import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as dns from 'dns'; import { net, session, ClientRequest, BrowserWindow, ClientRequestConstructorOptions, protocol } from 'electron/main'; import * as http from 'http'; import * as url from 'url'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Socket } from 'net'; import { defer, listen } from './lib/spec-helpers'; import { once } from 'events'; import { setTimeout } from 'timers/promises'; // See dns.setDefaultResultOrder('ipv4first'); const kOneKiloByte = 1024; const kOneMegaByte = kOneKiloByte * kOneKiloByte; function randomBuffer (size: number, start: number = 0, end: number = 255) { const range = 1 + end - start; const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) { buffer[i] = start + Math.floor(Math.random() * range); } return buffer; } function randomString (length: number) { const buffer = randomBuffer(length, '0'.charCodeAt(0), 'z'.charCodeAt(0)); return buffer.toString(); } async function getResponse (urlRequest: Electron.ClientRequest) { return new Promise<Electron.IncomingMessage>((resolve, reject) => { urlRequest.on('error', reject); urlRequest.on('abort', reject); urlRequest.on('response', (response) => resolve(response)); urlRequest.end(); }); } async function collectStreamBody (response: Electron.IncomingMessage | http.IncomingMessage) { return (await collectStreamBodyBuffer(response)).toString(); } function collectStreamBodyBuffer (response: Electron.IncomingMessage | http.IncomingMessage) { return new Promise<Buffer>((resolve, reject) => { response.on('error', reject); (response as NodeJS.EventEmitter).on('aborted', reject); const data: Buffer[] = []; response.on('data', (chunk) => data.push(chunk)); response.on('end', (chunk?: Buffer) => { if (chunk) data.push(chunk); resolve(Buffer.concat(data)); }); }); } async function respondNTimes (fn: http.RequestListener, n: number): Promise<string> { const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { fn(request, response); // don't close if a redirect was returned if ((response.statusCode < 300 || response.statusCode >= 399) && n <= 0) { n--; server.close(); } }); const sockets: Socket[] = []; server.on('connection', s => sockets.push(s)); defer(() => { server.close(); sockets.forEach(s => s.destroy()); }); return (await listen(server)).url; } function respondOnce (fn: http.RequestListener) { return respondNTimes(fn, 1); } let routeFailure = false; respondNTimes.toRoutes = (routes: Record<string, http.RequestListener>, n: number) => { return respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (, request.url || '')) { (async () => { await Promise.resolve(routes[request.url || ''](request, response)); })().catch((err) => { routeFailure = true; console.error('Route handler failed, this is probably why your test failed', err); response.statusCode = 500; response.end(); }); } else { response.statusCode = 500; response.end();`Unexpected URL: ${request.url}`); } }, n); }; respondOnce.toRoutes = (routes: Record<string, http.RequestListener>) => respondNTimes.toRoutes(routes, 1); respondNTimes.toURL = (url: string, fn: http.RequestListener, n: number) => { return respondNTimes.toRoutes({ [url]: fn }, n); }; respondOnce.toURL = (url: string, fn: http.RequestListener) => respondNTimes.toURL(url, fn, 1); respondNTimes.toSingleURL = (fn: http.RequestListener, n: number) => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; return respondNTimes.toURL(requestUrl, fn, n).then(url => `${url}${requestUrl}`); }; respondOnce.toSingleURL = (fn: http.RequestListener) => respondNTimes.toSingleURL(fn, 1); describe('net module', () => { beforeEach(() => { routeFailure = false; }); afterEach(async function () { await session.defaultSession.clearCache(); if (routeFailure && this.test) { if (!this.test.isFailed()) { throw new Error('Failing this test due an unhandled error in the respondOnce route handler, check the logs above for the actual error'); } } }); describe('HTTP basics', () => { it('should be able to issue a basic GET request', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('GET'); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to issue a basic POST request', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('POST'); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should fetch correct data in a GET request', async () => { const expectedBodyData = 'Hello World!'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('GET'); response.end(expectedBodyData); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(body).to.equal(expectedBodyData); }); it('should post the correct data in a POST request', async () => { const bodyData = 'Hello World!'; let postedBodyData: string = ''; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { postedBodyData = await collectStreamBody(request); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl }); urlRequest.write(bodyData); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(postedBodyData).to.equal(bodyData); }); it('a 307 redirected POST request preserves the body', async () => { const bodyData = 'Hello World!'; let postedBodyData: string = ''; let methodAfterRedirect: string | undefined; const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toRoutes({ '/redirect': (req, res) => { res.statusCode = 307; res.setHeader('location', serverUrl); return res.end(); }, '/': async (req, res) => { methodAfterRedirect = req.method; postedBodyData = await collectStreamBody(req); res.end(); } }, 2); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl + '/redirect' }); urlRequest.write(bodyData); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(methodAfterRedirect).to.equal('POST'); expect(postedBodyData).to.equal(bodyData); }); it('a 302 redirected POST request DOES NOT preserve the body', async () => { const bodyData = 'Hello World!'; let postedBodyData: string = ''; let methodAfterRedirect: string | undefined; const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toRoutes({ '/redirect': (req, res) => { res.statusCode = 302; res.setHeader('location', serverUrl); return res.end(); }, '/': async (req, res) => { methodAfterRedirect = req.method; postedBodyData = await collectStreamBody(req); res.end(); } }, 2); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl + '/redirect' }); urlRequest.write(bodyData); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(methodAfterRedirect).to.equal('GET'); expect(postedBodyData).to.equal(''); }); it('should support chunked encoding', async () => { let receivedRequest: http.IncomingMessage = null as any; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.chunkedEncoding = true; receivedRequest = request; request.