Handle when in-page entries are cleared

This commit is contained in:
Cheng Zhao 2015-05-11 16:37:53 +08:00
parent 82ffa4d2b1
commit 2bb7497312

View file

@ -14,22 +14,28 @@ class NavigationController
@history = []
@currentIndex = -1
@pendingIndex = -1
@inPageIndex = -1
@webContents.on 'navigation-entry-commited', (event, url, inPage, replaceEntry) =>
console.log 'navigation-entry-commited', url, inPage, replaceEntry
if @inPageIndex > -1 and not inPage
# Navigated to a new page, clear in-page mark.
@inPageIndex = -1
else if @inPageIndex is -1 and inPage
# Started in-page navigations.
@inPageIndex = @currentIndex
if @pendingIndex >= 0 # Go to index.
@currentIndex = @pendingIndex
@pendingIndex = -1
@history[@currentIndex] = {url, inPage}
@history[@currentIndex] = url
else if replaceEntry # Non-user initialized navigation.
@history[@currentIndex] = {url, inPage}
@history[@currentIndex] = url
else # Normal navigation.
@history = @history.slice 0, @currentIndex + 1 # Clear history.
currentEntry = @history[@currentIndex]
if currentEntry?.url isnt url or currentEntry?.inPage isnt inPage
if currentEntry?.url isnt url
@history.push {url, inPage}
@history.push url
loadUrl: (url, options={}) ->
@pendingIndex = -1
@ -39,7 +45,7 @@ class NavigationController
if @currentIndex is -1
stop: ->
@pendingIndex = -1
@ -68,20 +74,18 @@ class NavigationController
goBack: ->
return unless @canGoBack()
@pendingIndex = @getActiveIndex() - 1
pendingEntry = @history[@pendingIndex]
if pendingEntry.inPage
if @inPageIndex > -1 and @pendingIndex >= @inPageIndex
@webContents._loadUrl pendingEntry.url, {}
@webContents._loadUrl @history[@pendingIndex], {}
goForward: ->
return unless @canGoForward()
@pendingIndex = @getActiveIndex() + 1
pendingEntry = @history[@pendingIndex]
if pendingEntry.inPage
if @inPageIndex > -1 and @pendingIndex >= @inPageIndex
@webContents._loadUrl pendingEntry.url, {}
@webContents._loadUrl @history[@pendingIndex], {}
goToIndex: (index) ->
return unless @canGoToIndex index