import { createTokenAuth } from '@octokit/auth-token'; import got from 'got'; import { ElectronReleaseRepo } from './types'; const cachedTokens = Object.create(null); async function ensureToken (repo: ElectronReleaseRepo) { if (!cachedTokens[repo]) { cachedTokens[repo] = await (async () => { const { ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN, SUDOWOODO_EXCHANGE_URL, SUDOWOODO_EXCHANGE_TOKEN } = process.env; if (ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN) { return ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN; } if (SUDOWOODO_EXCHANGE_URL && SUDOWOODO_EXCHANGE_TOKEN) { const resp = await + '?repo=' + repo, { headers: { Authorization: SUDOWOODO_EXCHANGE_TOKEN }, throwHttpErrors: false }); if (resp.statusCode !== 200) { console.error('bad sudowoodo exchange response code:', resp.statusCode); throw new Error('non-200 status code received from sudowoodo exchange function'); } try { return JSON.parse(resp.body).token; } catch { // Swallow as the error could include the token throw new Error('Unexpected error parsing sudowoodo exchange response'); } } throw new Error('Could not find or fetch a valid GitHub Auth Token'); })(); } } export const createGitHubTokenStrategy = (repo: ElectronReleaseRepo) => () => { let tokenAuth: ReturnType<typeof createTokenAuth> | null = null; async function ensureTokenAuth (): Promise<ReturnType<typeof createTokenAuth>> { if (!tokenAuth) { await ensureToken(repo); tokenAuth = createTokenAuth(cachedTokens[repo]); } return tokenAuth; } async function auth () { return await (await ensureTokenAuth())(); } const hook: ReturnType<typeof createTokenAuth>['hook'] = async (...args) => { const a = (await ensureTokenAuth()); return (a as any).hook(...args); }; auth.hook = hook; return auth; };