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { response.write(chunk); }); request.on('end', (chunk: Buffer) => { response.end(chunk); }); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'POST', url: serverUrl }); let chunkIndex = 0; const chunkCount = 100; let sent = Buffer.alloc(0); urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true; while (chunkIndex < chunkCount) { chunkIndex += 1; const chunk = randomBuffer(kOneKiloByte); sent = Buffer.concat([sent, chunk]); urlRequest.write(chunk); } const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(receivedRequest.method).to.equal('POST'); expect(receivedRequest.headers['transfer-encoding']).to.equal('chunked'); expect(receivedRequest.headers['content-length']).to.equal(undefined); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(response); expect(sent.equals(received)); expect(chunkIndex); }); for (const extraOptions of [{}, { credentials: 'include' }, { useSessionCookies: false, credentials: 'include' }] as ClientRequestConstructorOptions[]) { describe(`authentication when ${JSON.stringify(extraOptions)}`, () => { it('should emit the login event when 401', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }); let loginAuthInfo: Electron.AuthInfo; const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, ...extraOptions }); request.on('login', (authInfo, cb) => { loginAuthInfo = authInfo; cb(user, pass); }); const response = await getResponse(request); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(loginAuthInfo!.realm).to.equal('Foo'); expect(loginAuthInfo!.scheme).to.equal('basic'); }); it('should receive 401 response when cancelling authentication', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }); response.end('unauthenticated'); } else { response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); } }); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, ...extraOptions }); request.on('login', (authInfo, cb) => { cb(); }); const response = await getResponse(request); const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(401); expect(body).to.equal('unauthenticated'); }); it('should share credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(serverUrl); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, ...extraOptions }); let logInCount = 0; request.on('login', () => { logInCount++; }); const response = await getResponse(request); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(logInCount).to.equal(0, 'should not receive a login event, credentials should be cached'); }); it('should share proxy credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const proxyUrl = await respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (!request.headers['proxy-authorization']) { return response.writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const customSession = session.fromPartition(`net-proxy-test-${Math.random()}`); await customSession.setProxy({ proxyRules: proxyUrl.replace('http://', ''), proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>' }); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: customSession } }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(''); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: customSession, ...extraOptions }); let logInCount = 0; request.on('login', () => { logInCount++; }); const response = await getResponse(request); const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(body).to.equal('ok'); expect(logInCount).to.equal(0, 'should not receive a login event, credentials should be cached'); }); it('should upload body when 401', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } response.writeHead(200); request.on('data', (chunk) => response.write(chunk)); request.on('end', () => response.end()); }); const requestData = randomString(kOneKiloByte); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, ...extraOptions }); request.on('login', (authInfo, cb) => { cb(user, pass); }); request.write(requestData); const response = await getResponse(request); const responseData = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(responseData).to.equal(requestData); }); }); } describe('authentication when {"credentials":"omit"}', () => { it('should not emit the login event when 401', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, credentials: 'omit' }); request.on('login', () => {'unexpected login event'); }); const response = await getResponse(request); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(401); expect(response.headers['www-authenticate']).to.equal('Basic realm="Foo"'); }); it('should not share credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { if (!request.headers.authorization) { return response.writeHead(401, { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(serverUrl); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, credentials: 'omit' }); request.on('login', () => {; }); const response = await getResponse(request); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(401); expect(response.headers['www-authenticate']).to.equal('Basic realm="Foo"'); }); it('should share proxy credentials with WebContents', async () => { const [user, pass] = ['user', 'pass']; const proxyUrl = await respondNTimes((request, response) => { if (!request.headers['proxy-authorization']) { return response.writeHead(407, { 'Proxy-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Foo"' }).end(); } return response.writeHead(200).end('ok'); }, 2); const customSession = session.fromPartition(`net-proxy-test-${Math.random()}`); await customSession.setProxy({ proxyRules: proxyUrl.replace('http://', ''), proxyBypassRules: '<-loopback>' }); const bw = new BrowserWindow({ show: false, webPreferences: { session: customSession } }); bw.webContents.on('login', (event, details, authInfo, cb) => { event.preventDefault(); cb(user, pass); }); await bw.loadURL(''); bw.close(); const request = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: customSession, credentials: 'omit' }); request.on('login', () => {; }); const response = await getResponse(request); const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(body).to.equal('ok'); }); }); }); describe('ClientRequest API', () => { it('request/response objects should emit expected events', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneKiloByte); const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end(bodyData); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); // request close event const closePromise = once(urlRequest, 'close'); // request finish event const finishPromise = once(urlRequest, 'close'); // request "response" event const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); response.on('error', (error: Error) => { expect(error)'Error'); }); const statusCode = response.statusCode; expect(statusCode).to.equal(200); // response data event // respond end event const body = await collectStreamBody(response); expect(body).to.equal(bodyData); urlRequest.on('error', (error) => { expect(error)'Error'); }); await Promise.all([closePromise, finishPromise]); }); it('should be able to set a custom HTTP request header before first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue); urlRequest.write(''); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to set a non-string object as a header value', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Integer-Value'; const customHeaderValue = 900; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue.toString()); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue as any); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue); urlRequest.write(''); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName.toLowerCase())).to.equal(customHeaderValue); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should not change the case of header name', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'X-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'value'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue.toString()); expect(request.rawHeaders.includes(customHeaderName)).to.equal(true); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); urlRequest.write(''); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should not be able to set a custom HTTP request header after first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(undefined); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.write(''); expect(() => { urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue); }).to.throw(); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(undefined); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to