# webContents
> Render and control web pages.
Process: [Main](../glossary.md#main-process)
`webContents` is an [EventEmitter][event-emitter].
It is responsible for rendering and controlling a web page and is a property of
the [`BrowserWindow`](browser-window.md) object. An example of accessing the
`webContents` object:
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 1500 })
const contents = win.webContents
## Methods
These methods can be accessed from the `webContents` module:
const { webContents } = require('electron')
### `webContents.getAllWebContents()`
Returns `WebContents[]` - An array of all `WebContents` instances. This will contain web contents
for all windows, webviews, opened devtools, and devtools extension background pages.
### `webContents.getFocusedWebContents()`
Returns `WebContents` | null - The web contents that is focused in this application, otherwise
returns `null`.
### `webContents.fromId(id)`
* `id` Integer
Returns `WebContents` | undefined - A WebContents instance with the given ID, or
`undefined` if there is no WebContents associated with the given ID.
### `webContents.fromFrame(frame)`
* `frame` WebFrameMain
Returns `WebContents` | undefined - A WebContents instance with the given WebFrameMain, or
`undefined` if there is no WebContents associated with the given WebFrameMain.
### `webContents.fromDevToolsTargetId(targetId)`
* `targetId` string - The Chrome DevTools Protocol [TargetID](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/tot/Target/#type-TargetID) associated with the WebContents instance.
Returns `WebContents` | undefined - A WebContents instance with the given TargetID, or
`undefined` if there is no WebContents associated with the given TargetID.
When communicating with the [Chrome DevTools Protocol](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/),
it can be useful to lookup a WebContents instance based on its assigned TargetID.
async function lookupTargetId (browserWindow) {
const wc = browserWindow.webContents
await wc.debugger.attach('1.3')
const { targetInfo } = await wc.debugger.sendCommand('Target.getTargetInfo')
const { targetId } = targetInfo
const targetWebContents = await webContents.fromDevToolsTargetId(targetId)
## Class: WebContents
> Render and control the contents of a BrowserWindow instance.
Process: [Main](../glossary.md#main-process)
_This class is not exported from the `'electron'` module. It is only available as a return value of other methods in the Electron API._
### Instance Events
#### Event: 'did-finish-load'
Emitted when the navigation is done, i.e. the spinner of the tab has stopped
spinning, and the `onload` event was dispatched.
#### Event: 'did-fail-load'
* `event` Event
* `errorCode` Integer
* `errorDescription` string
* `validatedURL` string
* `isMainFrame` boolean
* `frameProcessId` Integer
* `frameRoutingId` Integer
This event is like `did-finish-load` but emitted when the load failed.
The full list of error codes and their meaning is available [here](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:net/base/net_error_list.h).
#### Event: 'did-fail-provisional-load'
* `event` Event
* `errorCode` Integer
* `errorDescription` string
* `validatedURL` string
* `isMainFrame` boolean
* `frameProcessId` Integer
* `frameRoutingId` Integer
This event is like `did-fail-load` but emitted when the load was cancelled
(e.g. `window.stop()` was invoked).
#### Event: 'did-frame-finish-load'
* `event` Event
* `isMainFrame` boolean
* `frameProcessId` Integer
* `frameRoutingId` Integer
Emitted when a frame has done navigation.
#### Event: 'did-start-loading'
Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab started spinning.
#### Event: 'did-stop-loading'
Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab stopped spinning.
#### Event: 'dom-ready'
Emitted when the document in the top-level frame is loaded.
#### Event: 'page-title-updated'
* `event` Event
* `title` string
* `explicitSet` boolean
Fired when page title is set during navigation. `explicitSet` is false when
title is synthesized from file url.
#### Event: 'page-favicon-updated'
* `event` Event
* `favicons` string[] - Array of URLs.
Emitted when page receives favicon urls.
#### Event: 'content-bounds-updated'
* `event` Event
* `bounds` [Rectangle](structures/rectangle.md) - requested new content bounds
Emitted when the page calls `window.moveTo`, `window.resizeTo` or related APIs.
By default, this will move the window. To prevent that behavior, call
#### Event: 'did-create-window'
* `window` BrowserWindow
* `details` Object
* `url` string - URL for the created window.
* `frameName` string - Name given to the created window in the
`window.open()` call.
