Skip the net.connect test on Windows.

This commit is contained in:
Cheng Zhao 2014-07-25 15:02:17 +08:00
parent 92a0a4cf6c
commit 2afd3a85a9

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@ -77,11 +77,9 @@ describe 'node feature', ->
describe 'net.connect', ->
it 'emit error when connect to a socket path without listeners', (done) ->
socketPath =
if process.platform is 'win32'
path.join os.tmpdir(), 'atom-shell-test.sock'
return done() if process.platform is 'win32'
socketPath = path.join os.tmpdir(), 'atom-shell-test.sock'
script = path.join(fixtures, 'module', 'create_socket.js')
child = child_process.fork script, [socketPath]
child.on 'exit', ->