const { expect } = require('chai') const { webFrame } = require('electron') describe('webFrame module', function () { it('supports setting the visual and layout zoom level limits', function () { expect(() => { webFrame.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(1, 50) webFrame.setLayoutZoomLevelLimits(0, 25) }).to.not.throw() }) it('top is self for top frame', () => { expect( }) it('opener is null for top frame', () => { expect(webFrame.opener) }) it('firstChild is null for top frame', () => { expect(webFrame.firstChild) }) it('getFrameForSelector() does not crash when not found', () => { expect(webFrame.getFrameForSelector('unexist-selector')) }) it('findFrameByName() does not crash when not found', () => { expect(webFrame.findFrameByName('unexist-name')) }) it('findFrameByRoutingId() does not crash when not found', () => { expect(webFrame.findFrameByRoutingId(-1)) }) })