Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/atom/master'
This commit is contained in:
27 changed files with 304 additions and 149 deletions
@ -74,10 +74,26 @@ void Tray::OnBalloonClosed() {
void Tray::OnDrop() {
void Tray::OnDropFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& files) {
Emit("drop-files", files);
void Tray::OnDragEntered() {
void Tray::OnDragExited() {
void Tray::OnDragEnded() {
bool Tray::IsDestroyed() const {
return !tray_icon_;
@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ class Tray : public mate::TrackableObject<Tray>,
void OnBalloonShow() override;
void OnBalloonClicked() override;
void OnBalloonClosed() override;
void OnDrop() override;
void OnDropFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& files) override;
void OnDragEntered() override;
void OnDragExited() override;
void OnDragEnded() override;
// mate::Wrappable:
bool IsDestroyed() const override;
@ -269,9 +269,7 @@ WebContents::WebContents(v8::Isolate* isolate,
// Save the preferences in C++.
base::DictionaryValue web_preferences;
mate::ConvertFromV8(isolate, options.GetHandle(), &web_preferences);
new WebContentsPreferences(web_contents, &web_preferences);
new WebContentsPreferences(web_contents, options);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "atom/browser/api/atom_api_window.h"
#include "atom/common/native_mate_converters/value_converter.h"
#include "atom/browser/api/atom_api_menu.h"
#include "atom/browser/api/atom_api_web_contents.h"
@ -60,7 +61,54 @@ void OnCapturePageDone(
// Converts min-width to minWidth, returns false if no conversion is needed.
bool TranslateOldKey(const std::string& key, std::string* new_key) {
if (key.find('-') == std::string::npos)
return false;
bool next_upper_case = false;
for (char c : key) {
if (c == '-') {
next_upper_case = true;
} else if (next_upper_case) {
next_upper_case = false;
} else {
return true;
// Converts min-width to minWidth recursively in the dictionary.
void TranslateOldOptions(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::Object> options) {
auto context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
auto maybe_keys = options->GetOwnPropertyNames(context);
if (maybe_keys.IsEmpty())
std::vector<std::string> keys;
if (!mate::ConvertFromV8(isolate, maybe_keys.ToLocalChecked(), &keys))
mate::Dictionary dict(isolate, options);
for (const auto& key : keys) {
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
if (!dict.Get(key, &value)) // Shouldn't happen, but guard it anyway.
// Go recursively.
v8::Local<v8::Object> sub_options;
if (mate::ConvertFromV8(isolate, value, &sub_options))
TranslateOldOptions(isolate, sub_options);
// Translate key.
std::string new_key;
if (TranslateOldKey(key, &new_key)) {
dict.Set(new_key, value);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Converts binary data to Buffer.
v8::Local<v8::Value> ToBuffer(v8::Isolate* isolate, void* val, int size) {
auto buffer = node::Buffer::New(isolate, static_cast<char*>(val), size);
if (buffer.IsEmpty())
@ -74,7 +122,10 @@ v8::Local<v8::Value> ToBuffer(v8::Isolate* isolate, void* val, int size) {
Window::Window(v8::Isolate* isolate, const mate::Dictionary& options) {
// Use options['web-preferences'] to create WebContents.
// Be compatible with old style field names like min-width.
TranslateOldOptions(isolate, options.GetHandle());
// Use options.webPreferences to create WebContents.
mate::Dictionary web_preferences = mate::Dictionary::CreateEmpty(isolate);
options.Get(switches::kWebPreferences, &web_preferences);
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ app.on('ready', function() {
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
'auto-hide-menu-bar': true,
'use-content-size': true,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
useContentSize: true,
mainWindow.loadUrl('file://' + __dirname + '/index.html');
@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ attachGuest = (embedder, elementInstanceId, guestInstanceId, params) ->
destroyGuest embedder, oldGuestInstanceId
webPreferences =
'guest-instance-id': guestInstanceId
'node-integration': params.nodeintegration ? false
'plugins': params.plugins
'web-security': !params.disablewebsecurity
webPreferences['preload-url'] = params.preload if params.preload
guestInstanceId: guestInstanceId
nodeIntegration: params.nodeintegration ? false
plugins: params.plugins
webSecurity: !params.disablewebsecurity
webPreferences.preloadUrl = params.preload if params.preload
webViewManager.addGuest guestInstanceId, elementInstanceId, embedder, guest, webPreferences
guest.attachParams = params
@ -4,15 +4,24 @@ BrowserWindow = require 'browser-window'
frameToGuest = {}
# Copy attribute of |parent| to |child| if it is not defined in |child|.
mergeOptions = (child, parent) ->
for own key, value of parent when key not in child
if typeof value is 'object'
child[key] = mergeOptions {}, value
child[key] = value
# Merge |options| with the |embedder|'s window's options.
mergeBrowserWindowOptions = (embedder, options) ->
if embedder.browserWindowOptions?
