Update headings/sections to follow docs styleguide
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 127 additions and 125 deletions
@ -14,19 +14,31 @@ const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron');
let win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 1500});
let webContents = win.webContents;
let contents = win.webContents;
## Events
## Methods
The `webContents` object emits the following events:
### `webContents.getAllWebContents()`
### Event: 'did-finish-load'
Returns an array of all web contents. This will contain web contents for all
windows, webviews, opened devtools, and devtools extension background pages.
### `webContents.getFocusedWebContents()`
Returns the web contents that is focused in this application, otherwise
returns `null`.
## Class: WebContents
### Instance Events
#### Event: 'did-finish-load'
Emitted when the navigation is done, i.e. the spinner of the tab has stopped
spinning, and the `onload` event was dispatched.
### Event: 'did-fail-load'
#### Event: 'did-fail-load'
@ -42,7 +54,7 @@ The full list of error codes and their meaning is available [here](https://code.
Note that redirect responses will emit `errorCode` -3; you may want to ignore
that error explicitly.
### Event: 'did-frame-finish-load'
#### Event: 'did-frame-finish-load'
@ -51,15 +63,15 @@ Returns:
Emitted when a frame has done navigation.
### Event: 'did-start-loading'
#### Event: 'did-start-loading'
Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab started spinning.
### Event: 'did-stop-loading'
#### Event: 'did-stop-loading'
Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab stopped spinning.
### Event: 'did-get-response-details'
#### Event: 'did-get-response-details'
@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ Returns:
Emitted when details regarding a requested resource are available.
`status` indicates the socket connection to download the resource.
### Event: 'did-get-redirect-request'
#### Event: 'did-get-redirect-request'
@ -91,7 +103,7 @@ Returns:
Emitted when a redirect is received while requesting a resource.
### Event: 'dom-ready'
#### Event: 'dom-ready'
@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ Returns:
Emitted when the document in the given frame is loaded.
### Event: 'page-favicon-updated'
#### Event: 'page-favicon-updated'
@ -108,7 +120,7 @@ Returns:
Emitted when page receives favicon urls.
### Event: 'new-window'
#### Event: 'new-window'
@ -127,7 +139,7 @@ By default a new `BrowserWindow` will be created for the `url`.
Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent creating new windows.
### Event: 'will-navigate'
#### Event: 'will-navigate'
@ -146,7 +158,7 @@ this purpose.
Calling `event.preventDefault()` will prevent the navigation.
### Event: 'did-navigate'
#### Event: 'did-navigate'
@ -159,7 +171,7 @@ This event is not emitted for in-page navigations, such as clicking anchor links
or updating the `window.location.hash`. Use `did-navigate-in-page` event for
this purpose.
### Event: 'did-navigate-in-page'
#### Event: 'did-navigate-in-page'
@ -172,11 +184,11 @@ When in-page navigation happens, the page URL changes but does not cause
navigation outside of the page. Examples of this occurring are when anchor links
are clicked or when the DOM `hashchange` event is triggered.
### Event: 'crashed'
#### Event: 'crashed'
Emitted when the renderer process has crashed.
### Event: 'plugin-crashed'
#### Event: 'plugin-crashed'
@ -186,23 +198,23 @@ Returns:
Emitted when a plugin process has crashed.
### Event: 'destroyed'
#### Event: 'destroyed'
Emitted when `webContents` is destroyed.
### Event: 'devtools-opened'
#### Event: 'devtools-opened'
Emitted when DevTools is opened.
### Event: 'devtools-closed'
#### Event: 'devtools-closed'
Emitted when DevTools is closed.
### Event: 'devtools-focused'
#### Event: 'devtools-focused'
Emitted when DevTools is focused / opened.
### Event: 'certificate-error'
#### Event: 'certificate-error'
@ -219,7 +231,7 @@ Emitted when failed to verify the `certificate` for `url`.
The usage is the same with [the `certificate-error` event of
### Event: 'select-client-certificate'
#### Event: 'select-client-certificate'
@ -235,7 +247,7 @@ Emitted when a client certificate is requested.
The usage is the same with [the `select-client-certificate` event of
### Event: 'login'
#### Event: 'login'
@ -256,7 +268,7 @@ Emitted when `webContents` wants to do basic auth.
The usage is the same with [the `login` event of `app`](app.md#event-login).
### Event: 'found-in-page'
#### Event: 'found-in-page'
@ -271,15 +283,15 @@ Returns:
Emitted when a result is available for
[`webContents.findInPage`](web-contents.md#webcontentsfindinpage) request.
### Event: 'media-started-playing'
#### Event: 'media-started-playing'
Emitted when media starts playing.
### Event: 'media-paused'
#### Event: 'media-paused'
Emitted when media is paused or done playing.
