chore: add Trop annotations to release notes. (#24644)
* chore: add Trop annotations to release notes. Trop annotations are in the form of "(Also in 7.3, 8, 9)" with links to the sibling branches.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 125 additions and 177 deletions
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ const getPreviousPoint = async (point) => {
async function getReleaseNotes (range, newVersion, explicitLinks) {
async function getReleaseNotes (range, newVersion) {
const rangeList = range.split('..') || ['HEAD'];
const to = rangeList.pop();
const from = rangeList.pop() || (await getPreviousPoint(to));
@ -129,10 +129,9 @@ async function getReleaseNotes (range, newVersion, explicitLinks) {
newVersion = to;
console.log(`Generating release notes between ${from} and ${to} for version ${newVersion}`);
const notes = await notesGenerator.get(from, to, newVersion);
const ret = {
text: notesGenerator.render(notes, explicitLinks)
text: notesGenerator.render(notes)
if (notes.unknown.length) {
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ async function getReleaseNotes (range, newVersion, explicitLinks) {
async function main () {
const opts = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: ['explicit-links', 'help'],
boolean: ['help'],
string: ['version']
opts.range = opts._.shift();
@ -153,14 +152,13 @@ async function main () {
easy usage: ${name} version
full usage: ${name} [begin..]end [--version version] [--explicit-links]
full usage: ${name} [begin..]end [--version version]
* 'begin' and 'end' are two git references -- tags, branches, etc --
from which the release notes are generated.
* if omitted, 'begin' defaults to the previous tag in end's branch.
* if omitted, 'version' defaults to 'end'. Specifying a version is
useful if you're making notes on a new version that isn't tagged yet.
* 'explicit-links' makes every note's issue, commit, or pull an MD link
For example, these invocations are equivalent:
${process.argv[1]} v4.0.1
@ -169,7 +167,7 @@ For example, these invocations are equivalent:
return 0;
const notes = await getReleaseNotes(opts.range, opts.version, opts['explicit-links']);
const notes = await getReleaseNotes(opts.range, opts.version);
if (notes.warning) {
throw new Error(notes.warning);
@ -2,24 +2,22 @@
'use strict';
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const { GitProcess } = require('dugite');
const octokit = require('@octokit/rest')({
auth: process.env.ELECTRON_GITHUB_TOKEN
const semver = require('semver');
const { ELECTRON_VERSION, SRC_DIR } = require('../../lib/utils');
const { SRC_DIR } = require('../../lib/utils');
const MAX_FAIL_COUNT = 3;
const CHECK_INTERVAL = 5000;
const TROP_LOGIN = 'trop[bot]';
const NO_NOTES = 'No notes';
const FOLLOW_REPOS = ['electron/electron', 'electron/node'];
const docTypes = new Set(['doc', 'docs']);
const featTypes = new Set(['feat', 'feature']);
@ -57,6 +55,11 @@ class Commit {
this.isBreakingChange = false;
this.note = null; // string
// A set of branches to which this change has been merged.