remove a custom HTTP request header before first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(undefined); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); urlRequest.removeHeader(customHeaderName); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(undefined); urlRequest.write(''); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should not be able to remove a custom HTTP request header after first write', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); urlRequest.write(''); expect(() => { urlRequest.removeHeader(customHeaderName); }).to.throw(); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(customHeaderName)).to.equal(customHeaderValue); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should keep the order of headers', async () => { const customHeaderNameA = 'X-Header-100'; const customHeaderNameB = 'X-Header-200'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { const headerNames = Array.from(Object.keys(request.headers)); const headerAIndex = headerNames.indexOf(customHeaderNameA.toLowerCase()); const headerBIndex = headerNames.indexOf(customHeaderNameB.toLowerCase()); expect(headerBIndex); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderNameB, 'b'); urlRequest.setHeader(customHeaderNameA, 'a'); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to set cookie header line', async () => { const cookieHeaderName = 'Cookie'; const cookieHeaderValue = 'test=12345'; const customSession = session.fromPartition(`test-cookie-header-${Math.random()}`); const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers[cookieHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(cookieHeaderValue); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); await customSession.cookies.set({ url: `${serverUrl}`, name: 'test', value: '11111', expirationDate: 0 }); const urlRequest = net.request({ method: 'GET', url: serverUrl, session: customSession }); urlRequest.setHeader(cookieHeaderName, cookieHeaderValue); expect(urlRequest.getHeader(cookieHeaderName)).to.equal(cookieHeaderValue); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to receive cookies', async () => { const cookie = ['cookie1', 'cookie2']; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', cookie); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['set-cookie']).to.have.same.members(cookie); }); it('should be able to receive content-type', async () => { const contentType = 'mime/test; charset=test'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('content-type', contentType); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['content-type']).to.equal(contentType); }); it('should not use the sessions cookie store by default', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('x-cookie', `${request.headers.cookie!}`); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookieVal = `${}`; await sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', value: cookieVal }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal('undefined'); }); for (const extraOptions of [{ useSessionCookies: true }, { credentials: 'include' }] as ClientRequestConstructorOptions[]) { describe(`when ${JSON.stringify(extraOptions)}`, () => { it('should be able to use the sessions cookie store', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('x-cookie', request.headers.cookie!); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookieVal = `${}`; await sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', value: cookieVal }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookieVal}`); }); it('should be able to use the sessions cookie store with set-cookie', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', 'foo=bar'); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); let cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(0); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0]).to.deep.equal({ name: 'foo', value: 'bar', domain: '', hostOnly: true, path: '/', secure: false, httpOnly: false, session: true, sameSite: 'unspecified' }); }); ['Lax', 'Strict'].forEach((mode) => { it(`should be able to use the sessions cookie store with same-site ${mode} cookies`, async () => { const serverUrl = await respondNTimes.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', `same=site; SameSite=${mode}`); response.setHeader('x-cookie', `${request.headers.cookie}`); response.end(); }, 2); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); let cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(0); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal('undefined'); await collectStreamBody(response); cookies = await sess.cookies.get({}); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0]).to.deep.equal({ name: 'same', value: 'site', domain: '', hostOnly: true, path: '/', secure: false, httpOnly: false, session: true, sameSite: mode.toLowerCase() }); const urlRequest2 = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); const response2 = await getResponse(urlRequest2); expect(response2.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal('same=site'); }); }); it('should be able to use the sessions cookie store safely across redirects', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.statusMessage = 'Moved'; const newUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((req, res) => { res.statusCode = 200; res.statusMessage = 'OK'; res.setHeader('x-cookie', req.headers.cookie!); res.end(); }); response.setHeader('x-cookie', request.headers.cookie!); response.setHeader('location', newUrl.replace('', 'localhost')); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookie127Val = `${}-127`; const cookieLocalVal = `${}-local`; const localhostUrl = serverUrl.replace('', 'localhost'); expect(localhostUrl).to.not.equal(serverUrl); // cookies with lax or strict same-site settings will not // persist after redirects. no_restriction must be used await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', sameSite: 'no_restriction', value: cookie127Val }), sess.cookies.set({ url: localhostUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', sameSite: 'no_restriction', value: cookieLocalVal }) ]); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, session: sess, ...extraOptions }); urlRequest.on('redirect', (status, method, url, headers) => { // The initial redirect response should have received the 127 value here expect(headers['x-cookie'][0]).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookie127Val}`); urlRequest.followRedirect(); }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); // We expect the server to have received the localhost value here // The original request was to a URL // That request would have the cookie127Val cookie attached // The request is then redirect to a localhost URL (different site) // Because we are using the session cookie store it should do the safe / secure thing // and attach the cookies for the new target domain expect(response.headers['x-cookie']).