Merge pull request #5373 from electron/remove-deprecated-apis
Remove deprecated apis
This commit is contained in:
29 changed files with 38 additions and 454 deletions
@ -52,11 +52,6 @@ namespace api {
namespace {
// This function is implemented in JavaScript
using DeprecatedOptionsCheckCallback =
DeprecatedOptionsCheckCallback g_deprecated_options_check;
void OnCapturePageDone(
v8::Isolate* isolate,
const base::Callback<void(const gfx::Image&)>& callback,
@ -66,52 +61,6 @@ void OnCapturePageDone(
// Converts min-width to minWidth, returns false if no conversion is needed.
bool TranslateOldKey(const std::string& key, std::string* new_key) {
if (key.find('-') == std::string::npos)
return false;
bool next_upper_case = false;
for (char c : key) {
if (c == '-') {
next_upper_case = true;
} else if (next_upper_case) {
next_upper_case = false;
} else {
return true;
// Converts min-width to minWidth recursively in the dictionary.
void TranslateOldOptions(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::Object> options) {
auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
auto maybe_keys = options->GetOwnPropertyNames(context);
if (maybe_keys.IsEmpty())
std::vector<std::string> keys;
if (!mate::ConvertFromV8(isolate, maybe_keys.ToLocalChecked(), &keys))
mate::Dictionary dict(isolate, options);
for (const auto& key : keys) {
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!dict.Get(key, &value)) // Shouldn't happen, but guard it anyway.
// Go recursively.
v8::Local<v8::Object> sub_options;
if (mate::ConvertFromV8(isolate, value, &sub_options))
TranslateOldOptions(isolate, sub_options);
// Translate key.
std::string new_key;
if (TranslateOldKey(key, &new_key)) {
dict.Set(new_key, value);
// Converts binary data to Buffer.
v8::Local<v8::Value> ToBuffer(v8::Isolate* isolate, void* val, int size) {
auto buffer = node::Buffer::Copy(isolate, static_cast<char*>(val), size);
@ -125,23 +74,12 @@ v8::Local<v8::Value> ToBuffer(v8::Isolate* isolate, void* val, int size) {
Window::Window(v8::Isolate* isolate, const mate::Dictionary& options) {
// Be compatible with old style field names like min-width.
TranslateOldOptions(isolate, options.GetHandle());
// Use options.webPreferences to create WebContents.
mate::Dictionary web_preferences = mate::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate);
options.Get(options::kWebPreferences, &web_preferences);
// Be compatible with old options which are now in web_preferences.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (options.Get(options::kNodeIntegration, &value))
web_preferences.Set(options::kNodeIntegration, value);
if (options.Get(options::kPreloadScript, &value))
web_preferences.Set(options::kPreloadScript, value);
if (options.Get(options::kZoomFactor, &value))
web_preferences.Set(options::kZoomFactor, value);
// Copy the backgroundColor to webContents.
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (options.Get(options::kBackgroundColor, &value))
web_preferences.Set(options::kBackgroundColor, value);
@ -304,13 +242,6 @@ mate::WrappableBase* Window::New(v8::Isolate* isolate, mate::Arguments* args) {
options = mate::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate);
std::string deprecation_message = g_deprecated_options_check.Run(
if (deprecation_message.length() > 0) {
return nullptr;
return new Window(isolate, options);
@ -822,10 +753,6 @@ v8::Local<v8::Value> Window::From(v8::Isolate* isolate,
return v8::Null(isolate);
void SetDeprecatedOptionsCheck(const DeprecatedOptionsCheckCallback& callback) {
g_deprecated_options_check = callback;
} // namespace api
} // namespace atom
@ -848,8 +775,6 @@ void Initialize(v8::Local<v8::Object> exports, v8::Local<v8::Value> unused,
mate::Dictionary dict(isolate, exports);
dict.Set("BrowserWindow", browser_window);
} // namespace
@ -318,7 +318,6 @@ void NativeImage::BuildPrototype(
.SetMethod("toJpeg", &NativeImage::ToJPEG)
.SetMethod("getNativeHandle", &NativeImage::GetNativeHandle)
.SetMethod("toDataURL", &NativeImage::ToDataURL)
.SetMethod("toDataUrl", &NativeImage::ToDataURL) // deprecated.
.SetMethod("isEmpty", &NativeImage::IsEmpty)
.SetMethod("getSize", &NativeImage::GetSize)
.SetMethod("setTemplateImage", &NativeImage::SetTemplateImage)
@ -52,7 +52,3 @@ Don't attach to current console session.
Don't use global menu bar on Linux.
