const assert = require('assert') const http = require('http') const multiparty = require('multiparty') const path = require('path') const temp = require('temp').track() const url = require('url') const {closeWindow} = require('./window-helpers') const {remote} = require('electron') const {app, BrowserWindow, crashReporter} = remote.require('electron') describe('crashReporter module', function () { var fixtures = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures') var w = null var originalTempDirectory = null var tempDirectory = null beforeEach(function () { w = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) tempDirectory = temp.mkdirSync('electronCrashReporterSpec-') originalTempDirectory = app.getPath('temp') app.setPath('temp', tempDirectory) }) afterEach(function () { app.setPath('temp', originalTempDirectory) return closeWindow(w).then(function () { w = null }) }) if (process.mas) { return } var isCI = remote.getGlobal('isCi') if (isCI) { return } it('should send minidump when renderer crashes', function (done) { this.timeout(120000) var called = false var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { server.close() var form = new multiparty.Form() form.parse(req, function (error, fields) { if (error) throw error if (called) return called = true assert.equal(fields['prod'], 'Electron') assert.equal(fields['ver'], process.versions.electron) assert.equal(fields['process_type'], 'renderer') assert.equal(fields['platform'], process.platform) assert.equal(fields['extra1'], 'extra1') assert.equal(fields['extra2'], 'extra2') assert.equal(fields['_productName'], 'Zombies') assert.equal(fields['_companyName'], 'Umbrella Corporation') assert.equal(fields['_version'], app.getVersion()) const reportId = 'abc-123-def-456-abc-789-abc-123-abcd' res.end(reportId, () => { waitForCrashReport().then(() => { assert.equal(crashReporter.getLastCrashReport().id, reportId) assert.notEqual(crashReporter.getUploadedReports().length, 0) assert.equal(crashReporter.getUploadedReports()[0].id, reportId) done() }, done) }) }) }) var port = remote.process.port server.listen(port, '', function () { port = server.address().port remote.process.port = port const crashUrl = url.format({ protocol: 'file', pathname: path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'crash.html'), search: '?port=' + port }) if (process.platform === 'darwin') { crashReporter.start({ companyName: 'Umbrella Corporation', submitURL: '' + port }) } w.loadURL(crashUrl) }) }) describe('.start(options)', function () { it('requires that the companyName and submitURL options be specified', function () { assert.throws(function () { crashReporter.start({ companyName: 'Missing submitURL' }) }, /submitURL is a required option to crashReporter\.start/) assert.throws(function () { crashReporter.start({ submitURL: 'Missing companyName' }) }, /companyName is a required option to crashReporter\.start/) }) it('can be called multiple times', function () { assert.doesNotThrow(function () { crashReporter.start({ companyName: 'Umbrella Corporation', submitURL: '' }) crashReporter.start({ companyName: 'Umbrella Corporation 2', submitURL: '' }) }) }) }) }) const waitForCrashReport = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let times = 0 const checkForReport = () => { if (crashReporter.getLastCrashReport() != null) { resolve() } else if (times >= 10) { reject(new Error('No crash report available')) } else { times++ setTimeout(checkForReport, 100) } } checkForReport() }) }