description: 'This guide will step you through the process of creating a barebones Hello World app in Electron, similar to electron/electron-quick-start.'
slug: tutorial-preload
hide_title: false
:::info Follow along the tutorial
This is **part 3** of the Electron tutorial.
1. [Prerequisites][prerequisites]
1. [Building your First App][building your first app]
1.**[Using Preload Scripts][preload]**
1. [Adding Features][features]
1. [Packaging Your Application][packaging]
1. [Publishing and Updating][updates]
## Learning goals
In this part of the tutorial, you will learn what a preload script is and how to use one
to securely expose privileged APIs into the renderer process. You will also learn how to
communicate between main and renderer processes with Electron's inter-process
communication (IPC) modules.
## What is a preload script?
Electron's main process is a Node.js environment that has full operating system access.
On top of [Electron modules][modules], you can also access [Node.js built-ins][node-api],
as well as any packages installed via npm. On the other hand, renderer processes run web
pages and do not run Node.js by default for security reasons.
To bridge Electron's different process types together, we will need to use a special script
called a **preload**.
## Augmenting the renderer with a preload script
A BrowserWindow's preload script runs in a context that has access to both the HTML DOM
and a Node.js environment. Preload scripts are injected before a web page loads in the renderer,
similar to a Chrome extension's [content scripts][content-script]. To add features to your renderer
that require privileged access, you can define [global] objects through the
[contextBridge][contextbridge] API.
To demonstrate this concept, you will create a preload script that exposes your app's
versions of Chrome, Node, and Electron into the renderer.
Add a new `preload.js` script that exposes selected properties of Electron's `process.versions`
object to the renderer process in a `versions` global variable.
```js title="preload.js"
const { contextBridge } = require('electron')
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('versions', {
node: () => process.versions.node,
chrome: () =>,
electron: () => process.versions.electron,
// we can also expose variables, not just functions
To attach this script to your renderer process, pass its path to the
`webPreferences.preload` option in the BrowserWindow constructor: