Use let/const instead of var
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 137 additions and 143 deletions
@ -4,14 +4,13 @@
const path = require('path')
const util = require('util')
var hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty
const hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty
// Cache asar archive objects.
var cachedArchives = {}
const cachedArchives = {}
var getOrCreateArchive = function (p) {
var archive
archive = cachedArchives[p]
const getOrCreateArchive = function (p) {
let archive = cachedArchives[p]
if (archive != null) {
return archive
@ -25,18 +24,14 @@
// Clean cache on quit.
process.on('exit', function () {
var archive, p
for (p in cachedArchives) {
for (let p in cachedArchives) {
if (!, p)) continue
archive = cachedArchives[p]
// Separate asar package's path from full path.
var splitPath = function (p) {
var index
const splitPath = function (p) {
// shortcut to disable asar.
if (process.noAsar) {
return [false]
@ -45,11 +40,13 @@
if (typeof p !== 'string') {
return [false]
if (p.substr(-5) === '.asar') {
return [true, p, '']
p = path.normalize(p)
index = p.lastIndexOf('.asar' + path.sep)
const index = p.lastIndexOf('.asar' + path.sep)
if (index === -1) {
return [false]
@ -57,15 +54,15 @@
// Convert asar archive's Stats object to fs's Stats object.
var nextInode = 0
let nextInode = 0
var uid = process.getuid != null ? process.getuid() : 0
const uid = process.getuid != null ? process.getuid() : 0
var gid = process.getgid != null ? process.getgid() : 0
const gid = process.getgid != null ? process.getgid() : 0
var fakeTime = new Date()
const fakeTime = new Date()
var asarStatsToFsStats = function (stats) {
const asarStatsToFsStats = function (stats) {
return {
dev: 1,
ino: ++nextInode,
@ -104,97 +101,97 @@
// Create a ENOENT error.
var notFoundError = function (asarPath, filePath, callback) {
var error
error = new Error(`ENOENT, ${filePath} not found in ${asarPath}`)
const notFoundError = function (asarPath, filePath, callback) {
const error = new Error(`ENOENT, ${filePath} not found in ${asarPath}`)
error.code = 'ENOENT'
error.errno = -2
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw error
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(error)
process.nextTick(function () {
// Create a ENOTDIR error.
var notDirError = function (callback) {
var error
error = new Error('ENOTDIR, not a directory')
const notDirError = function (callback) {
const error = new Error('ENOTDIR, not a directory')
error.code = 'ENOTDIR'
error.errno = -20
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw error
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(error)
process.nextTick(function () {
// Create invalid archive error.
var invalidArchiveError = function (asarPath, callback) {
var error
error = new Error(`Invalid package ${asarPath}`)
const invalidArchiveError = function (asarPath, callback) {
const error = new Error(`Invalid package ${asarPath}`)
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
throw error
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(error)
process.nextTick(function () {
// Override APIs that rely on passing file path instead of content to C++.
var overrideAPISync = function (module, name, arg) {
var old
const overrideAPISync = function (module, name, arg) {
if (arg == null) {
arg = 0
old = module[name]
const old = module[name]
module[name] = function () {
var archive, newPath, p
p = arguments[arg]
const p = arguments[arg]
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return old.apply(this, arguments)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
if (!newPath) {
notFoundError(asarPath, filePath)
arguments[arg] = newPath
return old.apply(this, arguments)
var overrideAPI = function (module, name, arg) {
var old
const overrideAPI = function (module, name, arg) {
if (arg == null) {
arg = 0
old = module[name]
const old = module[name]
module[name] = function () {
var archive, callback, newPath, p
p = arguments[arg]
const p = arguments[arg]
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return old.apply(this, arguments)
callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
const callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
return overrideAPISync(module, name, arg)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return invalidArchiveError(asarPath, callback)
newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
const newPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
if (!newPath) {
return notFoundError(asarPath, filePath, callback)
arguments[arg] = newPath
return old.apply(this, arguments)
@ -202,61 +199,58 @@
// Override fs APIs.