// '8-x-y' => GHKey { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', number: 23714 }
this.trops = new Map(); // Map<string,GHKey>
this.prKeys = new Set(); // GHKey
this.revertHash = null; // string
this.semanticType = null; // string
@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ const getNoteFromClerk = async (ghKey) => {
if (comment.body.startsWith(PERSIST_LEAD)) {
return comment.body
.slice(PERSIST_LEAD.length).trim() // remove PERSIST_LEAD
.split('\r?\n') // break into lines
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(line => line.trim())
.filter(line => line.startsWith(QUOTE_LEAD)) // notes are quoted
.map(line => line.slice(QUOTE_LEAD.length)) // unquote the lines
@ -117,18 +120,6 @@ const getNoteFromClerk = async (ghKey) => {
// copied from
'no notes',
* Looks for our project's conventions in the commit message:
@ -206,7 +197,9 @@ const parsePullText = (pull, commit) => parseCommitMessage(`${}\n
const getLocalCommitHashes = async (dir, ref) => {
const args = ['log', '--format=%H', ref];
return (await runGit(dir, args)).split(/[\r\n]+/).map(hash => hash.trim());
return (await runGit(dir, args))
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(hash => hash.trim());
// return an array of Commits
@ -216,7 +209,9 @@ const getLocalCommits = async (module, point1, point2) => {
const fieldSep = ',';
const format = ['%H', '%s'].join(fieldSep);
const args = ['log', '--cherry-pick', '--right-only', '--first-parent', `--format=${format}`, `${point1}..${point2}`];
const logs = (await runGit(dir, args)).split(/[\r\n]+/).map(field => field.trim());
const logs = (await runGit(dir, args))
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.map(field => field.trim());
const commits = [];
for (const log of logs) {
@ -332,92 +327,50 @@ const addRepoToPool = async (pool, repo, from, to) => {
**** Other Repos
// returns Map<string,GHKey>
// where the key is a branch name (e.g. '7-1-x' or '8-x-y')
// and the value is a GHKey to the PR
async function getBranchesOfCommit (commit, pool) {
const branches = new Map();
// other repos - gn
for (const prKey of commit.prKeys.values()) {
const pull = pool.pulls[prKey.number];
const mergedBranches = new Set((pull?.data?.labels || [])
.map(label => (label?.name ?? '').match(/merged\/([0-9]+-[x0-9]-[xy0-9])/))
.filter(match => match)
.map(match => match[1])
const getDepsVariable = async (ref, key) => {
// get a copy of that reference point's DEPS file
const deps = await runGit(ELECTRON_VERSION, ['show', `${ref}:DEPS`]);
const filename = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'DEPS');
fs.writeFileSync(filename, deps);
if (mergedBranches.size > 0) {
const isTropComment = (comment) => (comment?.user?.login ?? '') === TROP_LOGIN;
// query the DEPS file
const response = childProcess.spawnSync(
['getdep', '--deps-file', filename, '--var', key],
{ encoding: 'utf8' }
const ghKey = GHKey.NewFromPull(;
const backportRegex = /backported this PR to "(.*)",\s+please check out #(\d+)/;
const getBranchNameAndPullKey = (comment) => {
const match = (comment?.body ?? '').match(backportRegex);
return match ? [match[1], new GHKey(ghKey.owner, ghKey.repo, parseInt(match[2]))] : null;
// cleanup
return response.stdout.trim();
const getDependencyCommitsGN = async (pool, fromRef, toRef) => {
const repos = [{ // just node
owner: 'electron',
repo: 'node',
dir: path.resolve(SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'electron_node'),
deps_variable_name: 'node_version'
for (const repo of repos) {
// the 'DEPS' file holds the dependency reference point
const key = repo.deps_variable_name;
const from = await getDepsVariable(fromRef, key);
const to = await getDepsVariable(toRef, key);
await addRepoToPool(pool, repo, from, to);
// Changes are interesting if they make a change relative to a previous
// release in the same series. For example if you fix a Y.0.0 bug, that
// should be included in the Y.0.1 notes even if it's also tropped back
// to X.0.1.
// The phrase 'previous release' is important: if this is the first
// prerelease or first stable release in a series, we omit previous
// branches' changes. Otherwise we will have an overwhelmingly long
// list of mostly-irrelevant changes.
const shouldIncludeMultibranchChanges = (version) => {
let show = true;
if (semver.valid(version)) {
const prerelease = semver.prerelease(version);
show = prerelease
? parseInt(prerelease.pop()) > 1
: semver.patch(version) > 0;
((await getComments(ghKey))?.data ?? [])
.filter(pair => pair)
.filter(([branch]) => mergedBranches.has(branch))
.forEach(([branch, key]) => branches.set(branch, key));
return show;
function getOldestMajorBranchOfPull (pull) {
.map(label =>\/(\d+)-(\d+)-x/) ||\/(\d+)-x-y/))
.filter(label => !!label)
.map(label => parseInt(label[1]))
.filter(major => !!major)
return branches;
function getOldestMajorBranchOfCommit (commit, pool) {
return [...commit.prKeys.values()]
.map(prKey => pool.pulls[prKey.number])
.filter(pull => !!pull)
.map(pull => getOldestMajorBranchOfPull(pull))
.filter(major => !!major)
function commitExistsBeforeMajor (commit, pool, major) {
const firstAppearance = getOldestMajorBranchOfCommit(commit, pool);
return firstAppearance && (firstAppearance < major);
// @return the shorthand name of the branch that `ref` is on.