Turns off compatibility mode for old built-in modules like `require('ipc')`.
@ -61,25 +61,6 @@ const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron')
However if you are using plain JavaScript, you have to wait until Chrome fully
supports ES6.
## Disable old styles of using built-in modules
Before v0.35.0, all built-in modules have to be used in the form of
`require('module-name')`, though it has [many disadvantages][issue-387], we are
still supporting it for compatibility with old apps.
To disable the old styles completely, you can set the
`ELECTRON_HIDE_INTERNAL_MODULES` environment variable:
Or call the `hideInternalModules` API:
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
@ -58,7 +57,6 @@
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
'use strict'
const electron = require('electron')
const {deprecate, session, Menu} = electron
const {Menu} = require('electron')
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const bindings = process.atomBinding('app')
@ -63,61 +62,10 @@ for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {
// Deprecated.
app.getHomeDir = deprecate('app.getHomeDir', 'app.getPath', function () {
return this.getPath('home')
app.getDataPath = deprecate('app.getDataPath', 'app.getPath', function () {
return this.getPath('userData')
app.setDataPath = deprecate('app.setDataPath', 'app.setPath', function (path) {
return this.setPath('userData', path)
app.resolveProxy = deprecate('app.resolveProxy', 'session.defaultSession.resolveProxy', function (url, callback) {
return session.defaultSession.resolveProxy(url, callback)
deprecate.rename(app, 'terminate', 'quit')
deprecate.event(app, 'finish-launching', 'ready', function () {
// give default app a chance to setup default menu.
setImmediate(() => {
deprecate.event(app, 'activate-with-no-open-windows', 'activate', function (event, hasVisibleWindows) {
if (!hasVisibleWindows) {
return this.emit('activate-with-no-open-windows', event)
deprecate.event(app, 'select-certificate', 'select-client-certificate')
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
app.isAeroGlassEnabled = deprecate('app.isAeroGlassEnabled', 'systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled', function () {
return electron.systemPreferences.isAeroGlassEnabled()
} else if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
app.isDarkMode = deprecate('app.isDarkMode', 'systemPreferences.isDarkMode', function () {
return electron.systemPreferences.isDarkMode()
app.on = app.addListener = function (event, listener) {
if (event === 'platform-theme-changed') {
deprecate.warn('platform-theme-changed event', "systemPreferences.subscribeNotification('AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification', callback)")
electron.systemPreferences.subscribeNotification('AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification', function () {
||||, event, listener)
// Wrappers for native classes.
var wrapDownloadItem = function (downloadItem) {
// downloadItem is an EventEmitter.
Object.setPrototypeOf(downloadItem, EventEmitter.prototype)
// Deprecated.
||||, 'url', 'getURL')
||||, 'filename', 'getFilename')
||||, 'mimeType', 'getMimeType')
return deprecate.rename(downloadItem, 'getUrl', 'getURL')
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const autoUpdater = process.platform === 'win32' ? require('./auto-updater/auto-updater-win') : require('./auto-updater/auto-updater-native')
// Deprecated.
deprecate.rename(autoUpdater, 'setFeedUrl', 'setFeedURL')
module.exports = autoUpdater
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
module.exports = require('./auto-updater/auto-updater-win')
} else {
module.exports = require('./auto-updater/auto-updater-native')
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
'use strict'
const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const {BrowserWindow, _setDeprecatedOptionsCheck} = process.atomBinding('window')
const {BrowserWindow} = process.atomBinding('window')
Object.setPrototypeOf(BrowserWindow.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype)
@ -44,11 +43,6 @@ BrowserWindow.prototype._init = function () {
// Forward the crashed event.
this.webContents.on('crashed', () => {
// Change window title to page title.
this.webContents.on('page-title-updated', (event, title) => {
// The page-title-updated event is not emitted immediately (see #3645), so
@ -96,17 +90,6 @@ BrowserWindow.prototype._init = function () {
// Notify the creation of the window.
app.emit('browser-window-created', {}, this)
// Be compatible with old APIs.
this.webContents.on('devtools-focused', () => {
this.webContents.on('devtools-opened', () => {
this.webContents.on('devtools-closed', () => {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'devToolsWebContents', {
enumerable: true,
configurable: false,
@ -196,84 +179,4 @@ BrowserWindow.prototype.inspectServiceWorker = function () {
return this.webContents.inspectServiceWorker()
// Deprecated.
