* fix: fill uploadData property
* fix: requestHeaders in onBeforeSendHeaders
* fix: responseHeaders in onHeadersReceived
* fix: header keys should not be lowercased
* fix: gin::Dictionary::Get succeeds even though key does not exist...
* fix: throw for invalid filters
* test: re-enable api-web-request-spec
* chore: do not use deprecated base::Value API
* fix: gin treats Function as Dictionary when doing convertions
* fix: check if listener exists
* fix: listener callback should be executed in next tick
* feat: make InProgressRequest work
* test: re-enable protocol test that relies on webRequest
* chore: merge conditions
* Pass WebRequest to ProxyingURLLoaderFactory
* Call WebRequestAPI in InProgressRequest
* Store the listeners
* Pass the request and response
* Add stub to handle the events
* Use extensions::WebRequestInfo
* Make sure webRequest is managed by Session
* chore: make creation of WebRequestNS more clear
* fix: check WebContents for service workers
* handlers => intercepted_handlers
* Add stub for InProgressRequest
* Add stub for webRequest.onBeforeRequest/onBeforeSendHeaders/onSendHeaders
* Add stub for webRequest.onCompleted/onHeadersReceived
* Add stub for webRequest.onResponseStarted
* Add comment for the class