### Event: 'did-change-theme-color'
#### Event: 'did-change-theme-color'
Emitted when a page's theme color changes. This is usually due to encountering
a meta tag:
@ -288,7 +300,7 @@ a meta tag:
<meta name='theme-color' content='#ff0000'>
### Event: 'update-target-url'
#### Event: 'update-target-url'
@ -297,7 +309,7 @@ Returns:
Emitted when mouse moves over a link or the keyboard moves the focus to a link.
### Event: 'cursor-changed'
#### Event: 'cursor-changed'
@ -319,7 +331,7 @@ If the `type` parameter is `custom`, the `image` parameter will hold the custom
cursor image in a `NativeImage`, and the `scale` will hold scaling information
for the image.
### Event: 'context-menu'
#### Event: 'context-menu'
@ -384,7 +396,7 @@ The `editFlags` is an object with the following properties:
Emitted when there is a new context menu that needs to be handled.
### Event: 'select-bluetooth-device'
#### Event: 'select-bluetooth-device'
@ -420,25 +432,9 @@ app.on('ready', () => {
## Static Methods
### Instance Methods
The `webContents` class has the following static methods:
#### `webContents.getAllWebContents()`
Returns an array of all web contents. This will contain web contents for all
windows, webviews, opened devtools, and devtools extension background pages.
#### `webContents.getFocusedWebContents()`
Returns the web contents that is focused in this application, otherwise
returns `null`.
## Instance Methods
The `webContents` object has the following instance methods:
### `webContents.loadURL(url[, options])`
#### `contents.loadURL(url[, options])`
* `url` URL
* `options` Object (optional)
@ -455,14 +451,14 @@ const options = {extraHeaders: 'pragma: no-cache\n'};
webContents.loadURL(url, options);
### `webContents.downloadURL(url)`
#### `contents.downloadURL(url)`
* `url` URL
Initiates a download of the resource at `url` without navigating. The
`will-download` event of `session` will be triggered.
### `webContents.getURL()`
#### `contents.getURL()`
Returns URL of the current web page.
@ -473,99 +469,99 @@ win.loadURL('http://github.com');
let currentURL = win.webContents.getURL();
### `webContents.getTitle()`
#### `contents.getTitle()`
Returns the title of the current web page.
### `webContents.isFocused()`
#### `contents.isFocused()`
Returns a Boolean, whether the web page is focused.
### `webContents.isLoading()`
#### `contents.isLoading()`
Returns whether web page is still loading resources.
### `webContents.isLoadingMainFrame()`
#### `contents.isLoadingMainFrame()`
Returns whether the main frame (and not just iframes or frames within it) is
still loading.
### `webContents.isWaitingForResponse()`
#### `contents.isWaitingForResponse()`
Returns whether the web page is waiting for a first-response from the main
resource of the page.
### `webContents.stop()`
#### `contents.stop()`
Stops any pending navigation.
### `webContents.reload()`
#### `contents.reload()`
Reloads the current web page.
### `webContents.reloadIgnoringCache()`
#### `contents.reloadIgnoringCache()`
Reloads current page and ignores cache.
### `webContents.canGoBack()`
#### `contents.canGoBack()`
Returns whether the browser can go back to previous web page.
### `webContents.canGoForward()`
#### `contents.canGoForward()`
Returns whether the browser can go forward to next web page.
### `webContents.canGoToOffset(offset)`
#### `contents.canGoToOffset(offset)`
* `offset` Integer
Returns whether the web page can go to `offset`.
### `webContents.clearHistory()`
#### `contents.clearHistory()`
Clears the navigation history.
### `webContents.goBack()`
#### `contents.goBack()`
Makes the browser go back a web page.
### `webContents.goForward()`
#### `contents.goForward()`
Makes the browser go forward a web page.
### `webContents.goToIndex(index)`
#### `contents.goToIndex(index)`
* `index` Integer
Navigates browser to the specified absolute web page index.
### `webContents.goToOffset(offset)`
#### `contents.goToOffset(offset)`
* `offset` Integer
Navigates to the specified offset from the "current entry".
### `webContents.isCrashed()`
#### `contents.isCrashed()`
Whether the renderer process has crashed.
### `webContents.setUserAgent(userAgent)`
#### `contents.setUserAgent(userAgent)`
* `userAgent` String
Overrides the user agent for this web page.
### `webContents.getUserAgent()`
#### `contents.getUserAgent()`
Returns a `String` representing the user agent for this web page.
### `webContents.insertCSS(css)`
#### `contents.insertCSS(css)`
* `css` String
Injects CSS into the current web page.
