feat: support more color formats for backgroundColor
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 144 additions and 55 deletions
@ -70,5 +70,31 @@ The `bounds` of this BrowserView instance as `Object`.
#### `view.setBackgroundColor(color)` _Experimental_
* `color` string - Color in `#aarrggbb` or `#argb` form. The alpha channel is
* `color` string - Color in Hex, RGB, ARGB, HSL, HSLA or named CSS color format. The alpha channel is
optional for the hex type.
Examples of valid `color` values:
* Hex
* #fff (RGB)
* #ffff (ARGB)
* #ffffff (RRGGBB)
* #ffffffff (AARRGGBB)
* rgb\(([\d]+),\s*([\d]+),\s*([\d]+)\)
* e.g. rgb(255, 255, 255)
* rgba\(([\d]+),\s*([\d]+),\s*([\d]+),\s*([\d.]+)\)
* e.g. rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)
* hsl\((-?[\d.]+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%\)
* e.g. hsl(200, 20%, 50%)
* hsla\((-?[\d.]+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)\)
* e.g. hsla(200, 20%, 50%, 0.5)
* Color name
* Options are listed in [SkParseColor.cpp](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/skia/src/utils/SkParseColor.cpp;l=11-152;drc=eea4bf52cb0d55e2a39c828b017c80a5ee054148)
* Similar to CSS Color Module Level 3 keywords, but case-sensitive.
* e.g. `blueviolet` or `red`
**Note:** Hex format with alpha takes `AARRGGBB` or `ARGB`, _not_ `RRGGBBA` or `RGA`.
@ -66,6 +66,18 @@ win.loadURL('https://github.com')
Note that even for apps that use `ready-to-show` event, it is still recommended
to set `backgroundColor` to make the app feel more native.
Some examples of valid `backgroundColor` values include:
const win = new BrowserWindow()
win.setBackgroundColor('hsl(230, 100%, 50%)')
win.setBackgroundColor('rgb(255, 145, 145)')
For more information about these color types see valid options in [win.setBackgroundColor](browser-window.md#winsetbackgroundcolorbackgroundcolor).
## Parent and child windows
By using `parent` option, you can create child windows:
@ -199,9 +211,7 @@ It creates a new `BrowserWindow` with native properties as set by the `options`.
* `enableLargerThanScreen` boolean (optional) - Enable the window to be resized larger
than screen. Only relevant for macOS, as other OSes allow
larger-than-screen windows by default. Default is `false`.
* `backgroundColor` string (optional) - Window's background color as a hexadecimal value,
like `#66CD00` or `#FFF` or `#80FFFFFF` (alpha in #AARRGGBB format is supported if
`transparent` is set to `true`). Default is `#FFF` (white).
* `backgroundColor` string (optional) - The window's background color in Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA or named CSS color format. Alpha in #AARRGGBB format is supported if `transparent` is set to `true`. Default is `#FFF` (white). See [win.setBackgroundColor](browser-window.md#winsetbackgroundcolorbackgroundcolor) for more information.
* `hasShadow` boolean (optional) - Whether window should have a shadow. Default is `true`.
* `opacity` number (optional) - Set the initial opacity of the window, between 0.0 (fully
transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). This is only implemented on Windows and macOS.
@ -992,12 +1002,33 @@ APIs like `win.setSize`.
#### `win.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor)`
* `backgroundColor` string - Window's background color as a hexadecimal value,
like `#66CD00` or `#FFF` or `#80FFFFFF` (alpha is supported if `transparent`
is `true`). Default is `#FFF` (white).
* `backgroundColor` string - Color in Hex, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA or named CSS color format. The alpha channel is optional for the hex type.
Sets the background color of the window. See [Setting
Examples of valid `backgroundColor` values:
* Hex
* #fff (shorthand RGB)
* #ffff (shorthand ARGB)
* #ffffff (RGB)
* #ffffffff (ARGB)
* rgb\(([\d]+),\s*([\d]+),\s*([\d]+)\)
* e.g. rgb(255, 255, 255)
* rgba\(([\d]+),\s*([\d]+),\s*([\d]+),\s*([\d.]+)\)
* e.g. rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)
* hsl\((-?[\d.]+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%\)
* e.g. hsl(200, 20%, 50%)
* hsla\((-?[\d.]+),\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)%,\s*([\d.]+)\)
* e.g. hsla(200, 20%, 50%, 0.5)
* Color name
* Options are listed in [SkParseColor.cpp](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/skia/src/utils/SkParseColor.cpp;l=11-152;drc=eea4bf52cb0d55e2a39c828b017c80a5ee054148)
* Similar to CSS Color Module Level 3 keywords, but case-sensitive.
* e.g. `blueviolet` or `red`
Sets the background color of the window. See [Setting `backgroundColor`](#setting-the-backgroundcolor-property).
#### `win.previewFile(path[, displayName])` _macOS_
@ -1041,8 +1072,11 @@ Returns [`Rectangle`](structures/rectangle.md) - The `bounds` of the window as `
#### `win.getBackgroundColor()`
Returns `string` - Gets the background color of the window. See [Setting
Returns `string` - Gets the background color of the window in Hex (`#RRGGBB`) format.
See [Setting `backgroundColor`](#setting-the-backgroundcolor-property).