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'undo', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'redo', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'cut', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'copy', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'paste', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'selectAll', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'reloadIgnoringCache', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'isLoading', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'isWaitingForResponse', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'stop', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'isCrashed', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'print', 'webContents')
deprecate.member(BrowserWindow, 'printToPDF', 'webContents')
deprecate.rename(BrowserWindow, 'restart', 'reload')
deprecate.rename(BrowserWindow, 'loadUrl', 'loadURL')
deprecate.rename(BrowserWindow, 'getUrl', 'getURL')
BrowserWindow.prototype.executeJavaScriptInDevTools = deprecate('executeJavaScriptInDevTools', 'devToolsWebContents.executeJavaScript', function (code) {
var ref1
return (ref1 = this.devToolsWebContents) != null ? ref1.executeJavaScript(code) : void 0
BrowserWindow.prototype.getPageTitle = deprecate('getPageTitle', 'webContents.getTitle', function () {
var ref1
return (ref1 = this.webContents) != null ? ref1.getTitle() : void 0
const isDeprecatedKey = function (key) {
return key.indexOf('-') >= 0
// Map deprecated key with hyphens to camel case key
const getNonDeprecatedKey = function (deprecatedKey) {
return deprecatedKey.replace(/-./g, function (match) {
return match[1].toUpperCase()
// TODO Remove for 1.0
const checkForDeprecatedOptions = function (options) {
if (!options) return ''
let keysToCheck = Object.keys(options)
if (options.webPreferences) {
keysToCheck = keysToCheck.concat(Object.keys(options.webPreferences))
// Check options for keys with hyphens in them
let deprecatedKey = keysToCheck.filter(isDeprecatedKey)[0]
if (deprecatedKey) {
try {
deprecate.warn(deprecatedKey, getNonDeprecatedKey(deprecatedKey))
} catch (error) {
// Return error message so it can be rethrown via C++
return error.message
let webPreferenceOption
if (options.hasOwnProperty('nodeIntegration')) {
webPreferenceOption = 'nodeIntegration'
} else if (options.hasOwnProperty('preload')) {
webPreferenceOption = 'preload'
} else if (options.hasOwnProperty('zoomFactor')) {
webPreferenceOption = 'zoomFactor'
if (webPreferenceOption) {
try {
deprecate.warn(`options.${webPreferenceOption}`, `options.webPreferences.${webPreferenceOption}`)
} catch (error) {
// Return error message so it can be rethrown via C++
return error.message
return ''
module.exports = BrowserWindow
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain
// This module is deprecated, we mirror everything from ipcMain.
deprecate.warn('ipc module', 'require("electron").ipcMain')
module.exports = ipcMain
@ -4,28 +4,4 @@ if (!app.isReady()) {
throw new Error('Can not initialize protocol module before app is ready')
const protocol = process.atomBinding('protocol').protocol
// Warn about removed APIs.
var logAndThrow = function (callback, message) {
if (callback) {
return callback(new Error(message))
} else {
throw new Error(message)
protocol.registerProtocol = function (scheme, handler, callback) {
return logAndThrow(callback, 'registerProtocol API has been replaced by the register[File/Http/Buffer/String]Protocol API family, please switch to the new APIs.')
protocol.isHandledProtocol = function (scheme, callback) {
return logAndThrow(callback, 'isHandledProtocol API has been replaced by isProtocolHandled.')
protocol.interceptProtocol = function (scheme, handler, callback) {
return logAndThrow(callback, 'interceptProtocol API has been replaced by the intercept[File/Http/Buffer/String]Protocol API family, please switch to the new APIs.')
module.exports = protocol
module.exports = process.atomBinding('protocol').protocol
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const bindings = process.atomBinding('session')
const PERSIST_PREFIX = 'persist:'
@ -24,10 +23,3 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, 'defaultSession', {
return bindings.fromPartition('', false)
var wrapSession = function (session) {
// session is an EventEmitter.
Object.setPrototypeOf(session, EventEmitter.prototype)
@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const Tray = process.atomBinding('tray').Tray
Object.setPrototypeOf(Tray.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype)
Tray.prototype._init = function () {
// Deprecated.
deprecate.rename(this, 'popContextMenu', 'popUpContextMenu')
deprecate.event(this, 'clicked', 'click')
deprecate.event(this, 'double-clicked', 'double-click')
deprecate.event(this, 'right-clicked', 'right-click')
return deprecate.event(this, 'balloon-clicked', 'balloon-click')
Tray.prototype.setContextMenu = function (menu) {
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
'use strict'
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const ipcMain = require('electron').ipcMain
const NavigationController = require('electron').NavigationController
const Menu = require('electron').Menu
const binding = process.atomBinding('web_contents')
const debuggerBinding = process.atomBinding('debugger')
const sessionBinding = process.atomBinding('session')
let nextId = 0
@ -160,13 +160,6 @@ let wrapWebContents = function (webContents) {
// Deprecated.
deprecate.rename(webContents, 'loadUrl', 'loadURL')
deprecate.rename(webContents, 'getUrl', 'getURL')
deprecate.event(webContents, 'page-title-set', 'page-title-updated', function (...args) {
return this.emit.apply(this, ['page-title-set'].concat(args))
webContents.printToPDF = function (options, callback) {
var printingSetting
printingSetting = {
@ -219,8 +212,14 @@ let wrapDebugger = function (webContentsDebugger) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(webContentsDebugger, EventEmitter.prototype)
var wrapSession = function (session) {
// session is an EventEmitter.