### `webContents.executeJavaScript(code[, userGesture, callback])`
#### `contents.executeJavaScript(code[, userGesture, callback])`
* `code` String
* `userGesture` Boolean (optional)
@ -578,71 +574,71 @@ In the browser window some HTML APIs like `requestFullScreen` can only be
invoked by a gesture from the user. Setting `userGesture` to `true` will remove
this limitation.
### `webContents.setAudioMuted(muted)`
#### `contents.setAudioMuted(muted)`
* `muted` Boolean
Mute the audio on the current web page.
### `webContents.isAudioMuted()`
#### `contents.isAudioMuted()`
Returns whether this page has been muted.
### `webContents.undo()`
#### `contents.undo()`
Executes the editing command `undo` in web page.
### `webContents.redo()`
#### `contents.redo()`
Executes the editing command `redo` in web page.
### `webContents.cut()`
#### `contents.cut()`
Executes the editing command `cut` in web page.
### `webContents.copy()`
#### `contents.copy()`
Executes the editing command `copy` in web page.
### `webContents.paste()`
#### `contents.paste()`
Executes the editing command `paste` in web page.
### `webContents.pasteAndMatchStyle()`
#### `contents.pasteAndMatchStyle()`
Executes the editing command `pasteAndMatchStyle` in web page.
### `webContents.delete()`
#### `contents.delete()`
Executes the editing command `delete` in web page.
### `webContents.selectAll()`
#### `contents.selectAll()`
Executes the editing command `selectAll` in web page.
### `webContents.unselect()`
#### `contents.unselect()`
Executes the editing command `unselect` in web page.
### `webContents.replace(text)`
#### `contents.replace(text)`
* `text` String
Executes the editing command `replace` in web page.
### `webContents.replaceMisspelling(text)`
#### `contents.replaceMisspelling(text)`
* `text` String
Executes the editing command `replaceMisspelling` in web page.
### `webContents.insertText(text)`
#### `contents.insertText(text)`
* `text` String
Inserts `text` to the focused element.
### `webContents.findInPage(text[, options])`
#### `contents.findInPage(text[, options])`
* `text` String - Content to be searched, must not be empty.
* `options` Object (optional)
@ -663,7 +659,7 @@ an `Integer` representing the request id used for the request. The result of
the request can be obtained by subscribing to
[`found-in-page`](web-contents.md#event-found-in-page) event.
### `webContents.stopFindInPage(action)`
#### `contents.stopFindInPage(action)`
* `action` String - Specifies the action to take place when ending
[`webContents.findInPage`](web-contents.md#webcontentfindinpage) request.
@ -682,7 +678,7 @@ webContents.on('found-in-page', (event, result) => {
const requestId = webContents.findInPage('api');
### `webContents.capturePage([rect, ]callback)`
#### `contents.capturePage([rect, ]callback)`
* `rect` Object (optional) - The area of the page to be captured
* `x` Integer
@ -696,14 +692,14 @@ be called with `callback(image)`. The `image` is an instance of
[NativeImage](native-image.md) that stores data of the snapshot. Omitting
`rect` will capture the whole visible page.
### `webContents.hasServiceWorker(callback)`
#### `contents.hasServiceWorker(callback)`
* `callback` Function
Checks if any ServiceWorker is registered and returns a boolean as
response to `callback`.
### `webContents.unregisterServiceWorker(callback)`
#### `contents.unregisterServiceWorker(callback)`
* `callback` Function
@ -711,7 +707,7 @@ Unregisters any ServiceWorker if present and returns a boolean as
response to `callback` when the JS promise is fulfilled or false
when the JS promise is rejected.
### `webContents.print([options])`
#### `contents.print([options])`
* `options` Object (optional)
* `silent` Boolean - Don't ask user for print settings. Default is `false`.
@ -724,7 +720,7 @@ up system's default printer and default settings for printing.
Calling `window.print()` in web page is equivalent to calling
`webContents.print({silent: false, printBackground: false})`.
### `webContents.printToPDF(options, callback)`
#### `contents.printToPDF(options, callback)`
* `options` Object
* `marginsType` Integer - Specifies the type of margins to use. Uses 0 for
@ -776,7 +772,7 @@ win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
### `webContents.addWorkSpace(path)`
#### `contents.addWorkSpace(path)`
* `path` String
@ -789,13 +785,13 @@ win.webContents.on('devtools-opened', () => {
### `webContents.removeWorkSpace(path)`
#### `contents.removeWorkSpace(path)`
* `path` String
Removes the specified path from DevTools workspace.
### `webContents.openDevTools([options])`
#### `contents.openDevTools([options])`
* `options` Object (optional)
* `mode` String - Opens the devtools with specified dock state, can be
@ -804,34 +800,34 @@ Removes the specified path from DevTools workspace.
Opens the devtools.
### `webContents.closeDevTools()`
#### `contents.closeDevTools()`
Closes the devtools.