**Note:** The alpha value is _not_ returned alongside the red, green, and blue values.
#### `win.setContentBounds(bounds[, animate])`
@ -643,11 +643,11 @@ bool BaseWindow::IsTabletMode() const {
void BaseWindow::SetBackgroundColor(const std::string& color_name) {
SkColor color = ParseHexColor(color_name);
SkColor color = ParseCSSColor(color_name);
std::string BaseWindow::GetBackgroundColor() {
std::string BaseWindow::GetBackgroundColor(gin_helper::Arguments* args) {
return ToRGBHex(window_->GetBackgroundColor());
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class BaseWindow : public gin_helper::TrackableObject<BaseWindow>,
bool IsKiosk();
bool IsTabletMode() const;
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(const std::string& color_name);
std::string GetBackgroundColor();
std::string GetBackgroundColor(gin_helper::Arguments* args);
void SetHasShadow(bool has_shadow);
bool HasShadow();
void SetOpacity(const double opacity);
@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ gfx::Rect BrowserView::GetBounds() {
void BrowserView::SetBackgroundColor(const std::string& color_name) {
if (web_contents()) {
auto* wc = web_contents()->web_contents();
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ void BrowserWindow::Blur() {
void BrowserWindow::SetBackgroundColor(const std::string& color_name) {
SkColor color = ParseHexColor(color_name);
SkColor color = ParseCSSColor(color_name);
auto* rwhv = web_contents()->GetRenderWidgetHostView();
if (rwhv) {
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ void BrowserWindow::SetBackgroundColor(const std::string& color_name) {
auto* web_preferences =
if (web_preferences) {
@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ WebContents::WebContents(v8::Isolate* isolate,
// and we then need to pull it back out and check it here.
std::string background_color;
options.GetHidden(options::kBackgroundColor, &background_color);
bool transparent = ParseHexColor(background_color) == SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
bool transparent = ParseCSSColor(background_color) == SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
content::WebContents::CreateParams params(session->browser_context());
auto* view = new OffScreenWebContentsView(
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ void NativeWindow::InitFromOptions(const gin_helper::Dictionary& options) {
std::string color;
if (options.Get(options::kBackgroundColor, &color)) {
} else if (!transparent()) {
// For normal window, use white as default background.
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ static NSString* const ImageScrubberItemIdentifier = @"scrubber.image.item";
- (NSColor*)colorFromHexColorString:(const std::string&)colorString {
SkColor color = electron::ParseHexColor(colorString);
SkColor color = electron::ParseCSSColor(colorString);
return skia::SkColorToDeviceNSColor(color);
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ void WebContentsPreferences::Merge(
std::string background_color;
if (web_preferences.GetHidden(options::kBackgroundColor, &background_color))
background_color_ = ParseHexColor(background_color);
background_color_ = ParseCSSColor(background_color);
std::string safe_dialogs_message;
if (web_preferences.Get("safeDialogsMessage", &safe_dialogs_message))
safe_dialogs_message_ = safe_dialogs_message;
@ -4,46 +4,54 @@
#include "shell/common/color_util.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/cxx17_backports.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "content/public/common/color_parser.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h"
namespace {
bool IsHexFormat(const std::string& str) {
// Must be either #ARGB or #AARRGGBB.
bool is_hex_length = str.length() == 5 || str.length() == 9;
if (str[0] != '#' || !is_hex_length)
return false;
if (!std::all_of(str.begin() + 1, str.end(), ::isxdigit))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
namespace electron {
SkColor ParseHexColor(const std::string& color_string) {
// Check the string for incorrect formatting.
if (color_string.empty() || color_string[0] != '#')
return SK_ColorWHITE;
// Prepend FF if alpha channel is not specified.
std::string source = color_string.substr(1);
if (source.size() == 3)
source.insert(0, "F");
else if (source.size() == 6)
source.insert(0, "FF");
// Convert the string from #FFF format to #FFFFFF format.
std::string formatted_color;
if (source.size() == 4) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
formatted_color += source[i];
formatted_color += source[i];
SkColor ParseCSSColor(const std::string& color_string) {
// ParseCssColorString expects RGBA and we historically use ARGB
// so we need to convert before passing to ParseCssColorString.
std::string color_str = color_string;
if (IsHexFormat(color_str)) {
if (color_str.length() == 5) {
// #ARGB => #RGBA
std::swap(color_str[1], color_str[4]);
} else {
std::swap(color_str[1], color_str[7]);
std::swap(color_str[2], color_str[8]);
} else if (source.size() == 8) {
formatted_color = source;
} else {
return SK_ColorWHITE;
// Convert the string to an integer and make sure it is in the correct value
// range.
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;
if (!base::HexStringToBytes(formatted_color, &bytes))
return SK_ColorWHITE;
SkColor color;
if (!content::ParseCssColorString(color_str, &color))
color = SK_ColorWHITE;
return SkColorSetARGB(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]);
return color;
std::string ToRGBHex(SkColor color) {
@ -11,12 +11,14 @@
namespace electron {
// Parse hex color like "#FFF" or "#EFEFEF"
SkColor ParseHexColor(const std::string& color_string);
// Parses a CSS-style color string from hex, rgb(), rgba(),
// hsl(), hsla(), or color name formats.
SkColor ParseCSSColor(const std::string& color_string);
// Convert color to RGB hex value like "#ABCDEF"
// Convert color to RGB hex value like "#RRGGBB".
std::string ToRGBHex(SkColor color);
// Convert color to RGBA hex value like "#RRGGBBAA".
std::string ToRGBAHex(SkColor color, bool include_hash = true);
} // namespace electron
@ -1076,6 +1076,25 @@ describe('BrowserWindow module', () => {
it('returns correct color with multiple passed formats', () => {
w = new BrowserWindow({});
w.setBackgroundColor('rgb(255, 0, 185)');
w.setBackgroundColor('rgba(245, 40, 145, 0.8)');
w.setBackgroundColor('hsl(155, 100%, 50%)');
describe('BrowserWindow.getNormalBounds()', () => {
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