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookieLocalVal}`); }); }); } it('should be able correctly filter out cookies that are secure', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1', value: '1', secure: true }), sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie2', value: '2', secure: false }) ]); const secureCookies = await sess.cookies.get({ secure: true }); expect(secureCookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(secureCookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie1'); const cookies = await sess.cookies.get({ secure: false }); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie2'); }); it('throws when an invalid domain is passed', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await expect(sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1' })) to set cookie with an invalid domain attribute/); }); it('should be able correctly filter out cookies that are session', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1', value: '1' }), sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie2', value: '2', expirationDate: Math.round( / 1000) + 10000 }) ]); const sessionCookies = await sess.cookies.get({ session: true }); expect(sessionCookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(sessionCookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie1'); const cookies = await sess.cookies.get({ session: false }); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie2'); }); it('should be able correctly filter out cookies that are httpOnly', async () => { const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); await Promise.all([ sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie1', value: '1', httpOnly: true }), sess.cookies.set({ url: '', domain: '', name: 'cookie2', value: '2', httpOnly: false }) ]); const httpOnlyCookies = await sess.cookies.get({ httpOnly: true }); expect(httpOnlyCookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(httpOnlyCookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie1'); const cookies = await sess.cookies.get({ httpOnly: false }); expect(cookies).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(cookies[0].name).to.equal('cookie2'); }); describe('when {"credentials":"omit"}', () => { it('should not send cookies'); it('should not store cookies'); }); it('should set sec-fetch-site to same-origin for request from same origin', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-site']).to.equal('same-origin'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, origin: serverUrl }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should set sec-fetch-site to same-origin for request with the same origin header', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-site']).to.equal('same-origin'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }); urlRequest.setHeader('Origin', serverUrl); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should set sec-fetch-site to cross-site for request from other origin', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-site']).to.equal('cross-site'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, origin: '' }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should not send sec-fetch-user header by default', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers)'sec-fetch-user'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should set sec-fetch-user to ?1 if requested', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-user']).to.equal('?1'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }); urlRequest.setHeader('sec-fetch-user', '?1'); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should set sec-fetch-mode to no-cors by default', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-mode']).to.equal('no-cors'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); ['navigate', 'cors', 'no-cors', 'same-origin'].forEach((mode) => { it(`should set sec-fetch-mode to ${mode} if requested`, async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-mode']).to.equal(mode); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, origin: serverUrl }); urlRequest.setHeader('sec-fetch-mode', mode); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); }); it('should set sec-fetch-dest to empty by default', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-dest']).to.equal('empty'); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); [ 'empty', 'audio', 'audioworklet', 'document', 'embed', 'font', 'frame', 'iframe', 'image', 'manifest', 'object', 'paintworklet', 'report', 'script', 'serviceworker', 'style', 'track', 'video', 'worker', 'xslt' ].forEach((dest) => { it(`should set sec-fetch-dest to ${dest} if requested`, async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers['sec-fetch-dest']).to.equal(dest); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, origin: serverUrl }); urlRequest.setHeader('sec-fetch-dest', dest); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); }); it('should be able to abort an HTTP request before first write', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end();'Unexpected request event'); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('response', () => {'unexpected response event'); }); const aborted = once(urlRequest, 'abort'); urlRequest.abort(); urlRequest.write(''); urlRequest.end(); await aborted; }); it('it should be able to abort an HTTP request before request end', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false; let urlRequest: ClientRequest | null = null; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(() => { requestReceivedByServer = true; urlRequest!.abort(); }); let requestAbortEventEmitted = false; urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response event'); }); urlRequest.on('finish', () => {'Unexpected finish event'); }); urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event'); }); urlRequest.on('abort', () => { requestAbortEventEmitted = true; }); const p = once(urlRequest, 'close'); urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true; urlRequest.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); await p; expect(requestReceivedByServer).to.equal(true); expect(requestAbortEventEmitted).to.equal(true); }); it('it should be able to abort an HTTP request after request end and before response', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false; let urlRequest: ClientRequest | null = null; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { requestReceivedByServer = true; urlRequest!.abort(); process.nextTick(() => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); }); let requestFinishEventEmitted = false; urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response event'); }); urlRequest.on('finish', () => { requestFinishEventEmitted = true; }); urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event'); }); urlRequest.end(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); await once(urlRequest, 'abort'); expect(requestFinishEventEmitted).to.equal(true); expect(requestReceivedByServer).to.equal(true); }); it('it should be able to abort an HTTP request after response start', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { requestReceivedByServer = true; response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); }); let requestFinishEventEmitted = false; let requestResponseEventEmitted = false; let responseCloseEventEmitted = false; const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('response', (response) => { requestResponseEventEmitted = true; const statusCode = response.statusCode; expect(statusCode).to.equal(200); response.on('data', () => {}); response.on('end', () => {'Unexpected end event'); }); response.