* `options` BrowserWindowConstructorOptions - The options used to create the
BrowserWindow. They are merged in increasing precedence: parsed options
from the `features` string from `window.open()`, security-related
webPreferences inherited from the parent, and options given by
Unrecognized options are not filtered out.
* `referrer` [Referrer](structures/referrer.md) - The referrer that will be
passed to the new window. May or may not result in the `Referer` header
being sent, depending on the referrer policy.
* `postBody` [PostBody](structures/post-body.md) (optional) - The post data
that will be sent to the new window, along with the appropriate headers
that will be set. If no post data is to be sent, the value will be `null`.
Only defined when the window is being created by a form that set
* `disposition` string - Can be `default`, `foreground-tab`,
`background-tab`, `new-window`, `save-to-disk` and `other`.
Emitted _after_ successful creation of a window via `window.open` in the renderer.
Not emitted if the creation of the window is canceled from
See [`window.open()`](window-open.md) for more details and how to use this in conjunction with `webContents.setWindowOpenHandler`.
#### Event: 'will-navigate'
* `details` Event<>
* `url` string - The URL the frame is navigating to.
* `isSameDocument` boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing
document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment
navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.
* `isMainFrame` boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.
* `frame` WebFrameMain - The frame to be navigated.
* `initiator` WebFrameMain (optional) - The frame which initiated the
navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via `window.open` with a
frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This
can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was
* `url` string _Deprecated_
* `isInPlace` boolean _Deprecated_
* `isMainFrame` boolean _Deprecated_
* `frameProcessId` Integer _Deprecated_
* `frameRoutingId` Integer _Deprecated_
Emitted when a user or the page wants to start navigation. It can happen when
the `window.location` object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page.
This event will not emit when the navigation is started programmatically with
APIs like `webContents.loadURL` and `webContents.back`.
It is also not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links
or updating the `window.location.hash`. Use `did-navigate-in-page` event for
this purpose.
Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent the navigation.
#### Event: 'did-start-navigation'
* `details` Event<>
* `url` string - The URL the frame is navigating to.
* `isSameDocument` boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing
document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment
navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.
* `isMainFrame` boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.
* `frame` WebFrameMain - The frame to be navigated.
* `initiator` WebFrameMain (optional) - The frame which initiated the
navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via `window.open` with a
frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This
can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was
* `url` string _Deprecated_
* `isInPlace` boolean _Deprecated_
* `isMainFrame` boolean _Deprecated_
* `frameProcessId` Integer _Deprecated_
* `frameRoutingId` Integer _Deprecated_
Emitted when any frame (including main) starts navigating.
#### Event: 'will-redirect'
* `details` Event<>
* `url` string - The URL the frame is navigating to.
* `isSameDocument` boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing
document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment
navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.
* `isMainFrame` boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.
* `frame` WebFrameMain - The frame to be navigated.
* `initiator` WebFrameMain (optional) - The frame which initiated the
navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via `window.open` with a
frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This
can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was
* `url` string _Deprecated_
* `isInPlace` boolean _Deprecated_
* `isMainFrame` boolean _Deprecated_
* `frameProcessId` Integer _Deprecated_
* `frameRoutingId` Integer _Deprecated_
Emitted when a server side redirect occurs during navigation. For example a 302
This event will be emitted after `did-start-navigation` and always before the
`did-redirect-navigation` event for the same navigation.
Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent the navigation (not just the
#### Event: 'did-redirect-navigation'
* `details` Event<>
* `url` string - The URL the frame is navigating to.
* `isSameDocument` boolean - Whether the navigation happened without changing
document. Examples of same document navigations are reference fragment
navigations, pushState/replaceState, and same page history navigation.
* `isMainFrame` boolean - True if the navigation is taking place in a main frame.
* `frame` WebFrameMain - The frame to be navigated.
* `initiator` WebFrameMain (optional) - The frame which initiated the
navigation, which can be a parent frame (e.g. via `window.open` with a
frame's name), or null if the navigation was not initiated by a frame. This
can also be null if the initiating frame was deleted before the event was
* `url` string _Deprecated_
* `isInPlace` boolean _Deprecated_
* `isMainFrame` boolean _Deprecated_
* `frameProcessId` Integer _Deprecated_
* `frameRoutingId` Integer _Deprecated_
Emitted after a server side redirect occurs during navigation. For example a 302
This event cannot be prevented, if you want to prevent redirects you should
checkout out the `will-redirect` event above.
