import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as cp from 'child_process'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as express from 'express'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; const features = process.electronBinding('features'); const fixturesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures'); // We can only test the auto updater on darwin non-component builds const describeFn = (process.platform === 'darwin' && !process.mas && !features.isComponentBuild() ? describe : describe.skip); describeFn('autoUpdater behavior', function () { this.timeout(120000); let identity = ''; beforeEach(function () { const result = cp.spawnSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../script/codesign/')); if (result.status !== 0 || result.stdout.toString().trim().length === 0) { // Per // CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER is only present on forked PRs if (process.env.CI && !process.env.CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER) { throw new Error('No valid signing identity available to run autoUpdater specs'); } this.skip(); } else { identity = result.stdout.toString().trim(); } }); it('should have a valid code signing identity', () => { expect(identity)'string'); }); const copyApp = async (newDir: string, fixture = 'initial') => { const appBundlePath = path.resolve(process.execPath, '../../..'); const newPath = path.resolve(newDir, ''); cp.spawnSync('cp', ['-R', appBundlePath, path.dirname(newPath)]); const appDir = path.resolve(newPath, 'Contents/Resources/app'); await fs.mkdirp(appDir); await fs.copy(path.resolve(fixturesPath, 'auto-update', fixture), appDir); const plistPath = path.resolve(newPath, 'Contents', 'Info.plist'); await fs.writeFile( plistPath, (await fs.readFile(plistPath, 'utf8')).replace('BuildMachineOSBuild', `NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads NSExceptionDomains localhost NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads NSIncludesSubdomains BuildMachineOSBuild`) ); return newPath; }; const spawn = (cmd: string, args: string[], opts: any = {}) => { let out = ''; const child = cp.spawn(cmd, args, opts); child.stdout.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { out += chunk.toString(); }); child.stderr.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { out += chunk.toString(); }); return new Promise<{ code: number, out: string }>((resolve) => { child.on('exit', (code, signal) => { expect(signal).to.equal(null); resolve({ code: code!, out }); }); }); }; const signApp = (appPath: string) => { return spawn('codesign', ['-s', identity, '--deep', '--force', appPath]); }; const launchApp = (appPath: string, args: string[] = []) => { return spawn(path.resolve(appPath, 'Contents/MacOS/Electron'), args); }; const withTempDirectory = async (fn: (dir: string) => Promise) => { const dir = await fs.mkdtemp(path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'electron-update-spec-')); try { await fn(dir); } finally { cp.spawnSync('rm', ['-r', dir]); } }; const logOnError = (what: any, fn: () => void) => { try { fn(); } catch (err) { console.error(what); throw err; } }; it('should fail to set the feed URL when the app is not signed', async () => { await withTempDirectory(async (dir) => { const appPath = await copyApp(dir); const launchResult = await launchApp(appPath, ['http://myupdate']); expect(launchResult.code).to.equal(1); expect(launchResult.out).to.include('Could not get code signature for running application'); }); }); it('should cleanly set the feed URL when the app is signed', async () => { await withTempDirectory(async (dir) => { const appPath = await copyApp(dir); await signApp(appPath); const launchResult = await launchApp(appPath, ['http://myupdate']); expect(launchResult.code).to.equal(0); expect(launchResult.out).to.include('Feed URL Set: http://myupdate'); }); }); describe('with update server', () => { let port = 0; let server: express.Application = null as any; let httpServer: http.Server = null as any; let requests: express.Request[] = []; beforeEach((done) => { requests = []; server = express(); server.use((req, res, next) => { requests.push(req); next(); }); httpServer = server.listen(0, '', () => { port = (httpServer.address() as AddressInfo).port; done(); }); }); afterEach((done) => { if (httpServer) { httpServer.close(() => { httpServer = null as any; server = null as any; done(); }); } }); it('should hit the update endpoint when checkForUpdates is called', async () => { await withTempDirectory(async (dir) => { const appPath = await copyApp(dir, 'check'); await signApp(appPath); server.get('/update-check', (req, res) => { res.status(204).send(); }); const launchResult = await launchApp(appPath, [`http://localhost:${port}/update-check`]); logOnError(launchResult, () => { expect(launchResult.code).to.equal(0); expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(requests[0])'url', '/update-check'); expect(requests[0].header('user-agent')).to.include('Electron/'); }); }); }); it('should hit the download endpoint when an update is available and error if the file is bad', async () => { await withTempDirectory(async (dir) => { const appPath = await copyApp(dir, 'update'); await signApp(appPath); server.get('/update-file', (req, res) => { res.status(500).send('This is not a file'); }); server.get('/update-check', (req, res) => { res.json({ url: `http://localhost:${port}/update-file`, name: 'My Release Name', notes: 'Theses are some release notes innit', pub_date: (new Date()).toString() }); }); const launchResult = await launchApp(appPath, [`http://localhost:${port}/update-check`]); logOnError(launchResult, () => { expect(launchResult)'code', 1); expect(launchResult.out).to.include('Update download failed. The server sent an invalid response.'); expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(2); expect(requests[0])'url', '/update-check'); expect(requests[1])'url', '/update-file'); expect(requests[0].header('user-agent')).to.include('Electron/'); expect(requests[1].header('user-agent')).to.include('Electron/'); }); }); }); it('should hit the download endpoint when an update is available and update successfully when the zip is provided', async () => { await withTempDirectory(async (dir) => { const appPath = await copyApp(dir, 'update'); await signApp(appPath); // Prepare update await withTempDirectory(async (dir2) => { const secondAppPath = await copyApp(dir2, 'update'); const appPJPath = path.resolve(secondAppPath, 'Contents', 'Resources', 'app', 'package.json'); await fs.writeFile( appPJPath, (await fs.readFile(appPJPath, 'utf8')).replace('1.0.0', '2.0.0') ); await signApp(secondAppPath); const updateZipPath = path.resolve(dir2, ''); await spawn('zip', ['-r', '--symlinks', updateZipPath, './'], { cwd: dir2 }); server.get('/update-file', (req, res) => {; }); server.get('/update-check', (req, res) => { res.json({ url: `http://localhost:${port}/update-file`, name: 'My Release Name', notes: 'Theses are some release notes innit', pub_date: (new Date()).toString() }); }); const relaunchPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { server.get('/update-check/updated/:version', (req, res) => { res.status(204).send(); resolve(); }); }); const launchResult = await launchApp(appPath, [`http://localhost:${port}/update-check`]); logOnError(launchResult, () => { expect(launchResult)'code', 0); expect(launchResult.out).to.include('Update Downloaded'); expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(2); expect(requests[0])'url', '/update-check'); expect(requests[1])'url', '/update-file'); expect(requests[0].header('user-agent')).to.include('Electron/'); expect(requests[1].header('user-agent')).to.include('Electron/'); }); await relaunchPromise; expect(requests).to.have.lengthOf(3); expect(requests[2])'url', '/update-check/updated/2.0.0'); expect(requests[2].header('user-agent')).to.include('Electron/'); }); }); }); }); });