diff --git a/spec/api-browser-window-spec.js b/spec/api-browser-window-spec.js
index 71a9af275d94..44bce9f604de 100644
--- a/spec/api-browser-window-spec.js
+++ b/spec/api-browser-window-spec.js
@@ -24,6 +24,24 @@ describe('BrowserWindow module', () => {
let server
let postData
+ const defaultOptions = {
+ show: false,
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400,
+ webPreferences: {
+ backgroundThrottling: false
+ }
+ }
+ const openTheWindow = async (options = defaultOptions) => {
+ // The `afterEach` hook isn't called if a test fails,
+ // we should make sure that the window is closed ourselves.
+ await closeTheWindow()
+ w = new BrowserWindow(options)
+ return w
+ }
const closeTheWindow = function () {
return closeWindow(w).then(() => { w = null })
@@ -1292,43 +1310,43 @@ describe('BrowserWindow module', () => {
- it('should open windows in another domain with cross-scripting disabled', (done) => {
- w.destroy()
- w = new BrowserWindow({
+ it('should open windows in another domain with cross-scripting disabled', async () => {
+ const w = await openTheWindow({
show: false,
webPreferences: {
sandbox: true,
- preload: preload
+ preload
ipcRenderer.send('set-web-preferences-on-next-new-window', w.webContents.id, 'preload', preload)
let htmlPath = path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'sandbox.html?window-open-external')
- const pageUrl = 'file://' + htmlPath
- let popupWindow
- w.loadURL(pageUrl)
- w.webContents.once('new-window', (e, url, frameName, disposition, options) => {
- assert.equal(url, 'http://www.google.com/#q=electron')
- assert.equal(options.width, 505)
- assert.equal(options.height, 605)
- ipcMain.once('child-loaded', function (event, openerIsNull, html) {
- assert(openerIsNull)
- assert.equal(html, '
- ipcMain.once('answer', function (event, exceptionMessage) {
- assert(/Blocked a frame with origin/.test(exceptionMessage))
+ w.loadURL(`file://${htmlPath}`)
+ const expectedPopupUrl = 'http://www.google.com/#q=electron' // Set in the "sandbox.html".
- // FIXME this popup window should be closed in sandbox.html
- closeWindow(popupWindow, {assertSingleWindow: false}).then(() => {
- popupWindow = null
- done()
- })
- })
- w.webContents.send('child-loaded')
- })
- })
+ // The page is going to open a popup that it won't be able to close.
+ // We have to close it from here later.
+ // XXX(alexeykuzmin): It will leak if the test fails too soon.
+ const [, popupWindow] = await emittedOnce(app, 'browser-window-created')
- app.once('browser-window-created', function (event, window) {
- popupWindow = window
- })
+ // Wait for a message from the popup's preload script.
+ const [, openerIsNull, html, locationHref] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'child-loaded')
+ expect(openerIsNull).to.be.true('window.opener is not null')
+ expect(html).to.equal(`${expectedPopupUrl}
+ 'looks like a http: request has not been intercepted locally')
+ expect(locationHref).to.equal(expectedPopupUrl)
+ // Ask the page to access the popup.
+ w.webContents.send('touch-the-popup')
+ const [, exceptionMessage] = await emittedOnce(ipcMain, 'answer')
+ // We don't need the popup anymore, and its parent page can't close it,
+ // so let's close it from here before we run any checks.
+ await closeWindow(popupWindow, { assertSingleWindow: false })
+ expect(exceptionMessage).to.be.a('string',
+ `child's .document is accessible from its parent window`)
+ expect(exceptionMessage).to.match(/^Blocked a frame with origin/)
it('should inherit the sandbox setting in opened windows', (done) => {
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/api/sandbox.html b/spec/fixtures/api/sandbox.html
index af796ebc988b..db6765c6816b 100644
--- a/spec/fixtures/api/sandbox.html
+++ b/spec/fixtures/api/sandbox.html
@@ -80,12 +80,14 @@
'window-open-external': () => {
addEventListener('load', () => {
- ipcRenderer.once('child-loaded', (e) => {
+ ipcRenderer.once('touch-the-popup', () => {
+ let errorMessage = null
try {
- let childDoc = popup.document
- } catch (e) {
- ipcRenderer.send('answer', e.message)
+ const childDoc = popup.document
+ } catch (error) {
+ errorMessage = error.message
+ ipcRenderer.send('answer', errorMessage)
popup = open('http://www.google.com/#q=electron', '', 'top=65,left=55,width=505,height=605')
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/module/preload-sandbox.js b/spec/fixtures/module/preload-sandbox.js
index 38d14a8be50c..b9042ec93c0c 100644
--- a/spec/fixtures/module/preload-sandbox.js
+++ b/spec/fixtures/module/preload-sandbox.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
} else if (location.href !== 'about:blank') {
addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
- ipcRenderer.send('child-loaded', window.opener == null, document.body.innerHTML)
+ ipcRenderer.send('child-loaded', window.opener == null, document.body.innerHTML, location.href)
}, false)