#### Event: 'did-navigate'
* `event` Event
* `url` string
* `httpResponseCode` Integer - -1 for non HTTP navigations
* `httpStatusText` string - empty for non HTTP navigations
Emitted when a main frame navigation is done.
This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links
or updating the `window.location.hash`. Use `did-navigate-in-page` event for
this purpose.
#### Event: 'did-frame-navigate'
* `event` Event
* `url` string
* `httpResponseCode` Integer - -1 for non HTTP navigations
* `httpStatusText` string - empty for non HTTP navigations,
* `isMainFrame` boolean
* `frameProcessId` Integer
* `frameRoutingId` Integer
Emitted when any frame navigation is done.
This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links
or updating the `window.location.hash`. Use `did-navigate-in-page` event for
this purpose.
#### Event: 'did-navigate-in-page'
* `event` Event
* `url` string
* `isMainFrame` boolean
* `frameProcessId` Integer
* `frameRoutingId` Integer
Emitted when an in-page navigation happened in any frame.
When in-page navigation happens, the page URL changes but does not cause
navigation outside of the page. Examples of this occurring are when anchor links
are clicked or when the DOM `hashchange` event is triggered.
#### Event: 'will-prevent-unload'
* `event` Event
Emitted when a `beforeunload` event handler is attempting to cancel a page unload.
Calling `event.preventDefault()` will ignore the `beforeunload` event handler
and allow the page to be unloaded.
const { BrowserWindow, dialog } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.webContents.on('will-prevent-unload', (event) => {
const choice = dialog.showMessageBoxSync(win, {
type: 'question',
buttons: ['Leave', 'Stay'],
title: 'Do you want to leave this site?',
message: 'Changes you made may not be saved.',
defaultId: 0,
cancelId: 1
const leave = (choice === 0)
if (leave) {
**Note:** This will be emitted for `BrowserViews` but will _not_ be respected - this is because we have chosen not to tie the `BrowserView` lifecycle to its owning BrowserWindow should one exist per the [specification](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/beforeunload_event).
#### Event: 'crashed' _Deprecated_
* `event` Event
* `killed` boolean
Emitted when the renderer process crashes or is killed.
**Deprecated:** This event is superceded by the `render-process-gone` event
which contains more information about why the render process disappeared. It
isn't always because it crashed. The `killed` boolean can be replaced by
checking `reason === 'killed'` when you switch to that event.
#### Event: 'render-process-gone'
* `event` Event
* `details` Object
* `reason` string - The reason the render process is gone. Possible values:
* `clean-exit` - Process exited with an exit code of zero
* `abnormal-exit` - Process exited with a non-zero exit code
* `killed` - Process was sent a SIGTERM or otherwise killed externally
* `crashed` - Process crashed
* `oom` - Process ran out of memory
* `launch-failed` - Process never successfully launched
* `integrity-failure` - Windows code integrity checks failed
* `exitCode` Integer - The exit code of the process, unless `reason` is
`launch-failed`, in which case `exitCode` will be a platform-specific
launch failure error code.
Emitted when the renderer process unexpectedly disappears. This is normally
because it was crashed or killed.
#### Event: 'unresponsive'
Emitted when the web page becomes unresponsive.
#### Event: 'responsive'
Emitted when the unresponsive web page becomes responsive again.
#### Event: 'plugin-crashed'
* `event` Event
* `name` string
* `version` string
Emitted when a plugin process has crashed.
#### Event: 'destroyed'
Emitted when `webContents` is destroyed.
#### Event: 'input-event'
* `event` Event
* `inputEvent` [InputEvent](structures/input-event.md)
Emitted when an input event is sent to the WebContents. See
[InputEvent](structures/input-event.md) for details.
#### Event: 'before-input-event'
* `event` Event
* `input` Object - Input properties.
* `type` string - Either `keyUp` or `keyDown`.
* `key` string - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.key][keyboardevent].
* `code` string - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.code][keyboardevent].
* `isAutoRepeat` boolean - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.repeat][keyboardevent].
* `isComposing` boolean - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.isComposing][keyboardevent].
* `shift` boolean - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.shiftKey][keyboardevent].
* `control` boolean - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.controlKey][keyboardevent].
* `alt` boolean - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.altKey][keyboardevent].
* `meta` boolean - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.metaKey][keyboardevent].