# Inherit the original options if it is a BrowserWindow.
options.__proto__ = embedder.browserWindowOptions
mergeOptions options, embedder.browserWindowOptions
# Or only inherit web-preferences if it is a webview.
options['web-preferences'] ?= {}
options['web-preferences'].__proto__ = embedder.getWebPreferences()
options.webPreferences ?= {}
mergeOptions options.webPreferences, embedder.getWebPreferences()
# Create a new guest created by |embedder| with |options|.
@ -55,8 +55,24 @@ void TrayIcon::NotifyRightClicked(const gfx::Rect& bounds, int modifiers) {
OnRightClicked(bounds, modifiers));
void TrayIcon::NotifyDrop() {
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TrayIconObserver, observers_, OnDrop());
void TrayIcon::NotifyDropFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& files) {
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TrayIconObserver, observers_, OnDropFiles(files));
void TrayIcon::NotifyDragEntered() {
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TrayIconObserver, observers_, OnDragEntered());
void TrayIcon::NotifyDragExited() {
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TrayIconObserver, observers_, OnDragExited());
void TrayIcon::NotifyDragEnded() {
FOR_EACH_OBSERVER(TrayIconObserver, observers_, OnDragEnded());
} // namespace atom
@ -61,7 +61,11 @@ class TrayIcon {
void NotifyBalloonClosed();
void NotifyRightClicked(const gfx::Rect& bounds = gfx::Rect(),
int modifiers = 0);
void NotifyDrop();
void NotifyDropFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& files);
void NotifyDragEntered();
void NotifyDragExited();
void NotifyDragEnded();
@ -254,9 +254,23 @@ const CGFloat kVerticalTitleMargin = 2;
- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
return NSDragOperationCopy;
- (void)draggingExited:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
- (void)draggingEnded:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
- (BOOL)prepareForDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
return YES;
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
NSPasteboard* pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ class TrayIconObserver {
virtual void OnBalloonClicked() {}
virtual void OnBalloonClosed() {}
virtual void OnRightClicked(const gfx::Rect& bounds, int modifiers) {}
virtual void OnDrop() {}
virtual void OnDropFiles(const std::vector<std::string>& files) {}
virtual void OnDragEntered() {}
virtual void OnDragExited() {}
virtual void OnDragEnded() {}
virtual ~TrayIconObserver() {}
@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
#include <string>
#include "atom/common/native_mate_converters/value_converter.h"
#include "atom/common/options_switches.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "content/public/common/web_preferences.h"
#include "native_mate/dictionary.h"
#include "net/base/filename_util.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
@ -36,12 +38,16 @@ const char* kWebRuntimeFeatures[] = {
content::WebContents* web_contents,
base::DictionaryValue* web_preferences) {
web_contents->SetUserData(UserDataKey(), this);
const mate::Dictionary& web_preferences) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = web_preferences.isolate();
mate::Dictionary copied(isolate, web_preferences.GetHandle()->Clone());
// Following fields should not be stored.
// The "isGuest" is not a preferences field.
web_preferences_.Remove("isGuest", nullptr);
mate::ConvertFromV8(isolate, copied.GetHandle(), &web_preferences_);
web_contents->SetUserData(UserDataKey(), this);
WebContentsPreferences::~WebContentsPreferences() {
@ -135,21 +141,21 @@ void WebContentsPreferences::OverrideWebkitPrefs(
prefs->images_enabled = b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("java", &b))
prefs->java_enabled = b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("text-areas-are-resizable", &b))
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("textAreasAreResizable", &b))
prefs->text_areas_are_resizable = b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("webgl", &b))
prefs->experimental_webgl_enabled = b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("webaudio", &b))
prefs->webaudio_enabled = b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("web-security", &b)) {
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("webSecurity", &b)) {
prefs->web_security_enabled = b;
prefs->allow_displaying_insecure_content = !b;
prefs->allow_running_insecure_content = !b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("allow-displaying-insecure-content",
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("allowDisplayingInsecureContent",
prefs->allow_displaying_insecure_content = b;
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("allow-running-insecure-content", &b))
if (self->web_preferences_.GetBoolean("allowRunningInsecureContent", &b))
prefs->allow_running_insecure_content = b;
@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ namespace content {
struct WebPreferences;
namespace mate {
class Dictionary;
namespace atom {
// Stores and applies the preferences of WebContents.
