Add "deprecate" module

This commit is contained in:
Cheng Zhao 2015-11-09 18:09:22 +08:00
parent a23ffd7a1b
commit 89ff62b1b5
2 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Deprecate a method.
deprecate = (oldName, newName, fn) ->
warned = false
unless warned or process.noDeprecation
warned = true
deprecate.warn oldName, newName
fn.apply this, arguments
# The method is renamed.
deprecate.rename = (object, oldName, newName) ->
warned = false
newMethod = ->
unless warned or process.noDeprecation
warned = true
deprecate.warn oldName, newName
this[newName].apply this, arguments
if typeof object is 'function'
object.prototype[oldName] = newMethod
object[oldName] = newMethod
# Forward the method to member.
deprecate.member = (object, method, member) ->
warned = false
object.prototype[method] = ->
unless warned or process.noDeprecation
warned = true
deprecate.warn method, "#{member}.#{method}"
this[member][method].apply this[member], arguments
# Deprecate a property. = (object, property, method) ->
Object.defineProperty object, property,
get: ->
warned = false
unless warned or process.noDeprecation
warned = true
deprecate.warn "#{property} property", "#{method} method"
# Deprecate an event.
deprecate.event = (emitter, oldName, newName, fn) ->
warned = false
emitter.on newName, ->
if @listenerCount(oldName) > 0 # there is listeners for old API.
unless warned or process.noDeprecation
warned = true
deprecate.warn "'#{oldName}' event", "'#{newName}' event"
fn.apply this, arguments
# Print deprecate warning.
deprecate.warn = (oldName, newName) ->
message = "#{oldName} is deprecated. Use #{newName} instead."
if process.throwDeprecation
throw new Error(message)
else if process.traceDeprecation
console.trace message
console.warn "(electron) #{message}"
module.exports = deprecate

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@