* `location` number - Equivalent to [KeyboardEvent.location][keyboardevent].
* `modifiers` string[] - See [InputEvent.modifiers](structures/input-event.md).
Emitted before dispatching the `keydown` and `keyup` events in the page.
Calling `event.preventDefault` will prevent the page `keydown`/`keyup` events
and the menu shortcuts.
To only prevent the menu shortcuts, use
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.webContents.on('before-input-event', (event, input) => {
// For example, only enable application menu keyboard shortcuts when
// Ctrl/Cmd are down.
win.webContents.setIgnoreMenuShortcuts(!input.control && !input.meta)
#### Event: 'enter-html-full-screen'
Emitted when the window enters a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.
#### Event: 'leave-html-full-screen'
Emitted when the window leaves a full-screen state triggered by HTML API.
#### Event: 'zoom-changed'
* `event` Event
* `zoomDirection` string - Can be `in` or `out`.
Emitted when the user is requesting to change the zoom level using the mouse wheel.
#### Event: 'blur'
Emitted when the `WebContents` loses focus.
#### Event: 'focus'
Emitted when the `WebContents` gains focus.
Note that on macOS, having focus means the `WebContents` is the first responder
of window, so switching focus between windows would not trigger the `focus` and
`blur` events of `WebContents`, as the first responder of each window is not
The `focus` and `blur` events of `WebContents` should only be used to detect
focus change between different `WebContents` and `BrowserView` in the same
#### Event: 'devtools-open-url'
* `url` string - URL of the link that was clicked or selected.
Emitted when a link is clicked in DevTools or 'Open in new tab' is selected for a link in its context menu.
#### Event: 'devtools-opened'
Emitted when DevTools is opened.
#### Event: 'devtools-closed'
Emitted when DevTools is closed.
#### Event: 'devtools-focused'
Emitted when DevTools is focused / opened.
#### Event: 'certificate-error'
* `event` Event
* `url` string
* `error` string - The error code.
* `certificate` [Certificate](structures/certificate.md)
* `callback` Function
* `isTrusted` boolean - Indicates whether the certificate can be considered trusted.
* `isMainFrame` boolean
Emitted when failed to verify the `certificate` for `url`.
The usage is the same with [the `certificate-error` event of
#### Event: 'select-client-certificate'
* `event` Event
* `url` URL
* `certificateList` [Certificate[]](structures/certificate.md)
* `callback` Function
* `certificate` [Certificate](structures/certificate.md) - Must be a certificate from the given list.
Emitted when a client certificate is requested.
The usage is the same with [the `select-client-certificate` event of
#### Event: 'login'
* `event` Event
* `authenticationResponseDetails` Object
* `url` URL
* `authInfo` Object
* `isProxy` boolean
* `scheme` string
* `host` string
* `port` Integer
* `realm` string
* `callback` Function
* `username` string (optional)
* `password` string (optional)
Emitted when `webContents` wants to do basic auth.
The usage is the same with [the `login` event of `app`](app.md#event-login).
#### Event: 'found-in-page'
* `event` Event
* `result` Object
* `requestId` Integer
* `activeMatchOrdinal` Integer - Position of the active match.
* `matches` Integer - Number of Matches.
* `selectionArea` Rectangle - Coordinates of first match region.
* `finalUpdate` boolean
Emitted when a result is available for
[`webContents.findInPage`](#contentsfindinpagetext-options) request.
#### Event: 'media-started-playing'
Emitted when media starts playing.
#### Event: 'media-paused'
Emitted when media is paused or done playing.
#### Event: 'audio-state-changed'
* `event` Event<>
* `audible` boolean - True if one or more frames or child `webContents` are emitting audio.
Emitted when media becomes audible or inaudible.
#### Event: 'did-change-theme-color'
* `event` Event
* `color` (string | null) - Theme color is in format of '#rrggbb'. It is `null` when no theme color is set.
Emitted when a page's theme color changes. This is usually due to encountering
a meta tag:
#### Event: 'update-target-url'
* `event` Event
* `url` string
Emitted when mouse moves over a link or the keyboard moves the focus to a link.
#### Event: 'cursor-changed'
* `event` Event
* `type` string
* `image` [NativeImage](native-image.md) (optional)
* `scale` Float (optional) - scaling factor for the custom cursor.