@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ class WebContentsPreferences
content::WebContents* web_contents, content::WebPreferences* prefs);
WebContentsPreferences(content::WebContents* web_contents,
base::DictionaryValue* web_preferences);
const mate::Dictionary& web_preferences);
~WebContentsPreferences() override;
// $.extend(|web_preferences_|, |new_web_preferences|).
@ -17,51 +17,80 @@ const char kX[] = "x";
const char kY[] = "y";
const char kWidth[] = "width";
const char kHeight[] = "height";
const char kMinWidth[] = "min-width";
const char kMinHeight[] = "min-height";
const char kMaxWidth[] = "max-width";
const char kMaxHeight[] = "max-height";
const char kMinWidth[] = "minWidth";
const char kMinHeight[] = "minHeight";
const char kMaxWidth[] = "maxWidth";
const char kMaxHeight[] = "maxHeight";
const char kResizable[] = "resizable";
const char kFullscreen[] = "fullscreen";
// Whether the window should show in taskbar.
const char kSkipTaskbar[] = "skip-taskbar";
const char kSkipTaskbar[] = "skipTaskbar";
// Start with the kiosk mode, see Opera's page for description:
const char kKiosk[] = "kiosk";
// Make windows stays on the top of all other windows.
const char kAlwaysOnTop[] = "always-on-top";
const char kNodeIntegration[] = "node-integration";
const char kAlwaysOnTop[] = "alwaysOnTop";
// Enable the NSView to accept first mouse event.
const char kAcceptFirstMouse[] = "accept-first-mouse";
const char kAcceptFirstMouse[] = "acceptFirstMouse";
// Whether window size should include window frame.
const char kUseContentSize[] = "use-content-size";
const char kUseContentSize[] = "useContentSize";
// The requested title bar style for the window
const char kTitleBarStyle[] = "title-bar-style";
// The WebPreferences.
const char kWebPreferences[] = "web-preferences";
// The factor of which page should be zoomed.
const char kZoomFactor[] = "zoom-factor";
const char kTitleBarStyle[] = "titleBarStyle";
// The menu bar is hidden unless "Alt" is pressed.
const char kAutoHideMenuBar[] = "auto-hide-menu-bar";
const char kAutoHideMenuBar[] = "autoHideMenuBar";
// Enable window to be resized larger than screen.
const char kEnableLargerThanScreen[] = "enable-larger-than-screen";
const char kEnableLargerThanScreen[] = "enableLargerThanScreen";
// Forces to use dark theme on Linux.
const char kDarkTheme[] = "dark-theme";
const char kDarkTheme[] = "darkTheme";
// Enable DirectWrite on Windows.
const char kDirectWrite[] = "direct-write";
// Whether the window should be transparent.
const char kTransparent[] = "transparent";
// Window type hint.
const char kType[] = "type";
// Disable auto-hiding cursor.
const char kDisableAutoHideCursor[] = "disableAutoHideCursor";
// Use the OS X's standard window instead of the textured window.
const char kStandardWindow[] = "standardWindow";
// Default browser window background color.
const char kBackgroundColor[] = "backgroundColor";
// The WebPreferences.
const char kWebPreferences[] = "webPreferences";
// The factor of which page should be zoomed.
const char kZoomFactor[] = "zoomFactor";
// Script that will be loaded by guest WebContents before other scripts.
const char kPreloadScript[] = "preload";
// Like --preload, but the passed argument is an URL.
const char kPreloadUrl[] = "preloadUrl";
// Enable the node integration.
const char kNodeIntegration[] = "nodeIntegration";
// Instancd ID of guest WebContents.
const char kGuestInstanceID[] = "guestInstanceId";
// Web runtime features.
