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This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 14 additions and 31 deletions
@ -112,56 +112,39 @@ fs.readFileSync('/path/to/example.asar');
儘管 `asar` 壓縮檔被視為目錄,卻並沒有真正的目錄在檔案系統中,所以你永遠無法將使用中的目錄設定成 `asar` 壓縮檔中的目錄,把他們以 `cwd` 選項的方式傳遞,對某些 API 也會造成錯誤。
### Extra Unpacking on Some APIs
### 更多透過 API 拆封的方法
Most `fs` APIs can read a file or get a file's information from `asar` archives
without unpacking, but for some APIs that rely on passing the real file path to
underlying system calls, Electron will extract the needed file into a
temporary file and pass the path of the temporary file to the APIs to make them
work. This adds a little overhead for those APIs.
大部分 `fs` API 可以讀取一個檔案,或是不用拆封就從 `asar` 壓縮檔中取得一個檔案的資訊,但對一些需要傳遞真實檔案路徑給現行系統呼叫的 API ,Electron 將會解開需要的檔案到一個暫時的檔案,然後傳遞該暫時檔案的路徑給那些 API 以便使他們可以運作,這會增加這些 API 一點負擔。
APIs that requires extra unpacking are:
需要額外拆封的 API :
* `child_process.execFile`
* `child_process.execFileSync`
* ``
* `fs.openSync`
* `process.dlopen` - Used by `require` on native modules
* `process.dlopen` - 在原生模組中被 `require` 使用
### Fake Stat Information of `fs.stat`
### `fs.stat` 的不真實的狀態資訊
The `Stats` object returned by `fs.stat` and its friends on files in `asar`
archives is generated by guessing, because those files do not exist on the
filesystem. So you should not trust the `Stats` object except for getting file
size and checking file type.
`fs.stat` 回傳的 `Stats` 物件和它在 `asar` 壓縮檔中的檔案朋友都是以猜測的方式產生的,因為那些檔案不存在檔案系統,所以你不應該信任 `Stats` 物件,除了取得檔案大小和確認檔案型態之外。
### Executing Binaries Inside `asar` Archive
### 執行 `asar` 壓縮檔中的二進位檔
There are Node APIs that can execute binaries like `child_process.exec`,
`child_process.spawn` and `child_process.execFile`, but only `execFile` is
supported to execute binaries inside `asar` archive.
有像是 `child_process.exec`、`child_process.spawn` 和 `child_process.execFile` 的 Node APIs 可以執行二進位檔,但只有 `execFile` 是 `asar` 壓縮檔中可以執行二進位檔的。
This is because `exec` and `spawn` accept `command` instead of `file` as input,
and `command`s are executed under shell. There is no reliable way to determine
whether a command uses a file in asar archive, and even if we do, we can not be
sure whether we can replace the path in command without side effects.
這是因為 `exec` 和 `spawn` 接受的輸入是 `command` 而不是 `file`,而 `command` 們都是在 shell 底下執行,我們找不到可靠的方法來決定是否一個命令使用一個在 `asar` 壓縮檔中的檔案,而儘管我們找得到,我們也無法確定是否我們可以在沒有外部影響(side effect)的情況下替換掉命令中的路徑。
## Adding Unpacked Files in `asar` Archive
## 加入拆封檔案到 `asar` 壓縮檔中
As stated above, some Node APIs will unpack the file to filesystem when
calling, apart from the performance issues, it could also lead to false alerts
of virus scanners.
如前述,一些 Node API 再被呼叫時會拆封檔案到檔案系統,除了效能議題外,它也會導致掃毒軟體發出 false alerts。
To work around this, you can unpack some files creating archives by using the
`--unpack` option, an example of excluding shared libraries of native modules
要繞過這個問題,你可以透過使用 `--unpack` 選向來拆封一些建立壓縮檔的檔案,以下是一個不包含共享原生模組的函式庫的例子:
$ asar pack app app.asar --unpack *.node
After running the command, apart from the `app.asar`, there is also an
`app.asar.unpacked` folder generated which contains the unpacked files, you
should copy it together with `app.asar` when shipping it to users.
執行這個命令以後,除了 `app.asar` 以外,還有一個帶有拆封檔案的 `app.asar.unpacked` 資料夾被產生出來,當你要發布給使用者時,你應該把它和 `app.asar` 一起複。
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