2013-09-09 10:54:08 +08:00
var app = require ( 'app' ) ;
2014-05-05 16:35:06 +08:00
var dialog = require ( 'dialog' ) ;
2014-05-24 11:18:06 +08:00
var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
2013-07-17 16:21:33 +08:00
var path = require ( 'path' ) ;
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
var Menu = require ( 'menu' ) ;
var BrowserWindow = require ( 'browser-window' ) ;
2013-04-17 20:05:43 +08:00
2013-09-09 10:54:08 +08:00
// Quit when all windows are closed and no other one is listening to this.
app . on ( 'window-all-closed' , function ( ) {
if ( app . listeners ( 'window-all-closed' ) . length == 1 )
app . quit ( ) ;
} ) ;
2014-08-25 19:11:26 +08:00
// Parse command line options.
var argv = process . argv . slice ( 1 ) ;
2015-04-24 14:02:49 -07:00
var option = { file : null , help : null , version : null , webdriver : null } ;
2014-08-25 19:11:26 +08:00
for ( var i in argv ) {
if ( argv [ i ] == '--version' || argv [ i ] == '-v' ) {
option . version = true ;
break ;
2015-04-24 14:02:49 -07:00
} else if ( argv [ i ] == '--help' || argv [ i ] == '-h' ) {
option . help = true ;
break ;
2014-09-12 22:54:00 +08:00
} else if ( argv [ i ] == '--test-type=webdriver' ) {
option . webdriver = true ;
2014-08-25 19:11:26 +08:00
} else if ( argv [ i ] [ 0 ] == '-' ) {
continue ;
} else {
option . file = argv [ i ] ;
break ;
2013-10-03 11:36:17 +08:00
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
// Create default menu.
app . once ( 'ready' , function ( ) {
2015-06-29 13:11:53 +08:00
if ( Menu . getApplicationMenu ( ) )
return ;
2015-09-01 23:34:56 +08:00
var template = [
label : 'Edit' ,
submenu : [
label : 'Undo' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+Z' ,
role : 'undo'
} ,
label : 'Redo' ,
accelerator : 'Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z' ,
role : 'redo'
} ,
type : 'separator'
} ,
label : 'Cut' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+X' ,
role : 'cut'
} ,
label : 'Copy' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+C' ,
role : 'copy'
} ,
label : 'Paste' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+V' ,
role : 'paste'
} ,
label : 'Select All' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+A' ,
role : 'selectall'
} ,
} ,
label : 'View' ,
submenu : [
label : 'Reload' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+R' ,
click : function ( item , focusedWindow ) {
if ( focusedWindow )
focusedWindow . reload ( ) ;
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
2015-09-01 23:34:56 +08:00
} ,
label : 'Toggle Full Screen' ,
accelerator : ( function ( ) {
if ( process . platform == 'darwin' )
return 'Ctrl+Command+F' ;
return 'F11' ;
} ) ( ) ,
click : function ( item , focusedWindow ) {
if ( focusedWindow )
focusedWindow . setFullScreen ( ! focusedWindow . isFullScreen ( ) ) ;
} ,
label : 'Toggle Developer Tools' ,
accelerator : ( function ( ) {
if ( process . platform == 'darwin' )
return 'Alt+Command+I' ;
return 'Ctrl+Shift+I' ;
} ) ( ) ,
click : function ( item , focusedWindow ) {
if ( focusedWindow )
focusedWindow . toggleDevTools ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
label : 'Window' ,
role : 'window' ,
submenu : [
label : 'Minimize' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+M' ,
role : 'minimize'
} ,
label : 'Close' ,
accelerator : 'CmdOrCtrl+W' ,
role : 'close'
} ,
} ,
label : 'Help' ,
role : 'help' ,
submenu : [
label : 'Learn More' ,
click : function ( ) { require ( 'shell' ) . openExternal ( 'http://electron.atom.io' ) }
} ,
label : 'Documentation' ,
click : function ( ) { require ( 'shell' ) . openExternal ( 'https://github.com/atom/electron/tree/master/docs#readme' ) }
} ,
label : 'Community Discussions' ,
click : function ( ) { require ( 'shell' ) . openExternal ( 'https://discuss.atom.io/c/electron' ) }
} ,
label : 'Search Issues' ,
click : function ( ) { require ( 'shell' ) . openExternal ( 'https://github.com/atom/electron/issues' ) }
} ,
] ;
if ( process . platform == 'darwin' ) {
template . unshift ( {
label : 'Electron' ,
submenu : [
label : 'About Electron' ,
role : 'about'
} ,
type : 'separator'
} ,
label : 'Services' ,
role : 'services' ,
submenu : [ ]
} ,
type : 'separator'
} ,
label : 'Hide Electron' ,
accelerator : 'Command+H' ,
role : 'hide'
} ,
label : 'Hide Others' ,
accelerator : 'Command+Shift+H' ,
role : 'hideothers:'
} ,
label : 'Show All' ,
role : 'unhide:'
} ,
type : 'separator'
} ,
label : 'Quit' ,
accelerator : 'Command+Q' ,
click : function ( ) { app . quit ( ) ; }
} ,
} ) ;
template [ 3 ] . submenu . push (
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
2015-09-01 23:34:56 +08:00
type : 'separator'
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
} ,
2015-09-01 23:34:56 +08:00
label : 'Bring All to Front' ,
role : 'front'
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
2015-09-01 23:34:56 +08:00
) ;
2015-06-04 14:54:53 +08:00
var menu = Menu . buildFromTemplate ( template ) ;
Menu . setApplicationMenu ( menu ) ;
} ) ;
2013-07-17 16:21:33 +08:00
// Start the specified app if there is one specified in command line, otherwise
// start the default app.