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event'); }); response.on('close' as any, () => { responseCloseEventEmitted = true; }); urlRequest.abort(); }); urlRequest.on('finish', () => { requestFinishEventEmitted = true; }); urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event'); }); urlRequest.end(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); await once(urlRequest, 'abort'); expect(requestFinishEventEmitted)'request should emit "finish" event'); expect(requestReceivedByServer)'request should be received by the server'); expect(requestResponseEventEmitted)'"response" event should be emitted'); expect(responseCloseEventEmitted)'response should emit "close" event'); }); it('abort event should be emitted at most once', async () => { let requestReceivedByServer = false; let urlRequest: ClientRequest | null = null; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(() => { requestReceivedByServer = true; urlRequest!.abort(); urlRequest!.abort(); }); let requestFinishEventEmitted = false; let abortsEmitted = 0; urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response event'); }); urlRequest.on('finish', () => { requestFinishEventEmitted = true; }); urlRequest.on('error', () => {'Unexpected error event'); }); urlRequest.on('abort', () => { abortsEmitted++; }); urlRequest.end(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); await once(urlRequest, 'abort'); expect(requestFinishEventEmitted)'request should emit "finish" event'); expect(requestReceivedByServer)'request should be received by server'); expect(abortsEmitted).to.equal(1, 'request should emit exactly 1 "abort" event'); }); it('should allow to read response body from non-2xx response', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneKiloByte); const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 404; response.end(bodyData); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const bodyCheckPromise = getResponse(urlRequest).then(r => { expect(r.statusCode).to.equal(404); return r; }).then(collectStreamBody).then(receivedBodyData => { expect(receivedBodyData.toString()).to.equal(bodyData); }); const eventHandlers = Promise.all([ bodyCheckPromise, once(urlRequest, 'close') ]); urlRequest.end(); await eventHandlers; }); describe('webRequest', () => { afterEach(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(null); }); it('Should throw when invalid filters are passed', () => { expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }); } ); }).to.throw('Invalid url pattern *:// Empty path.'); expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://', '*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }); } ); }).to.throw('Invalid url pattern *:// Empty path.'); }); it('Should not throw when valid filters are passed', () => { expect(() => { session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( { urls: ['*://'] }, (details, callback) => { callback({ cancel: false }); } ); }).to.not.throw(); }); it('Requests should be intercepted by webRequest module', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl'; let requestIsRedirected = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true; response.end(); }); let requestIsIntercepted = false; session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest( (details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true; // Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }); } else { callback({ cancel: false }); } }); const urlRequest = net.request(`${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL'); expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module'); }); it('should to able to create and intercept a request using a custom session object', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl'; const customPartitionName = `custom-partition-${Math.random()}`; let requestIsRedirected = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true; response.end(); }); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(() => {'Request should not be intercepted by the default session'); }); const customSession = session.fromPartition(customPartitionName, { cache: false }); let requestIsIntercepted = false; customSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true; // Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }); } else { callback({ cancel: false }); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`, session: customSession }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL'); expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module'); }); it('should to able to create and intercept a request using a custom partition name', async () => { const requestUrl = '/requestUrl'; const redirectUrl = '/redirectUrl'; const customPartitionName = `custom-partition-${Math.random()}`; let requestIsRedirected = false; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toURL(redirectUrl, (request, response) => { requestIsRedirected = true; response.end(); }); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(() => {'Request should not be intercepted by the default session'); }); const customSession = session.fromPartition(customPartitionName, { cache: false }); let requestIsIntercepted = false; customSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, callback) => { if (details.url === `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`) { requestIsIntercepted = true; // Disabled due to false positive in StandardJS // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal callback({ redirectURL: `${serverUrl}${redirectUrl}` }); } else { callback({ cancel: false }); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}`, partition: customPartitionName }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); expect(requestIsRedirected)'The server should receive a request to the forward URL'); expect(requestIsIntercepted)'The request should be intercepted by the webRequest module'); }); it('triggers webRequest handlers when bypassCustomProtocolHandlers', async () => { let webRequestDetails: Electron.OnBeforeRequestListenerDetails | null = null; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((req, res) => res.end('hi')); session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest((details, cb) => { webRequestDetails = details; cb({}); }); const body = await net.fetch(serverUrl, { bypassCustomProtocolHandlers: true }).then(r => r.text()); expect(body).to.equal('hi'); expect(webRequestDetails)'url', serverUrl); }); }); it('should throw when calling getHeader without a name', () => { expect(() => { (net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).getHeader as any)(); }).to.throw(/`name` is required for getHeader\(name\)/); expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).getHeader(null as any); }).to.throw(/`name` is required for getHeader\(name\)/); }); it('should throw when calling removeHeader without a name', () => { expect(() => { (net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).removeHeader as any)(); }).to.throw(/`name` is required for removeHeader\(name\)/); expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://test' }).removeHeader(null as any); }).to.throw(/`name` is required for removeHeader\(name\)/); }); it('should follow redirect when no redirect handler is provided', async () => { const requestUrl = '/302'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toRoutes({ '/302': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/200'); response.end(); }, '/200': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.end(); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}${requestUrl}` }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); }); it('should follow redirect chain when no redirect handler is provided', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toRoutes({ '/redirectChain': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/302'); response.end(); }, '/302': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/200'); response.end(); }, '/200': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.end(); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}/redirectChain` }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); }); it('should not follow redirect when request is canceled in redirect handler', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/200'); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl }); urlRequest.end(); urlRequest.on('redirect', () => { urlRequest.abort(); }); urlRequest.on('error', () => {}); urlRequest.on('response', () => {'Unexpected response'); }); await once(urlRequest, 'abort'); }); it('should not follow redirect when mode is error', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/200'); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, redirect: 'error' }); urlRequest.end(); await once(urlRequest, 'error'); }); it('should follow redirect when handler calls callback', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toRoutes({ '/redirectChain': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/302'); response.end(); }, '/302': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 302; response.setHeader('Location', '/200'); response.end(); }, '/200': (request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.end(); } }); const urlRequest = net.request({ url: `${serverUrl}/redirectChain`, redirect: 'manual' }); const redirects: string[] = []; urlRequest.on('redirect', (status, method, url) => { redirects.push(url); urlRequest.followRedirect(); }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(redirects).to.deep.equal([ `${serverUrl}/302`, `${serverUrl}/200` ]); }); it('should throw if given an invalid session option', () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://foo', session: 1 as any }); }).to.throw('`session` should be an instance of the Session class'); }); it('should throw if given an invalid partition option', () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'https://foo', partition: 1 as any }); }).to.throw('`partition` should be a string'); }); it('should be able to create a request with options', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value'; const serverUrlUnparsed = await respondOnce.toURL('/', (request, response) => { expect(request.method).to.equal('GET'); expect(request.headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]).to.equal(customHeaderValue); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const serverUrl = url.parse(serverUrlUnparsed); const options = { port: serverUrl.port ? parseInt(serverUrl.port, 10) : undefined, hostname: '', headers: { [customHeaderName]: customHeaderValue } }; const urlRequest = net.request(options); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to pipe a readable stream into a net request', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneMegaByte); let netRequestReceived = false; let netRequestEnded = false; const [nodeServerUrl, netServerUrl] = await Promise.all([ respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => response.end(bodyData)), respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { netRequestReceived = true; let receivedBodyData = ''; request.on('data', (chunk) => { receivedBodyData += chunk.toString(); }); request.on('end', (chunk: Buffer | undefined) => { netRequestEnded = true; if (chunk) { receivedBodyData += chunk.toString(); } expect(receivedBodyData); response.end(); }); }) ]); const nodeRequest = http.request(nodeServerUrl); const nodeResponse = await getResponse(nodeRequest as any) as any as http.ServerResponse; const netRequest = net.request(netServerUrl); const responsePromise = once(netRequest, 'response'); // TODO(@MarshallOfSound) - FIXME with #22730 nodeResponse.pipe(netRequest as any); const [netResponse] = await responsePromise; expect(netResponse.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(netResponse); expect(netRequestReceived)'net request received'); expect(netRequestEnded)'net request ended'); }); it('should report upload progress', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end(); }); const netRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, method: 'POST' }); expect(netRequest.getUploadProgress())'active', false); netRequest.end(Buffer.from('hello')); const [position, total] = await once(netRequest, 'upload-progress'); expect(netRequest.getUploadProgress()).to.deep.equal({ active: true, started: true, current: position, total }); }); it('should emit error event on server socket destroy', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request) => { request.socket.destroy(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.end(); const [error] = await once(urlRequest, 'error'); expect(error.message).to.equal('net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE'); }); it('should emit error event on server request destroy', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { request.destroy(); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.end(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)); const [error] = await once(urlRequest, 'error'); expect(error.message)['net::ERR_FAILED', 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET', 'net::ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED']); }); it('should not emit any event after close', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.end(); await once(urlRequest, 'close'); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ['finish', 'abort', 'close', 'error'].forEach(evName => { urlRequest.on(evName as any, () => { reject(new Error(`Unexpected ${evName} event`)); }); }); setTimeout(50).then(resolve); }); }); it('should remove the referer header when no referrer url specified', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers.referer).to.equal(undefined); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.end(); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should set the referer header when a referrer url specified', async () => { const referrerURL = ''; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { expect(request.headers.referer).to.equal(referrerURL); response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.end(); }); // The referrerPolicy must be unsafe-url because the referrer's origin // doesn't match the loaded page. With the default referrer policy // (strict-origin-when-cross-origin), the request will be canceled by the // network service when the referrer header is invalid. // See: // -;l=682-683;drc=ae587fa7cd2e5cc308ce69353ee9ce86437e5d41 // -;l=316-318;drc=ae5c7fcf09509843c1145f544cce3a61874b9698 // - const urlRequest = net.request({ url: serverUrl, referrerPolicy: 'unsafe-url' }); urlRequest.setHeader('referer', referrerURL); urlRequest.end(); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); await collectStreamBody(response); }); }); describe('IncomingMessage API', () => { it('response object should implement the IncomingMessage API', async () => { const customHeaderName = 'Some-Custom-Header-Name'; const customHeaderValue = 'Some-Customer-Header-Value'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader(customHeaderName, customHeaderValue); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); const headerValue = headers[customHeaderName.toLowerCase()]; expect(headerValue).to.equal(customHeaderValue); const rawHeaders = response.rawHeaders; expect(rawHeaders)'array'); expect(rawHeaders[0]).to.equal(customHeaderName); expect(rawHeaders[1]).to.equal(customHeaderValue); const