '_unorm_normalize_54', '_uregex_matches_54', '_uscript_getCode_54', '_usearch_setPattern_54', '?createInstance@Transliterator@icu_54@@SAPAV12@ABVUnicodeString@2@W4UTransDirection@@AAW4UErrorCode@@@Z', ], }, { 'reference_symbols': [ 'u_errorName_54', 'ubidi_setPara_54', 'ucsdet_getName_54', 'uidna_openUTS46_54', 'ulocdata_close_54', 'unorm_normalize_54', 'uregex_matches_54', 'uscript_getCode_54', 'usearch_setPattern_54', '?createInstance@Transliterator@icu_54@@SAPEAV12@AEBVUnicodeString@2@W4UTransDirection@@AEAW4UErrorCode@@@Z', ], }], ], }, 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { # There is nothing like "whole-archive" on Windows, so we # have to manually force some objets files to be included # by referencing them. 'ForceSymbolReferences': [ '<@(reference_symbols)' ], # '/INCLUDE' }, }, }], ], }], ['OS=="linux" and libchromiumcontent_component==0', { # Prevent the linker from stripping symbols. 'ldflags': [ '-Wl,--whole-archive', '<@(libchromiumcontent_v8_libraries)', '-Wl,--no-whole-archive', ], }, { 'libraries': [ '<@(libchromiumcontent_v8_libraries)' ], }], ], }], ['_target_name=="openssl"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'DEAD_CODE_STRIPPING': 'YES', # -Wl,-dead_strip 'GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'YES', 'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'YES', }, 'cflags': [ '-fvisibility=hidden', ], }], ['_target_name=="libuv"', { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="win"', { # Expose libuv's symbols. 'defines': [ 'BUILDING_UV_SHARED=1', ], }], # OS=="win" ], }], ['_target_name.startswith("breakpad") or _target_name in ["crash_report_sender", "dump_syms"]', { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="mac"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'WARNING_CFLAGS': [ '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', '-Wno-deprecated-register', '-Wno-unused-private-field', '-Wno-unused-function', ], }, }], # OS=="mac" ['OS=="linux"', { 'cflags': [ '-Wno-empty-body', ], }], # OS=="linux" ['OS=="win"', { 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ # unreferenced local function has been removed. 4505, ], }], # OS=="win" ], }], ], 'msvs_cygwin_shell': 0, # Strangely setting it to 1 would make building under cygwin fail. 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4005, # (node.h) macro redefinition 4091, # (node_extern.h) '__declspec(dllimport)' : ignored on left of 'node::Environment' when no variable is declared 4189, # local variable is initialized but not referenced 4201, # (uv.h) nameless struct/union 4267, # conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data 4503, # decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated 4800, # (v8.h) forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' 4819, # The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page 4996, # (atlapp.h) 'GetVersionExW': was declared deprecated ], }, 'conditions': [ # The breakdpad on Windows assumes Debug_x64 and Release_x64 configurations. ['OS=="win"', { 'target_defaults': { 'configurations': { 'Debug_x64': { }, 'Release_x64': { }, }, }, }], # OS=="win" # The breakdpad on Mac assumes Release_Base configuration. ['OS=="mac"', { 'target_defaults': { 'configurations': { 'Release_Base': { }, }, }, }], # OS=="mac" ], }