const char kExperimentalFeatures[] = "experimentalFeatures";
const char kExperimentalCanvasFeatures[] = "experimentalCanvasFeatures";
const char kOverlayScrollbars[] = "overlayScrollbars";
const char kOverlayFullscreenVideo[] = "overlayFullscreenVideo";
const char kSharedWorker[] = "sharedWorker";
// Enable plugins.
const char kEnablePlugins[] = "enable-plugins";
@ -72,43 +101,15 @@ const char kPpapiFlashPath[] = "ppapi-flash-path";
// Ppapi Flash version.
const char kPpapiFlashVersion[] = "ppapi-flash-version";
// Instancd ID of guest WebContents.
const char kGuestInstanceID[] = "guest-instance-id";
// Set page visiblity to always visible.
const char kPageVisibility[] = "page-visibility";
// Script that will be loaded by guest WebContents before other scripts.
const char kPreloadScript[] = "preload";
// Like --preload, but the passed argument is an URL.
const char kPreloadUrl[] = "preload-url";
// Whether the window should be transparent.
const char kTransparent[] = "transparent";
// Window type hint.
const char kType[] = "type";
// Disable auto-hiding cursor.
const char kDisableAutoHideCursor[] = "disable-auto-hide-cursor";
// Use the OS X's standard window instead of the textured window.
const char kStandardWindow[] = "standard-window";
// Default browser window background color.
const char kBackgroundColor[] = "background-color";
// Enable DirectWrite on Windows.
const char kDirectWrite[] = "direct-write";
// Path to client certificate.
const char kClientCertificate[] = "client-certificate";
// Web runtime features.
const char kExperimentalFeatures[] = "experimental-features";
const char kExperimentalCanvasFeatures[] = "experimental-canvas-features";
const char kOverlayScrollbars[] = "overlay-scrollbars";
const char kOverlayFullscreenVideo[] = "overlay-fullscreen-video";
const char kSharedWorker[] = "shared-worker";
// Set page visiblity to always visible.
const char kPageVisibility[] = "page-visibility";
// Disable HTTP cache.
const char kDisableHttpCache[] = "disable-http-cache";
@ -27,41 +27,42 @@ extern const char kFullscreen[];
extern const char kSkipTaskbar[];
extern const char kKiosk[];
extern const char kAlwaysOnTop[];
extern const char kNodeIntegration[];
extern const char kAcceptFirstMouse[];
extern const char kUseContentSize[];
extern const char kTitleBarStyle[];
extern const char kWebPreferences[];
extern const char kZoomFactor[];
extern const char kAutoHideMenuBar[];
extern const char kEnableLargerThanScreen[];
extern const char kDarkTheme[];
extern const char kDirectWrite[];
extern const char kEnablePlugins[];
extern const char kPpapiFlashPath[];
extern const char kPpapiFlashVersion[];
extern const char kGuestInstanceID[];
extern const char kPreloadScript[];
extern const char kPreloadUrl[];
extern const char kTransparent[];
extern const char kType[];
extern const char kDisableAutoHideCursor[];
extern const char kStandardWindow[];
extern const char kBackgroundColor[];
extern const char kClientCertificate[];
extern const char kWebPreferences[];
// WebPreferences.
extern const char kZoomFactor[];
extern const char kPreloadScript[];
extern const char kPreloadUrl[];
extern const char kNodeIntegration[];
extern const char kGuestInstanceID[];
extern const char kExperimentalFeatures[];
extern const char kExperimentalCanvasFeatures[];
extern const char kOverlayScrollbars[];
extern const char kOverlayFullscreenVideo[];
extern const char kSharedWorker[];
extern const char kPageVisibility[];
extern const char kDirectWrite[];
// Following are actually command line switches, should be moved to other files.