httpVersion = response.httpVersion; expect(httpVersion)'string'); const httpVersionMajor = response.httpVersionMajor; expect(httpVersionMajor)'number'); const httpVersionMinor = response.httpVersionMinor; expect(httpVersionMinor)'number'); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should discard duplicate headers', async () => { const includedHeader = 'max-forwards'; const discardableHeader = 'Max-Forwards'; const includedHeaderValue = 'max-fwds-val'; const discardableHeaderValue = 'max-fwds-val-two'; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader(discardableHeader, discardableHeaderValue); response.setHeader(includedHeader, includedHeaderValue); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); expect(headers); expect(headers); expect(headers[includedHeader]).to.equal(includedHeaderValue); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should join repeated non-discardable header values with ,', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('referrer-policy', ['first-text', 'second-text']); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); expect(headers)'referrer-policy'); expect(headers['referrer-policy']).to.equal('first-text, second-text'); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should not join repeated discardable header values with ,', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('last-modified', ['yesterday', 'today']); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); expect(headers)'last-modified'); expect(headers['last-modified']).to.equal('yesterday'); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should make set-cookie header an array even if single value', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', 'chocolate-chip'); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); expect(headers)'set-cookie'); expect(headers['set-cookie'])'array'); expect(headers['set-cookie'][0]).to.equal('chocolate-chip'); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should keep set-cookie header an array when an array', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('set-cookie', ['chocolate-chip', 'oatmeal']); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); expect(headers)'set-cookie'); expect(headers['set-cookie'])'array'); expect(headers['set-cookie'][0]).to.equal('chocolate-chip'); expect(headers['set-cookie'][1]).to.equal('oatmeal'); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should lowercase header keys', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('HEADER-KEY', ['header-value']); response.setHeader('SeT-CookiE', ['chocolate-chip', 'oatmeal']); response.setHeader('rEFERREr-pOLICy', ['first-text', 'second-text']); response.setHeader('LAST-modified', 'yesterday'); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const headers = response.headers; expect(headers)'object'); expect(headers)'header-key'); expect(headers)'set-cookie'); expect(headers)'referrer-policy'); expect(headers)'last-modified'); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should return correct raw headers', async () => { const customHeaders: [string, string|string[]][] = [ ['HEADER-KEY-ONE', 'header-value-one'], ['set-cookie', 'chocolate-chip'], ['header-key-two', 'header-value-two'], ['referrer-policy', ['first-text', 'second-text']], ['HEADER-KEY-THREE', 'header-value-three'], ['last-modified', ['first-text', 'second-text']], ['header-key-four', 'header-value-four'] ]; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; customHeaders.forEach((headerTuple) => { response.setHeader(headerTuple[0], headerTuple[1]); }); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200); expect(response.statusMessage).to.equal('OK'); const rawHeaders = response.rawHeaders; expect(rawHeaders)'array'); let rawHeadersIdx = 0; customHeaders.forEach((headerTuple) => { const headerKey = headerTuple[0]; const headerValues = Array.isArray(headerTuple[1]) ? headerTuple[1] : [headerTuple[1]]; headerValues.forEach((headerValue) => { expect(rawHeaders[rawHeadersIdx]).to.equal(headerKey); expect(rawHeaders[rawHeadersIdx + 1]).to.equal(headerValue); rawHeadersIdx += 2; }); }); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should be able to pipe a net response into a writable stream', async () => { const bodyData = randomString(kOneKiloByte); let nodeRequestProcessed = false; const [netServerUrl, nodeServerUrl] = await Promise.all([ respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => response.end(bodyData)), respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const receivedBodyData = await collectStreamBody(request); expect(receivedBodyData); nodeRequestProcessed = true; response.end(); }) ]); const netRequest = net.request(netServerUrl); const netResponse = await getResponse(netRequest); const serverUrl = url.parse(nodeServerUrl); const nodeOptions = { method: 'POST', path: serverUrl.path, port: serverUrl.port }; const nodeRequest = http.request(nodeOptions); const nodeResponsePromise = once(nodeRequest, 'response'); // TODO(@MarshallOfSound) - FIXME with #22730 (netResponse as any).pipe(nodeRequest); const [nodeResponse] = await nodeResponsePromise; netRequest.end(); await collectStreamBody(nodeResponse); expect(nodeRequestProcessed).to.equal(true); }); it('should correctly throttle an incoming stream', async () => { let numChunksSent = 0; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { const data = randomString(kOneMegaByte); const write = () => { let ok = true; do { numChunksSent++; if (numChunksSent > 30) return; ok = response.write(data); } while (ok); response.once('drain', write); }; write(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('response', () => {}); urlRequest.end(); await setTimeout(2000); // TODO(nornagon): I think this ought to max out at 20, but in practice // it seems to exceed that sometimes. This is at 25 to avoid test flakes, // but we should investigate if there's actually something broken here and // if so fix it and reset this to max at 20, and if not then delete this // comment. expect(numChunksSent); }); }); describe('net.isOnline', () => { it('getter returns boolean', () => { expect(net.isOnline())'boolean'); }); it('property returns boolean', () => { expect('boolean'); }); }); describe('Stability and performance', () => { it('should free unreferenced, never-started request objects without crash', (done) => { net.request('https://test'); process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); done(); }); }); it('should collect on-going requests without crash', async () => { let finishResponse: (() => void) | null = null; const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); finishResponse = () => { response.write(randomString(kOneKiloByte)); response.end(); }; }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); process.nextTick(() => { // Trigger a garbage collection. const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); finishResponse!