let deprecationHandler = null const deprecate = { setHandler: (handler) => { deprecationHandler = handler }, getHandler: () => deprecationHandler, warn: (oldName, newName) => { return deprecate.log(`'${oldName}' is deprecated. Use '${newName}' instead.`) }, log: (message) => { if (typeof deprecationHandler === 'function') { deprecationHandler(message) } else if (process.throwDeprecation) { throw new Error(message) } else if (process.traceDeprecation) { return console.trace(message) } else { return console.warn(`(electron) ${message}`) } }, renameFunction: function (fn, oldName, newName) { let warned = false return function () { if (!(warned || process.noDeprecation)) { warned = true deprecate.warn(oldName, newName) } return fn.apply(this, arguments) } }, removeFunction: (oldName) => { if (!process.noDeprecation) { deprecate.log(`The '${oldName}' function has been deprecated and marked for removal.`) } }, alias: function (object, oldName, newName) { let warned = false const newFn = function () { if (!(warned || process.noDeprecation)) { warned = true deprecate.warn(oldName, newName) } return this[newName].apply(this, arguments) } if (typeof object === 'function') { object.prototype[newName] = newFn } else { object[oldName] = newFn } }, event: (emitter, oldName, newName) => { let warned = false return emitter.on(newName, function (...args) { if (this.listenerCount(oldName) === 0) return if (warned || process.noDeprecation) return warned = true if (newName.startsWith('-')) { deprecate.log(`'${oldName}' event has been deprecated.`) } else { deprecate.warn(`'${oldName}' event`, `'${newName}' event`) } this.emit(oldName, ...args) }) }, removeProperty: (object, deprecated) => { let warned = false let warn = () => { if (!(warned || process.noDeprecation)) { warned = true deprecate.log(`The '${deprecated}' property has been deprecated and marked for removal.`) } } if (!(deprecated in object)) { throw new Error('Cannot deprecate a property on an object which does not have that property') } let temp = object[deprecated] return Object.defineProperty(object, deprecated, { configurable: true, get: () => { warn() return temp }, set: (newValue) => { warn() temp = newValue } }) }, renameProperty: (object, oldName, newName) => { let warned = false let warn = () => { if (!(warned || process.noDeprecation)) { warned = true deprecate.warn(oldName, newName) } } if (!(newName in object) && (oldName in object)) { warn() object[newName] = object[oldName] } return Object.defineProperty(object, oldName, { get: function () { warn() return this[newName] }, set: function (value) { warn() this[newName] = value } }) } } module.exports = deprecate