Object.setPrototypeOf(session, EventEmitter.prototype)
module.exports.create = function (options) {
if (options == null) {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ desktopCapturer.emit = function (event, name, sources) {
thumbnail: source.thumbnail.toDataUrl()
thumbnail: source.thumbnail.toDataURL()
return results
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ require('../common/init')
var globalPaths = Module.globalPaths
globalPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'api'))
// Expose public APIs.
globalPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'api', 'exports'))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var CrashReporter = (function () {
function CrashReporter () {}
CrashReporter.prototype.start = function (options) {
var app, args, autoSubmit, companyName, deprecate, env, extra, ignoreSystemCrashHandler, start, submitURL
var app, args, autoSubmit, companyName, env, extra, ignoreSystemCrashHandler, start, submitURL
if (options == null) {
options = {}
@ -21,14 +21,6 @@ var CrashReporter = (function () {
ignoreSystemCrashHandler = options.ignoreSystemCrashHandler
extra = options.extra
// Deprecated.
deprecate = electron.deprecate
if (options.submitUrl) {
if (submitURL == null) {
submitURL = options.submitUrl
deprecate.warn('submitUrl', 'submitURL')
app = (process.type === 'browser' ? electron : electron.remote).app
if (this.productName == null) {
this.productName = app.getName()
@ -52,12 +44,10 @@ var CrashReporter = (function () {
extra._version = app.getVersion()
if (companyName == null) {
deprecate.log('companyName is now a required option to crashReporter.start')
throw new Error('companyName is a required option to crashReporter.start')
if (submitURL == null) {
deprecate.log('submitURL is now a required option to crashReporter.start')
throw new Error('submitURL is a required option to crashReporter.start')
start = () => {
binding.start(this.productName, companyName, submitURL, autoSubmit, ignoreSystemCrashHandler, extra)
@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
// Do not expose the internal modules to `require`.
const hideInternalModules = function () {
var globalPaths = require('module').globalPaths
if (globalPaths.length === 3) {
// Remove the "common/api/lib" and "browser-or-renderer/api/lib".
return globalPaths.splice(0, 2)
// Attaches properties to |exports|.
exports.defineProperties = function (exports) {
return Object.defineProperties(exports, {
hideInternalModules: {
enumerable: true,
value: hideInternalModules
// Common modules, please sort with alphabet order.
clipboard: {
// Must be enumerable, otherwise it woulde be invisible to remote module.
@ -29,12 +15,6 @@ exports.defineProperties = function (exports) {
return require('../crash-reporter')
deprecations: {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return require('../deprecations')
nativeImage: {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
@ -58,6 +38,11 @@ exports.defineProperties = function (exports) {
get: function () {
return require('../deprecate')
deprecations: {
get: function () {
return require('../deprecations')
@ -1,7 +1 @@
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const nativeImage = process.atomBinding('native_image')
// Deprecated.
deprecate.rename(nativeImage, 'createFromDataUrl', 'createFromDataURL')
module.exports = nativeImage
module.exports = process.atomBinding('native_image')
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
const path = require('path')
const timers = require('timers')
const Module = require('module')
process.atomBinding = function (name) {
try {
@ -12,11 +10,6 @@ process.atomBinding = function (name) {
// Add common/api/lib to module search paths.
Module.globalPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'api'))
// setImmediate and process.nextTick makes use of uv_check and uv_prepare to
// run the callbacks, however since we only run uv loop on requests, the
// callbacks wouldn't be called until something else activated the uv loop,
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
const ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
// This module is deprecated, we mirror everything from ipcRenderer.
deprecate.warn('ipc module', 'require("electron").ipcRenderer')
// Routes events of ipcRenderer.
var ipc = new EventEmitter()
ipcRenderer.emit = function (channel, event, ...args) {
ipc.emit.apply(ipc, [channel].concat(args))
return EventEmitter.prototype.emit.apply(ipcRenderer, arguments)
// Deprecated.
for (var method in ipcRenderer) {
if (method.startsWith('send')) {
ipc[method] = ipcRenderer[method]
deprecate.rename(ipc, 'sendChannel', 'send')
deprecate.rename(ipc, 'sendChannelSync', 'sendSync')
module.exports = ipc
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'use strict'
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const webFrame = process.atomBinding('web_frame').webFrame
@ -11,9 +10,4 @@ Object.setPrototypeOf(webFrame, EventEmitter.prototype)
// Lots of webview would subscribe to webFrame's events.