* `size` [Size](structures/size.md) (optional) - the size of the `image`.
* `hotspot` [Point](structures/point.md) (optional) - coordinates of the custom cursor's hotspot.
Emitted when the cursor's type changes. The `type` parameter can be `default`,
`crosshair`, `pointer`, `text`, `wait`, `help`, `e-resize`, `n-resize`,
`ne-resize`, `nw-resize`, `s-resize`, `se-resize`, `sw-resize`, `w-resize`,
`ns-resize`, `ew-resize`, `nesw-resize`, `nwse-resize`, `col-resize`,
`row-resize`, `m-panning`, `e-panning`, `n-panning`, `ne-panning`, `nw-panning`,
`s-panning`, `se-panning`, `sw-panning`, `w-panning`, `move`, `vertical-text`,
`cell`, `context-menu`, `alias`, `progress`, `nodrop`, `copy`, `none`,
`not-allowed`, `zoom-in`, `zoom-out`, `grab`, `grabbing` or `custom`.
If the `type` parameter is `custom`, the `image` parameter will hold the custom
cursor image in a [`NativeImage`](native-image.md), and `scale`, `size` and `hotspot` will hold
additional information about the custom cursor.
#### Event: 'context-menu'
* `event` Event
* `params` Object
* `x` Integer - x coordinate.
* `y` Integer - y coordinate.
* `frame` WebFrameMain - Frame from which the context menu was invoked.
* `linkURL` string - URL of the link that encloses the node the context menu
was invoked on.
* `linkText` string - Text associated with the link. May be an empty
string if the contents of the link are an image.
* `pageURL` string - URL of the top level page that the context menu was
invoked on.
* `frameURL` string - URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked
* `srcURL` string - Source URL for the element that the context menu
was invoked on. Elements with source URLs are images, audio and video.
* `mediaType` string - Type of the node the context menu was invoked on. Can
be `none`, `image`, `audio`, `video`, `canvas`, `file` or `plugin`.
* `hasImageContents` boolean - Whether the context menu was invoked on an image
which has non-empty contents.
* `isEditable` boolean - Whether the context is editable.
* `selectionText` string - Text of the selection that the context menu was
invoked on.
* `titleText` string - Title text of the selection that the context menu was
invoked on.
* `altText` string - Alt text of the selection that the context menu was
invoked on.
* `suggestedFilename` string - Suggested filename to be used when saving file through 'Save
Link As' option of context menu.
* `selectionRect` [Rectangle](structures/rectangle.md) - Rect representing the coordinates in the document space of the selection.
* `selectionStartOffset` number - Start position of the selection text.
* `referrerPolicy` [Referrer](structures/referrer.md) - The referrer policy of the frame on which the menu is invoked.
* `misspelledWord` string - The misspelled word under the cursor, if any.
* `dictionarySuggestions` string[] - An array of suggested words to show the
user to replace the `misspelledWord`. Only available if there is a misspelled
word and spellchecker is enabled.
* `frameCharset` string - The character encoding of the frame on which the
menu was invoked.
* `inputFieldType` string - If the context menu was invoked on an input
field, the type of that field. Possible values are `none`, `plainText`,
`password`, `other`.
* `spellcheckEnabled` boolean - If the context is editable, whether or not spellchecking is enabled.
* `menuSourceType` string - Input source that invoked the context menu.
Can be `none`, `mouse`, `keyboard`, `touch`, `touchMenu`, `longPress`, `longTap`, `touchHandle`, `stylus`, `adjustSelection`, or `adjustSelectionReset`.
* `mediaFlags` Object - The flags for the media element the context menu was
invoked on.
* `inError` boolean - Whether the media element has crashed.
* `isPaused` boolean - Whether the media element is paused.
* `isMuted` boolean - Whether the media element is muted.
* `hasAudio` boolean - Whether the media element has audio.
* `isLooping` boolean - Whether the media element is looping.
* `isControlsVisible` boolean - Whether the media element's controls are
* `canToggleControls` boolean - Whether the media element's controls are
* `canPrint` boolean - Whether the media element can be printed.
* `canSave` boolean - Whether or not the media element can be downloaded.
* `canShowPictureInPicture` boolean - Whether the media element can show picture-in-picture.
* `isShowingPictureInPicture` boolean - Whether the media element is currently showing picture-in-picture.
* `canRotate` boolean - Whether the media element can be rotated.
