$$ This is a pump file for generating file templates. Pump is a python $$ script that is part of the Google Test suite of utilities. Description $$ can be found here: $$ $$ http://code.google.com/p/googletest/wiki/PumpManual $$ $var MAX_ARITY = 6 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE.chromium file. #ifndef NATIVE_MATE_WRAPPABLE_CLASS_H_ #define NATIVE_MATE_WRAPPABLE_CLASS_H_ #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "native_mate/wrappable.h" #include "native_mate/function_template.h" namespace mate { class WrappableBase; namespace internal { // This set of templates invokes a base::Callback by converting the Arguments // into native types. It relies on the function_template.h to provide helper // templates. $range ARITY 0..MAX_ARITY $for ARITY [[ $range ARG 1..ARITY $if ARITY == 0 [[ ]] $else [[ template<$for ARG , [[typename P$(ARG)]]> ]] inline WrappableBase* InvokeFactory( Arguments* args, const base::Callback& callback) { $if ARITY != 0 [[ $for ARG [[ typename CallbackParamTraits::LocalType a$(ARG); ]] if ($for ARG || [[!GetNextArgument(args, 0, $if ARG == 1 [[true]] $else [[false]], &a$(ARG))]]) return nullptr; ]] return callback.Run($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]); }; ]] } // namespace internal template class Constructor { public: typedef base::Callback WrappableFactoryFunction; Constructor(const base::StringPiece& name) : name_(name) {} virtual ~Constructor() { MATE_PERSISTENT_RESET(constructor_); } v8::Local GetFunctionTemplate( v8::Isolate* isolate, const WrappableFactoryFunction& factory) { if (constructor_.IsEmpty()) { v8::Local constructor = CreateFunctionTemplate( isolate, base::Bind(&Constructor::New, factory)); constructor->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); constructor->SetClassName(StringToV8(isolate, name_)); MATE_PERSISTENT_ASSIGN(v8::FunctionTemplate, isolate, constructor_, constructor); } return MATE_PERSISTENT_TO_LOCAL( v8::FunctionTemplate, isolate, constructor_); } private: static MATE_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE New(const WrappableFactoryFunction& factory, v8::Isolate* isolate, Arguments* args) { if (!args->IsConstructCall()) { args->ThrowError("Requires constructor call"); MATE_METHOD_RETURN_UNDEFINED(); } WrappableBase* object; { // Don't continue if the constructor throws an exception. v8::TryCatch try_catch; object = internal::InvokeFactory(args, factory); if (try_catch.HasCaught()) { try_catch.ReThrow(); MATE_METHOD_RETURN_UNDEFINED(); } } if (object) object->InitWith(isolate, args->GetThis()); else args->ThrowError(); MATE_METHOD_RETURN_UNDEFINED(); } base::StringPiece name_; v8::Global constructor_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Constructor); }; template WrappableBase* NewOperatorFactory() { return new T; } template v8::Local CreateConstructor( v8::Isolate* isolate, const base::StringPiece& name, const base::Callback& callback) { v8::Local constructor = Constructor(name).GetFunctionTemplate(isolate, callback); T::BuildPrototype(isolate, constructor->PrototypeTemplate()); return constructor->GetFunction(); } } // namespace mate #endif // NATIVE_MATE_WRAPPABLE_CLASS_H_