(); }); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should collect unreferenced, ended requests without crash', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); }); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request); expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte); response.end(); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('close', () => { process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); }); }); urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); await collectStreamBody(response); }); it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced for chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request); response.end(); expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true; urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)); const response = await getResponse(urlRequest); await collectStreamBody(response); process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); }); }); it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced before close event for chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request); response.end(); expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true; urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)); const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request); response.end(); expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('close', () => { process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); }); }); urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); it('should finish sending data when urlRequest is unreferenced for chunked encoding', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL(async (request, response) => { const received = await collectStreamBodyBuffer(request); response.end(); expect(received.length).to.equal(kOneMegaByte); }); const urlRequest = net.request(serverUrl); urlRequest.on('close', () => { process.nextTick(() => { const v8Util = process._linkedBinding('electron_common_v8_util'); v8Util.requestGarbageCollectionForTesting(); }); }); urlRequest.chunkedEncoding = true; urlRequest.write(randomBuffer(kOneMegaByte)); await collectStreamBody(await getResponse(urlRequest)); }); }); describe('non-http schemes', () => { it('should be rejected by net.request', async () => { expect(() => { net.request('file://bar'); }).to.throw('ClientRequest only supports http: and https: protocols'); }); it('should be rejected by net.request when passed in url:', async () => { expect(() => { net.request({ url: 'file://bar' }); }).to.throw('ClientRequest only supports http: and https: protocols'); }); }); describe('net.fetch', () => { // NB. there exist much more comprehensive tests for fetch() in the form of // the WPT: // It's possible to run these tests against net.fetch(), but the test // harness to do so is quite complex and hasn't been munged to smoothly run // inside the Electron test runner yet. // // In the meantime, here are some tests for basic functionality and // Electron-specific behavior. describe('basic', () => { it('can fetch http urls', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.end('test'); }); const resp = await net.fetch(serverUrl); expect(resp.ok); expect(await resp.text()).to.equal('test'); }); it('can upload a string body', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { request.on('data', chunk => response.write(chunk)); request.on('end', () => response.end()); }); const resp = await net.fetch(serverUrl, { method: 'POST', body: 'anchovies' }); expect(await resp.text()).to.equal('anchovies'); }); it('can read response as an array buffer', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { request.on('data', chunk => response.write(chunk)); request.on('end', () => response.end()); }); const resp = await net.fetch(serverUrl, { method: 'POST', body: 'anchovies' }); expect(new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(await resp.arrayBuffer()))).to.equal('anchovies'); }); it('can read response as form data', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.setHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); response.end('foo=bar'); }); const resp = await net.fetch(serverUrl); const result = await resp.formData(); expect(result.get('foo')).to.equal('bar'); }); it('should be able to use a session cookie store', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.statusCode = 200; response.statusMessage = 'OK'; response.setHeader('x-cookie', request.headers.cookie!); response.end(); }); const sess = session.fromPartition(`cookie-tests-${Math.random()}`); const cookieVal = `${}`; await sess.cookies.set({ url: serverUrl, name: 'wild_cookie', value: cookieVal }); const response = await sess.fetch(serverUrl, { credentials: 'include' }); expect(response.headers.get('x-cookie')).to.equal(`wild_cookie=${cookieVal}`); }); it('should reject promise on DNS failure', async () => { const r = net.fetch(''); await expect(r); }); it('should reject body promise when stream fails', async () => { const serverUrl = await respondOnce.toSingleURL((request, response) => { response.write('first chunk'); setTimeout().then(() => response.destroy()); }); const r = await net.fetch(serverUrl); expect(r.status).to.equal(200); await expect(r.text()); }); }); it('can request file:// URLs', async () => { const resp = await net.fetch(url.pathToFileURL(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'hello.txt')).toString()); expect(resp.ok); // trimRight instead of asserting the whole string to avoid line ending shenanigans on WOA expect((await resp.text()).trimRight()).to.equal('hello world'); }); it('can make requests to custom protocols', async () => { protocol.registerStringProtocol('electron-test', (req, cb) => { cb('hello ' + req.url); }); defer(() => { protocol.unregisterProtocol('electron-test'); }); const body = await net.fetch('electron-test://foo').then(r => r.text()); expect(body).to.equal('hello electron-test://foo'); }); it('runs through intercept handlers', async () => { protocol.interceptStringProtocol('http', (req, cb) => { cb('hello ' + req.url); }); defer(() => { protocol.uninterceptProtocol('http'); }); const body = await net.fetch('http://foo').then(r => r.text()); expect(body).to.equal('hello http://foo/'); }); it('file: runs through intercept handlers', async () => { protocol.interceptStringProtocol('file', (req, cb) => { cb('hello ' + req.url); }); defer(() => { protocol.uninterceptProtocol('file'); }); const body = await net.fetch('file://foo').then(r => r.text()); expect(body).to.equal('hello file://foo/'); }); it('can be redirected', async () => { protocol.interceptStringProtocol('file', (req, cb) => { cb({ statusCode: 302, headers: { location: 'electron-test://bar' } }); }); defer(() => { protocol.uninterceptProtocol('file'); }); protocol.registerStringProtocol('electron-test', (req, cb) => { cb('hello ' + req.url); }); defer(() => { protocol.unregisterProtocol('electron-test'); }); const body = await net.fetch('file://foo').then(r => r.text()); expect(body).to.equal('hello electron-test://bar'); }); it('should not follow redirect when redirect: error', async () => { protocol.registerStringProtocol('electron-test', (req, cb) => { if (/redirect/.test(req.url)) return cb({ statusCode: 302, headers: { location: 'electron-test://bar' } }); cb('hello ' + req.url); }); defer(() => { protocol.unregisterProtocol('electron-test'); }); await expect(net.fetch('electron-test://redirect', { redirect: 'error' }))'Attempted to redirect, but redirect policy was \'error\''); }); it('a 307 redirected POST request preserves the body', async () => { const bodyData = 'Hello World!'; let postedBodyData: any; protocol.registerStringProtocol('electron-test', async (req, cb) => { if (/redirect/.test(req.url)) return cb({ statusCode: 307, headers: { location: 'electron-test://bar' } }); postedBodyData = req.uploadData![0].bytes.toString(); cb('hello ' + req.url); }); defer(() => { protocol.unregisterProtocol('electron-test'); }); const response = await net.fetch('electron-test://redirect', { method: 'POST', body: bodyData }); expect(response.status).to.equal(200); await response.text(); expect(postedBodyData).to.equal(bodyData); }); }); });