exports.wrapFsWithAsar = function (fs) {
var exists, existsSync, internalModuleReadFile, internalModuleStat, lstat, lstatSync, mkdir, mkdirSync, readFile, readFileSync, readdir, readdirSync, realpath, realpathSync, stat, statSync, statSyncNoException, logFDs, logASARAccess
logFDs = {}
logASARAccess = function (asarPath, filePath, offset) {
const logFDs = {}
const logASARAccess = function (asarPath, filePath, offset) {
if (!process.env.ELECTRON_LOG_ASAR_READS) {
if (!logFDs[asarPath]) {
var logFilename, logPath
const path = require('path')
logFilename = path.basename(asarPath, '.asar') + '-access-log.txt'
logPath = path.join(require('os').tmpdir(), logFilename)
const logFilename = path.basename(asarPath, '.asar') + '-access-log.txt'
const logPath = path.join(require('os').tmpdir(), logFilename)
logFDs[asarPath] = fs.openSync(logPath, 'a')
console.log('Logging ' + asarPath + ' access to ' + logPath)
fs.writeSync(logFDs[asarPath], offset + ': ' + filePath + '\n')
lstatSync = fs.lstatSync
const {lstatSync} = fs
fs.lstatSync = function (p) {
var archive, stats
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return lstatSync(p)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
stats = archive.stat(filePath)
const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
if (!stats) {
notFoundError(asarPath, filePath)
return asarStatsToFsStats(stats)
lstat = fs.lstat
const {lstat} = fs
fs.lstat = function (p, callback) {
var archive, stats
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return lstat(p, callback)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return invalidArchiveError(asarPath, callback)
stats = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath).stat(filePath)
const stats = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath).stat(filePath)
if (!stats) {
return notFoundError(asarPath, filePath, callback)
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(null, asarStatsToFsStats(stats))
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(null, asarStatsToFsStats(stats))
statSync = fs.statSync
const {statSync} = fs
fs.statSync = function (p) {
const [isAsar] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
@ -266,7 +260,8 @@
// Do not distinguish links for now.
return fs.lstatSync(p)
stat = fs.stat
const {stat} = fs
fs.stat = function (p, callback) {
const [isAsar] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
@ -274,47 +269,47 @@
// Do not distinguish links for now.
return process.nextTick(function () {
return fs.lstat(p, callback)
process.nextTick(function () {
fs.lstat(p, callback)
statSyncNoException = fs.statSyncNoException
const {statSyncNoException} = fs
fs.statSyncNoException = function (p) {
var archive, stats
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return statSyncNoException(p)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return false
stats = archive.stat(filePath)
const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
if (!stats) {
return false
return asarStatsToFsStats(stats)
realpathSync = fs.realpathSync
const {realpathSync} = fs
fs.realpathSync = function (p) {
var archive, real
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return realpathSync.apply(this, arguments)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
real = archive.realpath(filePath)
const real = archive.realpath(filePath)
if (real === false) {
notFoundError(asarPath, filePath)
return path.join(realpathSync(asarPath), real)
realpath = fs.realpath
const {realpath} = fs
fs.realpath = function (p, cache, callback) {
var archive, real
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return realpath.apply(this, arguments)
@ -323,11 +318,11 @@
callback = cache
cache = void 0
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return invalidArchiveError(asarPath, callback)
real = archive.realpath(filePath)
const real = archive.realpath(filePath)
if (real === false) {
return notFoundError(asarPath, filePath, callback)
@ -338,37 +333,37 @@
return callback(null, path.join(p, real))
exists = fs.exists
const {exists} = fs
fs.exists = function (p, callback) {
var archive
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return exists(p, callback)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return invalidArchiveError(asarPath, callback)
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(archive.stat(filePath) !== false)
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(archive.stat(filePath) !== false)
existsSync = fs.existsSync
const {existsSync} = fs
fs.existsSync = function (p) {
var archive
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return existsSync(p)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return false
return archive.stat(filePath) !== false
readFile = fs.readFile
const {readFile} = fs
fs.readFile = function (p, options, callback) {
var archive, buffer, encoding, fd, info, realPath
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return readFile.apply(this, arguments)
@ -377,21 +372,21 @@
callback = options
options = void 0
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return invalidArchiveError(asarPath, callback)
info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
if (!info) {
return notFoundError(asarPath, filePath, callback)
if (info.size === 0) {
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(null, new Buffer(0))
callback(null, new Buffer(0))
if (info.unpacked) {
realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
return fs.readFile(realPath, options, callback)
if (!options) {
@ -405,31 +400,29 @@
} else if (!util.isObject(options)) {
throw new TypeError('Bad arguments')
encoding = options.encoding