extern const char kEnablePlugins[];
extern const char kPpapiFlashPath[];
extern const char kPpapiFlashVersion[];
extern const char kClientCertificate[];
extern const char kDisableHttpCache[];
extern const char kRegisterStandardSchemes[];
extern const char kSSLVersionFallbackMin[];
extern const char kCipherSuiteBlacklist[];
extern const char kAppUserModelId[];
} // namespace switches
@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ v8Util.setHiddenValue global, 'ipc', new events.EventEmitter
# Process command line arguments.
nodeIntegration = 'false'
for arg in process.argv
if arg.indexOf('--guest-instance-id=') == 0
if arg.indexOf('--guestInstanceId=') == 0
# This is a guest web view.
process.guestInstanceId = parseInt arg.substr(arg.indexOf('=') + 1)
else if arg.indexOf('--node-integration=') == 0
else if arg.indexOf('--nodeIntegration=') == 0
nodeIntegration = arg.substr arg.indexOf('=') + 1
else if arg.indexOf('--preload=') == 0
preloadScript = arg.substr arg.indexOf('=') + 1
@ -60,12 +60,6 @@ = (url, frameName='', features='') ->
(options[name] = parseInt(options[name], 10) if options[name]?) for name in ints
# Inherit the node-integration option of current window.
unless options['node-integration']?
for arg in process.argv when arg.indexOf('--node-integration=') is 0
options['node-integration'] = arg.substr(-4) is 'true'
guestId = ipc.sendSync 'ATOM_SHELL_GUEST_WINDOW_MANAGER_WINDOW_OPEN', url, frameName, options
if guestId
new BrowserWindowProxy(guestId)
@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ It creates a new `BrowserWindow` with native properties as set by the `options`.
* `height` Integer - Window's height.
* `x` Integer - Window's left offset from screen.
* `y` Integer - Window's top offset from screen.
* `use-content-size` Boolean - The `width` and `height` would be used as web
* `useContentSize` Boolean - The `width` and `height` would be used as web
page's size, which means the actual window's size will include window
frame's size and be slightly larger.
* `center` Boolean - Show window in the center of the screen.
* `min-width` Integer - Window's minimum width.
* `min-height` Integer - Window's minimum height.
* `max-width` Integer - Window's maximum width.
* `max-height` Integer - Window's maximum height.
* `minWidth` Integer - Window's minimum width.
* `minHeight` Integer - Window's minimum height.
* `maxWidth` Integer - Window's maximum width.
* `maxHeight` Integer - Window's maximum height.
* `resizable` Boolean - Whether window is resizable.
* `always-on-top` Boolean - Whether the window should always stay on top of
* `alwaysOnTop` Boolean - Whether the window should always stay on top of
other windows.
* `fullscreen` Boolean - Whether the window should show in fullscreen. When
set to `false` the fullscreen button will be hidden or disabled on OS X.
* `skip-taskbar` Boolean - Whether to show the window in taskbar.
* `skipTaskbar` Boolean - Whether to show the window in taskbar.
* `kiosk` Boolean - The kiosk mode.
* `title` String - Default window title.
* `icon` [NativeImage]( - The window icon, when omitted on
@ -54,24 +54,24 @@ It creates a new `BrowserWindow` with native properties as set by the `options`.
* `show` Boolean - Whether window should be shown when created.
* `frame` Boolean - Specify `false` to create a
[Frameless Window](
* `accept-first-mouse` Boolean - Whether the web view accepts a single
* `acceptFirstMouse` Boolean - Whether the web view accepts a single
mouse-down event that simultaneously activates the window.
* `disable-auto-hide-cursor` Boolean - Whether to hide cursor when typing.
* `auto-hide-menu-bar` Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt`
* `disableAutoHideCursor` Boolean - Whether to hide cursor when typing.
* `autoHideMenuBar` Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt`
key is pressed.
* `enable-larger-than-screen` Boolean - Enable the window to be resized larger
* `enableLargerThanScreen` Boolean - Enable the window to be resized larger
than screen.
* `background-color` String - Window's background color as Hexadecimal value,
* `backgroundColor` String - Window's background color as Hexadecimal value,
like `#66CD00` or `#FFF`. This is only implemented on Linux and Windows.
* `dark-theme` Boolean - Forces using dark theme for the window, only works on
* `darkTheme` Boolean - Forces using dark theme for the window, only works on
some GTK+3 desktop environments.
* `transparent` Boolean - Makes the window [transparent](
* `type` String - Specifies the type of the window, possible types are
`desktop`, `dock`, `toolbar`, `splash`, `notification`. This only works on
* `standard-window` Boolean - Uses the OS X's standard window instead of the
* `standardWindow` Boolean - Uses the OS X's standard window instead of the
textured window. Defaults to `true`.
* `title-bar-style` String, OS X - specifies the style of window title bar.
* `titleBarStyle` String, OS X - specifies the style of window title bar.
