| Main | Node.js | N/A | <ul><li> [You must use `await` generously before the app's `ready` event](#you-must-use-await-generously-before-the-apps-ready-event) </li></ul> |
| Renderer (Unsandboxed & Context Isolated) | Chromium | Node.js | <ul><li> [Unsandboxed ESM preload scripts will run after page load on pages with no content](#unsandboxed-esm-preload-scripts-will-run-after-page-load-on-pages-with-no-content) </li><li>[ESM Preload Scripts must have the `.mjs` extension](#esm-preload-scripts-must-have-the-mjs-extension)</li></ul> |
| Renderer (Unsandboxed & Non Context Isolated) | Chromium | Node.js | <ul><li>[Unsandboxed ESM preload scripts will run after page load on pages with no content](#unsandboxed-esm-preload-scripts-will-run-after-page-load-on-pages-with-no-content)</li><li>[ESM Preload Scripts must have the `.mjs` extension](#esm-preload-scripts-must-have-the-mjs-extension)</li><li>[ESM preload scripts must be context isolated to use dynamic Node.js ESM imports](#esm-preload-scripts-must-be-context-isolated-to-use-dynamic-nodejs-esm-imports)</li></ul> |
## Main process
Electron's main process runs in a Node.js context and uses its ESM loader. Usage should follow
[Node's ESM documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html). To enable ESM in a file in the
main process, one of the following conditions must be met:
- The file ends with the `.mjs` extension
- The nearest parent package.json has `"type": "module"` set
See Node's [Determining Module System](https://nodejs.org/api/packages.html#determining-module-system)
doc for more details.
### Caveats
#### You must use `await` generously before the app's `ready` event
ES Modules are loaded **asynchronously**. This means that only side effects
from the main process entry point's imports will execute before the `ready` event.
This is important because certain Electron APIs (e.g. [`app.setPath`](../api/app.md#appsetpathname-path))
need to be called **before** the app's `ready` event is emitted.
With top-level `await` available in Node.js ESM, make sure to `await` every Promise that you need to
execute before the `ready` event. Otherwise, your app may be `ready` before your code executes.
This is particularly important to keep in mind for dynamic ESM import statmements (static imports are unaffected).
For example, if `index.mjs` calls `import('./set-up-paths.mjs')` at the top level, the app will
likely already be `ready` by the time that dynamic import resolves.