// Deprecated.
deprecate.rename(webFrame, 'registerUrlSchemeAsSecure', 'registerURLSchemeAsSecure')
deprecate.rename(webFrame, 'registerUrlSchemeAsBypassingCSP', 'registerURLSchemeAsBypassingCSP')
deprecate.rename(webFrame, 'registerUrlSchemeAsPrivileged', 'registerURLSchemeAsPrivileged')
module.exports = webFrame
@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ require('../common/init')
var globalPaths = Module.globalPaths
globalPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'api'))
// Expose public APIs.
globalPaths.push(path.join(__dirname, 'api', 'exports'))
@ -85,9 +85,8 @@ = function (url, frameName, features) {
options = {}
// TODO remove hyphenated options in both of the following arrays for 1.0
const ints = ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'min-width', 'minWidth', 'max-width', 'maxWidth', 'min-height', 'minHeight', 'max-height', 'maxHeight', 'zoom-factor', 'zoomFactor']
const webPreferences = ['zoom-factor', 'zoomFactor', 'node-integration', 'nodeIntegration', 'preload']
const ints = ['x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'minWidth', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight', 'maxHeight', 'zoomFactor']
const webPreferences = ['zoomFactor', 'nodeIntegration', 'preload']
const disposition = 'new-window'
// Make sure to get rid of excessive whitespace in the property name
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
'use strict'
const deprecate = require('electron').deprecate
const webFrame = require('electron').webFrame
const remote = require('electron').remote
const ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer
@ -432,8 +431,6 @@ var registerWebViewElement = function () {
return internal.webContents
// Deprecated.
deprecate.rename(proto, 'getUrl', 'getURL')
window.WebView = webFrame.registerEmbedderCustomElement('webview', {
prototype: proto
@ -9,21 +9,10 @@ const app = remote.require('electron').app
const BrowserWindow = remote.require('electron').BrowserWindow
describe('electron module', function () {
it('allows old style require by default', function () {
it('can prevent exposing internal modules to require', function (done) {
const electron = require('electron')
const clipboard = require('clipboard')
assert.equal(typeof clipboard, 'object')
try {
it('does not expose internal modules to require', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, "Cannot find module 'clipboard'")
}, /Cannot find module 'clipboard'/)
@ -880,24 +880,4 @@ describe('browser-window module', function () {
describe('deprecated options', function () {
it('throws a deprecation error for option keys using hyphens instead of camel case', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
return new BrowserWindow({'min-width': 500})
}, 'min-width is deprecated. Use minWidth instead.')
it('throws a deprecation error for webPreference keys using hyphens instead of camel case', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
return new BrowserWindow({webPreferences: {'node-integration': false}})
}, 'node-integration is deprecated. Use nodeIntegration instead.')
it('throws a deprecation error for option keys that should be set on webPreferences', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
return new BrowserWindow({zoomFactor: 1})
}, 'options.zoomFactor is deprecated. Use options.webPreferences.zoomFactor instead.')
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ describe('crash-reporter module', function () {
companyName: 'Missing submitURL'
}, /submitURL is a required option to crashReporter\.start/)
assert.throws(function () {
submitURL: 'Missing companyName'
}, /companyName is a required option to crashReporter\.start/)
@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ describe('deprecations', function () {
require('electron').deprecate.log('this is deprecated')
assert.deepEqual(messages, ['registerUrlSchemeAsSecure is deprecated. Use registerURLSchemeAsSecure instead.'])
assert.deepEqual(messages, ['this is deprecated'])
it('throws an exception if no deprecation handler is specified', function () {
assert.throws(function () {
}, 'registerUrlSchemeAsPrivileged is deprecated. Use registerURLSchemeAsPrivileged instead.')
require('electron').deprecate.log('this is deprecated')
}, /this is deprecated/)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe('asar package', function () {
it('does not leak fd', function () {
var readCalls = 1
while (readCalls <= 10000) {
fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'electron.asar', 'renderer', 'api', 'ipc.js'))
fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'electron.asar', 'renderer', 'api', 'ipc-renderer.js'))
Add table
Reference in a new issue