This option is supported on OS X 10.10 Yosemite and newer. There are three
possible values:
* `default` or not specified results in the standard gray opaque Mac title
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ It creates a new `BrowserWindow` with native properties as set by the `options`.
the top left.
* `hidden-inset` results in a hidden title bar with an alternative look
where the traffic light buttons are slightly more inset from the window edge.
* `web-preferences` Object - Settings of web page's features, properties:
* `node-integration` Boolean - Whether node integration is enabled. Default
* `webPreferences` Object - Settings of web page's features, properties:
* `nodeIntegration` Boolean - Whether node integration is enabled. Default
is `true`.
* `preload` String - Specifies a script that will be loaded before other
scripts run in the page. This script will always have access to node APIs
@ -94,31 +94,31 @@ It creates a new `BrowserWindow` with native properties as set by the `options`.
prefix, the page will use an in-memory session. By assigning the same
`partition`, multiple pages can share the same session. If the `partition`
is unset then default session of the app will be used.
* `zoom-factor` Number - The default zoom factor of the page, `3.0` represents
* `zoomFactor` Number - The default zoom factor of the page, `3.0` represents
* `javascript` Boolean
* `web-security` Boolean - When setting `false`, it will disable the
* `webSecurity` Boolean - When setting `false`, it will disable the
same-origin policy (Usually using testing websites by people), and set
`allow_displaying_insecure_content` and `allow_running_insecure_content` to
`allowDisplayingInsecureContent` and `allowRunningInsecureContent` to
`true` if these two options are not set by user.
* `allow-displaying-insecure-content` Boolean - Allow an https page to display
* `allowDisplayingInsecureContent` Boolean - Allow an https page to display
content like images from http URLs.
* `allow-running-insecure-content` Boolean - Allow a https page to run
* `allowRunningInsecureContent` Boolean - Allow a https page to run
JavaScript, CSS or plugins from http URLs.
* `images` Boolean
* `java` Boolean
* `text-areas-are-resizable` Boolean
* `textAreasAreResizable` Boolean
* `webgl` Boolean
* `webaudio` Boolean
* `plugins` Boolean - Whether plugins should be enabled.
* `experimental-features` Boolean
* `experimental-canvas-features` Boolean
* `overlay-scrollbars` Boolean
* `overlay-fullscreen-video` Boolean
* `shared-worker` Boolean
* `direct-write` Boolean - Whether the DirectWrite font rendering system on
* `experimentalFeatures` Boolean
* `experimentalCanvasFeatures` Boolean
* `overlayScrollbars` Boolean
* `overlayFullscreenVideo` Boolean
* `sharedWorker` Boolean
* `directWrite` Boolean - Whether the DirectWrite font rendering system on
Windows is enabled.
* `page-visibility` Boolean - Page would be forced to be always in visible
* `pageVisibility` Boolean - Page would be forced to be always in visible
or hidden state once set, instead of reflecting current window's
visibility. Users can set it to `true` to prevent throttling of DOM
@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ Enables remote debugging over HTTP on the specified `port`.
## --proxy-server=`address:port`
Use a specified proxy server, which overrides the system setting. This switch only
affects HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Use a specified proxy server, which overrides the system setting. This switch
only affects requests with HTTP protocol, including HTTPS and WebSocket
requests. It is also noteworthy that not all proxy servers support HTTPS and
WebSocket requests.
## --proxy-pac-url=`url`
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ a renderer will be emitted to this module.
## Sending Messages
It is also possible to send messages from the main process to the renderer
process, see [WebContents.send][webcontents-send] for more information.
process, see [webContents.send][webcontents-send] for more information.
* When sending a message, the event name is the `channel`.
* To reply a synchronous message, you need to set `event.returnValue`.
@ -66,6 +66,6 @@ Set this to the value to be returned in a synchronous message.
Returns the `webContents` that sent the message, you can call
`event.sender.send` to reply to the asynchronous message, see
[WebContents.send][webcontents-send] for more information.
[webContents.send][webcontents-send] for more information.
@ -112,6 +112,10 @@ Emitted when the tray balloon is clicked.
Emitted when the tray balloon is closed because of timeout or user manually
closes it.
### Event: 'drop' _OS X_
Emitted when any dragged items are dropped on the tray icon.
### Event: 'drop-files' _OS X_
* `event`
@ -119,6 +123,18 @@ closes it.