// e.g. a ref of '10.0.0-beta.1' will return '10-x-y'
async function getBranchNameOfRef (ref, dir) {
return (await runGit(dir, ['branch', '--all', '--contains', ref, '--sort', 'version:refname']))
.split(/\r?\n/) // split into lines
.shift() // we sorted by refname and want the first result
.match(/(?:.*\/)?(.*)/)[1] // 'remote/origins/10-x-y' -> '10-x-y'
@ -431,21 +384,15 @@ const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef, newVersion) => {
const pool = new Pool();
const electronDir = path.resolve(SRC_DIR, 'electron');
const toBranch = await getBranchNameOfRef(toRef, electronDir);
console.log(`Generating release notes between ${fromRef} and ${toRef} for version ${newVersion} in branch ${toBranch}`);
// get the electron/electron commits
const electron = { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', dir: path.resolve(SRC_DIR, 'electron') };
const electron = { owner: 'electron', repo: 'electron', dir: electronDir };
await addRepoToPool(pool, electron, fromRef, toRef);
// Don't include submodules if comparing across major versions;
// there's just too much churn otherwise.
const includeDeps = semver.valid(fromRef) &&
semver.valid(toRef) &&
semver.major(fromRef) === semver.major(toRef);
if (includeDeps) {
await getDependencyCommitsGN(pool, fromRef, toRef);
// remove any old commits
pool.commits = pool.commits.filter(commit => !pool.processedHashes.has(commit.hash));
@ -482,9 +429,8 @@ const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef, newVersion) => {
.filter(commit => commit.note && (commit.note !== NO_NOTES))
.filter(commit => !((commit.note || commit.subject).match(/^[Bb]ump v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)));
if (!shouldIncludeMultibranchChanges(newVersion)) {
const { major } = semver.parse(newVersion);
pool.commits = pool.commits.filter(commit => !commitExistsBeforeMajor(commit, pool, major));
for (const commit of pool.commits) {
commit.trops = await getBranchesOfCommit(commit, pool);
pool.commits = removeSupercededStackUpdates(pool.commits);
@ -496,7 +442,8 @@ const getNotes = async (fromRef, toRef, newVersion) => {
fix: [],
other: [],
unknown: [],
name: newVersion
name: newVersion,
pool.commits.forEach(commit => {
@ -545,31 +492,42 @@ const removeSupercededStackUpdates = (commits) => {
**** Render
const renderLink = (commit, explicitLinks) => {
let link;
const { owner, repo } = commit;
const keyIt = commit.prKeys.values().next();
if (keyIt.done) /* no PRs */ {
const { hash } = commit;
const url = `${owner}/${repo}/commit/${hash}`;
const text = owner === 'electron' && repo === 'electron'
? `${hash.slice(0, 8)}`
: `${owner}/${repo}@${hash.slice(0, 8)}`;
link = explicitLinks ? `[${text}](${url})` : text;
} else {
const { number } = keyIt.value;
const url = `${owner}/${repo}/pull/${number}`;
const text = owner === 'electron' && repo === 'electron'
? `#${number}`
: `${owner}/${repo}#${number}`;
link = explicitLinks ? `[${text}](${url})` : text;
return link;
// @return the pull request's GitHub URL
const buildPullURL = ghKey => `${ghKey.owner}/${ghKey.repo}/pull/${ghKey.number}`;
const renderCommit = (commit, explicitLinks) => {
// clean up the note
let note = commit.note || commit.subject;
const renderPull = ghKey => `[#${ghKey.number}](${buildPullURL(ghKey)})`;
// @return the commit's GitHub URL
const buildCommitURL = commit => `${commit.owner}/${commit.repo}/commit/${commit.hash}`;
const renderCommit = commit => `[${commit.hash.slice(0, 8)}](${buildCommitURL(commit)})`;
// @return a markdown link to the PR if available; otherwise, the git commit
function renderLink (commit) {
const maybePull = commit.prKeys.values().next();
return maybePull.value ? renderPull(maybePull.value) : renderCommit(commit);
// @return a terser branch name,
// e.g. '7-2-x' -> '7.2' and '8-x-y' -> '8'