2014-09-12 22:54:00 +08:00
if ( option . file && ! option . webdriver ) {
2013-07-24 15:20:59 +08:00
try {
2014-05-24 11:18:06 +08:00
// Override app name and version.
2014-08-25 19:11:26 +08:00
var packagePath = path . resolve ( option . file ) ;
2014-05-24 11:18:06 +08:00
var packageJsonPath = path . join ( packagePath , 'package.json' ) ;
if ( fs . existsSync ( packageJsonPath ) ) {
var packageJson = JSON . parse ( fs . readFileSync ( packageJsonPath ) ) ;
if ( packageJson . version )
app . setVersion ( packageJson . version ) ;
if ( packageJson . productName )
app . setName ( packageJson . productName ) ;
else if ( packageJson . name )
app . setName ( packageJson . name ) ;
2015-01-18 17:58:17 -08:00
app . setPath ( 'userData' , path . join ( app . getPath ( 'appData' ) , app . getName ( ) ) ) ;
2015-01-18 21:09:42 -08:00
app . setPath ( 'userCache' , path . join ( app . getPath ( 'cache' ) , app . getName ( ) ) ) ;
2015-07-06 17:35:35 +08:00
app . setAppPath ( packagePath ) ;
2014-05-24 11:18:06 +08:00
// Run the app.
2014-06-22 14:57:11 +08:00
require ( 'module' ) . _load ( packagePath , module , true ) ;
2013-07-24 15:20:59 +08:00
} catch ( e ) {
2014-05-14 16:27:40 +08:00
if ( e . code == 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ) {
app . focus ( ) ;
2015-05-29 14:53:32 +08:00
dialog . showErrorBox ( 'Error opening app' , 'The app provided is not a valid electron app, please read the docs on how to write one:\nhttps://github.com/atom/electron/tree/master/docs\n\n' + e . toString ( ) ) ;
2014-05-14 16:27:40 +08:00
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
} else {
2015-03-02 12:08:12 -08:00
console . error ( 'App threw an error when running' , e ) ;
2014-05-14 16:27:40 +08:00
throw e ;
2013-07-24 15:20:59 +08:00
2014-08-25 19:11:26 +08:00
} else if ( option . version ) {
2015-04-24 14:02:49 -07:00
console . log ( 'v' + process . versions . electron ) ;
process . exit ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( option . help ) {
var helpMessage = "Electron v" + process . versions . electron + " - Cross Platform Desktop Application Shell\n\n" ;
helpMessage += "Usage: electron [options] [path]\n\n" ;
2015-04-24 14:17:15 -07:00
helpMessage += "A path to an Electron application may be specified. The path must be to \n" ;
helpMessage += "an index.js file or to a folder containing a package.json or index.js file.\n\n" ;
2015-04-24 14:02:49 -07:00
helpMessage += "Options:\n" ;
helpMessage += " -h, --help Print this usage message.\n" ;
helpMessage += " -v, --version Print the version." ;
console . log ( helpMessage ) ;
2013-10-03 11:36:17 +08:00
process . exit ( 0 ) ;
2013-07-17 16:21:33 +08:00
} else {
require ( './default_app.js' ) ;
2013-04-15 15:39:54 +08:00