buffer = new Buffer(info.size)
fd = archive.getFd()
const {encoding} = options
const buffer = new Buffer(info.size)
const fd = archive.getFd()
if (!(fd >= 0)) {
return notFoundError(asarPath, filePath, callback)
logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset)
return, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset, function (error) {
return callback(error, encoding ? buffer.toString(encoding) : buffer)
||||, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset, function (error) {
callback(error, encoding ? buffer.toString(encoding) : buffer)
readFileSync = fs.readFileSync
fs.readFileSync = function (p, opts) {
// this allows v8 to optimize this function
var archive, buffer, encoding, fd, info, options, realPath
options = opts
const {readFileSync} = fs
fs.readFileSync = function (p, options) {
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return readFileSync.apply(this, arguments)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
if (!info) {
notFoundError(asarPath, filePath)
@ -441,7 +434,7 @@
if (info.unpacked) {
realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
return fs.readFileSync(realPath, options)
if (!options) {
@ -455,9 +448,9 @@
} else if (!util.isObject(options)) {
throw new TypeError('Bad arguments')
encoding = options.encoding
buffer = new Buffer(info.size)
fd = archive.getFd()
const {encoding} = options
const buffer = new Buffer(info.size)
const fd = archive.getFd()
if (!(fd >= 0)) {
notFoundError(asarPath, filePath)
@ -469,89 +462,89 @@
return buffer
readdir = fs.readdir
const {readdir} = fs
fs.readdir = function (p, callback) {
var archive, files
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return readdir.apply(this, arguments)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return invalidArchiveError(asarPath, callback)
files = archive.readdir(filePath)
const files = archive.readdir(filePath)
if (!files) {
return notFoundError(asarPath, filePath, callback)
return process.nextTick(function () {
return callback(null, files)
process.nextTick(function () {
callback(null, files)
readdirSync = fs.readdirSync
const {readdirSync} = fs
fs.readdirSync = function (p) {
var archive, files
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return readdirSync.apply(this, arguments)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
files = archive.readdir(filePath)
const files = archive.readdir(filePath)
if (!files) {
notFoundError(asarPath, filePath)
return files
internalModuleReadFile = process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile
const {internalModuleReadFile} = process.binding('fs')
process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile = function (p) {
var archive, buffer, fd, info, realPath
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return internalModuleReadFile(p)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return void 0
info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
const info = archive.getFileInfo(filePath)
if (!info) {
return void 0
if (info.size === 0) {
return ''
if (info.unpacked) {
realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
const realPath = archive.copyFileOut(filePath)
return fs.readFileSync(realPath, {
encoding: 'utf8'
buffer = new Buffer(info.size)
fd = archive.getFd()
const buffer = new Buffer(info.size)
const fd = archive.getFd()
if (!(fd >= 0)) {
return void 0
logASARAccess(asarPath, filePath, info.offset)
fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, info.size, info.offset)
return buffer.toString('utf8')
internalModuleStat = process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat
const {internalModuleStat} = process.binding('fs')
process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat = function (p) {
var archive, stats
const [isAsar, asarPath, filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (!isAsar) {
return internalModuleStat(p)
archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
const archive = getOrCreateArchive(asarPath)
if (!archive) {
return -34
stats = archive.stat(filePath)
const stats = archive.stat(filePath)
if (!stats) {
@ -569,7 +562,7 @@
// This is to work around the recursive looping bug of mkdirp since it is
// widely used.
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
mkdir = fs.mkdir
const {mkdir} = fs
fs.mkdir = function (p, mode, callback) {
if (typeof mode === 'function') {
callback = mode
@ -578,9 +571,10 @@
if (isAsar && filePath.length) {
return notDirError(callback)
return mkdir(p, mode, callback)
mkdir(p, mode, callback)
mkdirSync = fs.mkdirSync
const {mkdirSync} = fs
fs.mkdirSync = function (p, mode) {
const [isAsar, , filePath] = splitPath(p)
if (isAsar && filePath.length) {
@ -595,12 +589,12 @@
// called by `childProcess.{exec,execSync}`, causing
// Electron to consider the full command as a single path
// to an archive.
[ 'exec', 'execSync' ].forEach(function (functionName) {
var old = childProcess[functionName]
['exec', 'execSync'].forEach(function (functionName) {
const old = childProcess[functionName]
childProcess[functionName] = function () {
var processNoAsarOriginalValue = process.noAsar
const processNoAsarOriginalValue = process.noAsar
process.noAsar = true
var result = old.apply(this, arguments)
const result = old.apply(this, arguments)
process.noAsar = processNoAsarOriginalValue
return result
@ -611,6 +605,6 @@
overrideAPISync(process, 'dlopen', 1)
overrideAPISync(require('module')._extensions, '.node', 1)
overrideAPISync(fs, 'openSync')
return overrideAPISync(childProcess, 'execFileSync')
overrideAPISync(childProcess, 'execFileSync')
Add table
Reference in a new issue