* `canLoop` boolean - Whether the media element can be looped.
* `editFlags` Object - These flags indicate whether the renderer believes it
is able to perform the corresponding action.
* `canUndo` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can undo.
* `canRedo` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can redo.
* `canCut` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can cut.
* `canCopy` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can copy.
* `canPaste` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can paste.
* `canDelete` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can delete.
* `canSelectAll` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can select all.
* `canEditRichly` boolean - Whether the renderer believes it can edit text richly.
Emitted when there is a new context menu that needs to be handled.
#### Event: 'select-bluetooth-device'
* `event` Event
* `devices` [BluetoothDevice[]](structures/bluetooth-device.md)
* `callback` Function
* `deviceId` string
Emitted when bluetooth device needs to be selected on call to
`navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice`. To use `navigator.bluetooth` api
`webBluetooth` should be enabled. If `event.preventDefault` is not called,
first available device will be selected. `callback` should be called with
`deviceId` to be selected, passing empty string to `callback` will
cancel the request.
If no event listener is added for this event, all bluetooth requests will be cancelled.
const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
let win = null
app.whenReady().then(() => {
win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.webContents.on('select-bluetooth-device', (event, deviceList, callback) => {
const result = deviceList.find((device) => {
return device.deviceName === 'test'
if (!result) {
} else {
#### Event: 'paint'
* `event` Event
* `dirtyRect` [Rectangle](structures/rectangle.md)
* `image` [NativeImage](native-image.md) - The image data of the whole frame.
Emitted when a new frame is generated. Only the dirty area is passed in the
const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
const win = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { offscreen: true } })
win.webContents.on('paint', (event, dirty, image) => {
// updateBitmap(dirty, image.getBitmap())
#### Event: 'devtools-reload-page'
Emitted when the devtools window instructs the webContents to reload
#### Event: 'will-attach-webview'
* `event` Event
* `webPreferences` WebPreferences - The web preferences that will be used by the guest
page. This object can be modified to adjust the preferences for the guest
* `params` Record - The other `` parameters such as the `src` URL.
This object can be modified to adjust the parameters of the guest page.
Emitted when a ``'s web contents is being attached to this web
contents. Calling `event.preventDefault()` will destroy the guest page.
This event can be used to configure `webPreferences` for the `webContents`
of a `` before it's loaded, and provides the ability to set settings
that can't be set via `` attributes.
#### Event: 'did-attach-webview'
* `event` Event
* `webContents` WebContents - The guest web contents that is used by the
Emitted when a `` has been attached to this web contents.
#### Event: 'console-message'
* `event` Event
* `level` Integer - The log level, from 0 to 3. In order it matches `verbose`, `info`, `warning` and `error`.
* `message` string - The actual console message
* `line` Integer - The line number of the source that triggered this console message
* `sourceId` string
Emitted when the associated window logs a console message.
#### Event: 'preload-error'
* `event` Event
* `preloadPath` string
* `error` Error
Emitted when the preload script `preloadPath` throws an unhandled exception `error`.
#### Event: 'ipc-message'
* `event` [IpcMainEvent](structures/ipc-main-event.md)
* `channel` string
* `...args` any[]
Emitted when the renderer process sends an asynchronous message via `ipcRenderer.send()`.
See also [`webContents.ipc`](#contentsipc-readonly), which provides an [`IpcMain`](ipc-main.md)-like interface for responding to IPC messages specifically from this WebContents.
#### Event: 'ipc-message-sync'
* `event` [IpcMainEvent](structures/ipc-main-event.md)
* `channel` string
* `...args` any[]
Emitted when the renderer process sends a synchronous message via `ipcRenderer.sendSync()`.
See also [`webContents.ipc`](#contentsipc-readonly), which provides an [`IpcMain`](ipc-main.md)-like interface for responding to IPC messages specifically from this WebContents.
#### Event: 'preferred-size-changed'
* `event` Event
* `preferredSize` [Size](structures/size.md) - The minimum size needed to
contain the layout of the document—without requiring scrolling.
Emitted when the `WebContents` preferred size has changed.
This event will only be emitted when `enablePreferredSizeMode` is set to `true`
in `webPreferences`.
#### Event: 'frame-created'
* `event` Event
* `details` Object
* `frame` WebFrameMain
Emitted when the [mainFrame](web-contents.md#contentsmainframe-readonly), an `