### `webContents.isDevToolsOpened()`
#### `contents.isDevToolsOpened()`
Returns whether the devtools is opened.
### `webContents.isDevToolsFocused()`
#### `contents.isDevToolsFocused()`
Returns whether the devtools view is focused .
### `webContents.toggleDevTools()`
#### `contents.toggleDevTools()`
Toggles the developer tools.
### `webContents.inspectElement(x, y)`
#### `contents.inspectElement(x, y)`
* `x` Integer
* `y` Integer
Starts inspecting element at position (`x`, `y`).
### `webContents.inspectServiceWorker()`
#### `contents.inspectServiceWorker()`
Opens the developer tools for the service worker context.
### `webContents.send(channel[, arg1][, arg2][, ...])`
#### `contents.send(channel[, arg1][, arg2][, ...])`
* `channel` String
* `arg` (optional)
@ -871,7 +867,7 @@ app.on('ready', () => {
### `webContents.enableDeviceEmulation(parameters)`
#### `contents.enableDeviceEmulation(parameters)`
`parameters` Object, properties:
@ -902,11 +898,11 @@ app.on('ready', () => {
Enable device emulation with the given parameters.
### `webContents.disableDeviceEmulation()`
#### `contents.disableDeviceEmulation()`
Disable device emulation enabled by `webContents.enableDeviceEmulation`.
### `webContents.sendInputEvent(event)`
#### `contents.sendInputEvent(event)`
* `event` Object
* `type` String (**required**) - The type of the event, can be `mouseDown`,
@ -947,7 +943,7 @@ For the `mouseWheel` event, the `event` object also have following properties:
* `hasPreciseScrollingDeltas` Boolean
* `canScroll` Boolean
### `webContents.beginFrameSubscription([onlyDirty ,]callback)`
#### `contents.beginFrameSubscription([onlyDirty ,]callback)`
* `onlyDirty` Boolean (optional) - Defaults to `false`
* `callback` Function
@ -967,11 +963,11 @@ describes which part of the page was repainted. If `onlyDirty` is set to
`true`, `frameBuffer` will only contain the repainted area. `onlyDirty`
defaults to `false`.
### `webContents.endFrameSubscription()`
#### `contents.endFrameSubscription()`
End subscribing for frame presentation events.
### `webContents.startDrag(item)`
#### `contents.startDrag(item)`
* `item` object
* `file` String
@ -981,7 +977,7 @@ Sets the `item` as dragging item for current drag-drop operation, `file` is the
absolute path of the file to be dragged, and `icon` is the image showing under
the cursor when dragging.
### `webContents.savePage(fullPath, saveType, callback)`
#### `contents.savePage(fullPath, saveType, callback)`
* `fullPath` String - The full file path.
* `saveType` String - Specify the save type.
@ -1004,34 +1000,36 @@ win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
### `webContents.showDefinitionForSelection()` _macOS_
#### `contents.showDefinitionForSelection()` _macOS_
Shows pop-up dictionary that searches the selected word on the page.
## Instance Properties
### Instance Properties
`WebContents` objects also have the following properties:
### `webContents.id`
#### `contents.id`
The unique ID of this WebContents.
### `webContents.session`
#### `contents.session`
Returns the [session](session.md) object used by this webContents.
### `webContents.hostWebContents`
#### `contents.hostWebContents`
Returns the `WebContents` that might own this `WebContents`.
### `webContents.devToolsWebContents`
#### `contents.devToolsWebContents`
Get the `WebContents` of DevTools for this `WebContents`.
**Note:** Users should never store this object because it may become `null`
when the DevTools has been closed.
### `webContents.debugger`
#### `contents.debugger`
Get the debugger instance for this webContents.
## Class: Debugger
Debugger API serves as an alternate transport for [remote debugging protocol][rdp].
@ -1056,21 +1054,23 @@ win.webContents.debugger.on('message', (event, method, params) => {
#### `webContents.debugger.attach([protocolVersion])`
### Instance Methods
#### `debugger.attach([protocolVersion])`
* `protocolVersion` String (optional) - Requested debugging protocol version.
Attaches the debugger to the `webContents`.
#### `webContents.debugger.isAttached()`
#### `debugger.isAttached()`
Returns a boolean indicating whether a debugger is attached to the `webContents`.
#### `webContents.debugger.detach()`
#### `debugger.detach()`
Detaches the debugger from the `webContents`.
#### `webContents.debugger.sendCommand(method[, commandParams, callback])`
#### `debugger.sendCommand(method[, commandParams, callback])`
* `method` String - Method name, should be one of the methods defined by the
remote debugging protocol.
@ -1082,6 +1082,8 @@ Detaches the debugger from the `webContents`.
Send given command to the debugging target.
### Instance Events
#### Event: 'detach'
* `event` Event
Reference in a new issue