const renderBranchName = name => name.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]/g, '').replace('-', '.');
const renderTrop = (branch, ghKey) => `[${renderBranchName(branch)}](${buildPullURL(ghKey)})`;
// @return markdown-formatted links to other branches' trops,
// e.g. "(Also in 7.2, 8, 9)"
function renderTrops (commit, excludeBranch) {
const body = [...commit.trops.entries()]
.filter(([branch]) => branch !== excludeBranch)
.sort(([branchA], [branchB]) => parseInt(branchA) - parseInt(branchB)) // sort by semver major
.map(([branch, key]) => renderTrop(branch, key))
.join(', ');
return body ? `<span style="font-size:small;">(Also in ${body})</span>` : body;
// @return a slightly cleaned-up human-readable change description
function renderDescription (commit) {
let note = commit.note || commit.subject || '';
note = note.trim();
if (note.length !== 0) {
note = note[0].toUpperCase() + note.substr(1);
@ -606,30 +564,24 @@ const renderCommit = (commit, explicitLinks) => {
const link = renderLink(commit, explicitLinks);
return note;
return { note, link };
// @return markdown-formatted release note line item,
// e.g. '* Fixed a foo. #12345 (Also in 7.2, 8, 9)'
const renderNote = (commit, excludeBranch) =>
`* ${renderDescription(commit)} ${renderLink(commit)} ${renderTrops(commit, excludeBranch)}\n`;
const renderNotes = (notes, explicitLinks) => {
const renderNotes = (notes) => {
const rendered = [`# Release Notes for ${}\n\n`];
const renderSection = (title, commits) => {
if (commits.length === 0) {
if (commits.length > 0) {
`## ${title}\n\n`,
...( => renderNote(commit, notes.toBranch)).sort())
const notes = new Map();
for (const note of => renderCommit(commit, explicitLinks))) {
if (!notes.has(note.note)) {
notes.set(note.note, []);
} else {
rendered.push(`## ${title}\n\n`);
const lines = [];
notes.forEach((links, key) => lines.push(` * ${key} ${ => link.toString()).sort().join(', ')}\n`));
rendered.push(...lines.sort(), '\n');
renderSection('Breaking Changes', notes.breaking);
@ -638,7 +590,7 @@ const renderNotes = (notes, explicitLinks) => {
renderSection('Other Changes', notes.other);
if ( {
const docs = => renderLink(commit, explicitLinks)).sort();
const docs = => renderLink(commit)).sort();
rendered.push('## Documentation\n\n', ` * Documentation changes: ${docs.join(', ')}\n`, '\n');
@ -67,6 +67,14 @@ class GitFake {
stdout = lines.join('\n');
} else if (args.length === 6 &&
args[0] === 'branch' &&
args[1] === '--all' &&
args[2] === '--contains' &&
args[3].endsWith('-x-y')) {
// "what branch is this tag in?"
// git branch --all --contains ${ref} --sort version:refname
stdout = args[3];
} else {
console.error('unhandled GitProcess.exec():', args);
@ -115,25 +123,15 @@ describe('release notes', () => {
describe('changes that exist in older branches', () => {
// use case: this fix is NOT news because it was already fixed
// while oldBranch was the latest stable release
it('are skipped if the target version is a new major line (x.0.0)', async function () {
describe('trop annotations', () => {
it('shows sibling branches', async function () {
const version = 'v9.0.0';
gitFake.setBranch(oldBranch, [...sharedHistory, oldTropFix]);
gitFake.setBranch(newBranch, [...sharedHistory, newTropFix]);
const results: any = await notes.get(oldBranch, newBranch, version);
// use case: this fix IS news because it's being fixed in
// multiple stable branches at once, including newBranch.
it('are included if the target version is a minor or patch bump', async function () {
const version = 'v9.0.1';
gitFake.setBranch(oldBranch, [...sharedHistory, oldTropFix]);
gitFake.setBranch(newBranch, [...sharedHistory, newTropFix]);
const results: any = await notes.get(oldBranch, newBranch, version);
expect(results.fix[0].trops).to.have.keys('8-x-y', '9-x-y');
Add table
Reference in a new issue