Emitted when dragged files are dropped in the tray icon.
### Event: 'drag-enter' _OS X_
Emitted when a drag operation enters the tray icon.
### Event: 'drag-leave' _OS X_
Emitted when a drag operation exits the tray icon.
### Event: 'drag-end' _OS X_
Emitted when a drag operation ends on the tray or ends at another location.
## Methods
The `Tray` module has the following methods:
@ -46,9 +46,12 @@ var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var driver = new webdriver.Builder()
// The "9515" is the port opened by chrome driver.
.withCapabilities({chromeOptions: {
chromeOptions: {
// Here is the path to your Electron binary.
binary: '/'}})
binary: '/',
@ -96,7 +99,10 @@ var options = {
port: 9515, // "9515" is the port opened by chrome driver.
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {binary: '/'} // Path to your Electron binary.
chromeOptions: {
binary: '/Path-to-Your-App/electron', // Path to your Electron binary.
args: [/* cli arguments */] // Optional, perhaps 'app=' + /path/to/your/app/
@ -119,4 +125,8 @@ To test your application without rebuilding Electron, simply
your app source into Electron's resource directory.
Alternatively, pass an argument to run with your electron binary that points to
your app's folder. This eliminates the need to copy-paste your app into
Electron's resource directory.
@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ describe 'browser-window module', ->
w.setResizable not w.isResizable()
assert.deepEqual s, w.getSize()
describe '"use-content-size" option', ->
describe '"useContentSize" option', ->
it 'make window created with content size when used', ->
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, 'use-content-size': true)
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, useContentSize: true)
contentSize = w.getContentSize()
assert.equal contentSize[0], 400
assert.equal contentSize[1], 400
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ describe 'browser-window module', ->
it 'works for framless window', ->
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, frame: false, width: 400, height: 400, 'use-content-size': true)
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, frame: false, width: 400, height: 400, useContentSize: true)
contentSize = w.getContentSize()
assert.equal contentSize[0], 400
assert.equal contentSize[1], 400
@ -167,22 +167,22 @@ describe 'browser-window module', ->
it 'creates browser window with hidden title bar', ->
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, 'title-bar-style': 'hidden')
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, titleBarStyle: 'hidden')
contentSize = w.getContentSize()
assert.equal contentSize[1], 400
it 'creates browser window with hidden inset title bar', ->
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, 'title-bar-style': 'hidden-inset')
w = new BrowserWindow(show: false, width: 400, height: 400, titleBarStyle: 'hidden-inset')
contentSize = w.getContentSize()
assert.equal contentSize[1], 400
describe '"enable-larger-than-screen" option', ->
describe '"enableLargerThanScreen" option', ->
return if process.platform is 'linux'
beforeEach ->
w = new BrowserWindow(show: true, width: 400, height: 400, 'enable-larger-than-screen': true)
w = new BrowserWindow(show: true, width: 400, height: 400, enableLargerThanScreen: true)
it 'can move the window out of screen', ->
w.setPosition -10, -10
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ describe 'browser-window module', ->
w = new BrowserWindow
show: false
preload: preload
w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'preload.html')
@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ describe 'browser-window module', ->
w = new BrowserWindow
show: false
preload: preload
'node-integration': false
nodeIntegration: false
w.loadUrl 'file://' + path.join(fixtures, 'api', 'blank.html')
describe 'beforeunload handler', ->
@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ describe 'crash-reporter module', ->
it 'should send minidump when renderer crashes', (done) ->
@timeout 120000
called = false
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
form = new multiparty.Form()
form.parse req, (error, fields, files) ->
# This callback can be called for twice sometimes.
return if called
called = true
assert.equal fields['prod'], 'Electron'
assert.equal fields['ver'], process.versions['electron']
assert.equal fields['process_type'], 'renderer'
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ describe 'chromium feature', ->
window.addEventListener 'message', listener
b = "file://#{fixtures}/pages/window-opener-node.html", '', 'node-integration=no,show=no'
b = "file://#{fixtures}/pages/window-opener-node.html", '', 'nodeIntegration=no,show=no'
it 'inherit options of parent window', (done) ->
listener = (event) ->
@ -1 +1 @@
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@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 21cda4e7fcff592f33f989c1fea575658281711d
Subproject commit 93984941005bab194a2d47aff655d525c064efcb
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